
4/6/2019 17:01 – Facebook Post

This was sent to me by Isabelle IlicIsabelle
I &I born 21-11
United Kingdom
3 11.. C K.
32 C B. 20 12. “True Love True Life”
@ S.P 1243. 4× 3 =12.
5 E
14 4 N D
Nnamdi David
18. R
180 180 is R M
Reflection and Mirror
360 which makes up the Room (World)
N D/ D N
Are the Two that are Me
E D. N E
4 is 5
N 14= 1 4=5

What grabbed my attention was the codes on this Mass Mediation
Date set at 4-20 Easter: Theme

“Ending Energy of Sacrifice”

That is the story mis interpreted of that of Jesus while my Equation has resolved that Yeshua Christ Nnamdi Line of King David
( The Beloved) has Nothing to do with this evil idea of Sacrifice for others or the greater good but represents Spring Easter
April means “Open”
Tiffany Dawn Haynie

Opening up to change.

Link last portal 29
29 Days in February
2016 was the last Leap Year when February has 29 days..
Once in 4 years.

4 leaps to 5th State
Through the enactment and carefully following the Instructions of Emmanuel
And the E Manual Script.

144. 34 444. 33 33. 12 ..
12 x 12
Jan Dec x 12
12 yrs 12 months
That would be 2007.

6 27
Play of John Mack and Stephen Esteban Miguel FilgueiraEsteban

J S ..10 19.. 29
11 2. K B
Linked to Christopher Filgueira and Kelsie Bissell

11= 1.

K A..

See Busayo Alonge post on KA.
And my passing through 12 years the portals of Ancient Egypt and Kemet

Egyptian Book of the Dead
( E B. O. T.D) TD is 20 4… 24. 3-8.)

And the “Tibetan Book of The Living and The Dead ”
( T.B O T L. A.T. D )

And The Bible Meaning “Book ”
So many Books Holy Books desecrated
*Unbero Ecco. In the Name of the Rose ”

TB.. King James…
“James Whiteside ”

Isis Osiris
Golden Buddha
Bhadgita ; Krishna Vishnu Redha Kali..
Torah; Lot Abraham Moses
Koran ;Mohammed
New Testament : Yeshua Osiris Jesus Mary Mary Martha..

A Library of Books
Akashic Records.
The Body
The Universal Body

I have an Aunt called U.K.
Full name Eucharist Obioma.
She lives closest to me of my entire Bio Family
She lives in New York we were very close, but I have not seen here in 29 yrs
She is a Librarian just as my Mothers late boyfriend Uncle Sam
Un Cle.. S A M. E
U S.

She line to 19 60
Age code 58.

So many Books in the Library
All inside each of you
Natural True
Nikolai Tesla
Play Completes from
2014. 34. ( Age code E.M.F Stephen Filgueria)
7 ..Violet Ti !
18 81

I One The One Father
The Guide.
Home to E H. O M E.

No more Sacrifice
The Lambs of G-od-e
H Ode.
Universal Beings has been proven to be in the Body recorded in Universal Song Lines

The Body as the Instrument of the Universal Harmonics created and aligned in this world from the Bodies in their True Nature of Being instruments in perfection expression in this world of As Below, so Above.
B A.
From a Sub Atomic Particle Unseen to the Imensity and Grandeur of Creation Seen ..abd yet to be Seen
Revelations of Emeka John Stephen Mackayla Esteban.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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