
4/6/2017 21:22 – Facebook Post

From Mbrawa Daniel…


He is also a 976 Face Book Friend….

He arrived before Sipp Zia Melissa… who I called the 4th…

M.D is the 5th…

M.D is the Code of The M.D Sanitary Cleanser given to me by Keith Grant…in 2015…
Yes it is in my Locker installation but not in Room 5…
Room 3-4…

5:49 p.m.
I am his 49th Face Book Friend..

Yes.. Existential Death for the 3-4th Dimensions..
the 11:22 The Twins…
The Gato K.. and the L.B lines which is 2/3rds of the Human Population respond and live in that Expression and manner of Being…

5:31 p.m…

And noticed that I am Lady Sipps 31st Face Book Friend…
She is from Erie Pennsylvania… Pen Silvia…
The Penis Phallus is Female not Male…
The Dark Hole.. Vagina is Male…

Which is Gato’s Foolishness…
Only The One can claim to be the 3 in 1 and the 1 who 1 -2..Egg and Breasts…

Yes Keith called Green Point the Black Hole…
It has two meanings..
Pleasure and Pain…
True Pleasure Prostrate.. G Spot,.
And Horrible Horrible Pain Misery and Suffering
All depending on how you enter it and how you emerge…

Its The 1 Which is Female is called “AMU” in OINri Igbo..
The same word for ‘Laughter’
Isaac ” He who Laughs” Child or Abram Sarah.. SECOND…Son..

Ahu is the name of the Vagina.. the Black Hole

See Ahu Yagtu.. The One who played the First Woman in my Production the Story of Colors in Istanbul.. 1998-99

A.H.U… 1-8…21… ( 31) A H U E MAN
And ‘Ikpu”… I.K..( 9 11) P.U…16 21.. ( 20 37…57…E.G 12.. Rahul 12 usd.. 3…

U.H.A!… Yes.. 21..8 1 31…
U.P…K..I… Enki…//

Abraham Hagar.. A.H..U..E Ishmael… :The One Who Listens..
Black Hole ..B.H…Oh yes I noticed that Lady Sipps was born ..
Is birth code 8-2… 90… 2 8/8 2..90…I.O/O I…
S.P…90.. Spirit E…

6:10 p.m.

Thus 31 49… Is Resurrection Erection.. “Yes a Sword”

And 49.. Is Existential Death… the True 911 Destruction of the Twin Towers.. the Twins C.D…

*Along with the 110-floor Twin Towers, numerous other buildings at the World Trade Center site were destroyed or badly damaged, including WTC buildings 3 through 7 and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. The North Tower, South Tower, the Marriott Hotel (3 WTC), and 7 WTC were completely destroyed.

The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic … A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the … United Airlines Flight 93, initially was steered toward Washington, D.C.

The September 11 attacks (also referred to as 9/11)[nb 1] were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage[2][3] and $3 trillion in total costs.[4]

*Please see the codes….

Sacred Portal 110 The E Family…
Building 3-7… Code One Dollar Bill Marked 37….
Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.. N.G..O C…
South Tower Marriott Hotel… S.T.M…H… ( S.T.O.R.M…H)
Yes of the X Men..Storm…
9 11 4 co ordinated… 9 11 4… I.K.D C.. ( 3rd Plane…)
Flight 77… 14..5…. 77.. 49… G.G. Kevin G Gordon… K.G.G.
Flight 93… I.C… See sacred Portal…
29 96…. B.I… ( Bergamo Italy) 96% Dark Matter… D.M..
6,000… 6 (3 O’s)
10 Billion… 10-9’0’s…
3 Trillion… 3 12 0’s

L.B… Lisa Natalie Johnson and Brenda are here…
Recall the Play of Destruction with the Lola B…?
Well the Real representatives are here right now,
Code 46… Todays Date. 4-6…
55…Brenda and Mike.. at the Shelter… both.. 55

And Through Expression we linked Gate O and Kamaki is an Hawaiian name and the Greek Slang word for “Spear…” ( Penis”
G.K.. Is 7 11 Always Open…A.O…
And so The Sword Enters into the W-Hole…

And then Robert arrived….
Robert is the Tall Elegant Black Man…
And today we had a conversation
He is a Tech Guy… and Understands that Language of Computer and Source codes..
He informed me how that he has known Lisa and Brenda…

He told me that he came here first 11 years ago and that he had something happen to his brain and began to come here and chill and work here and that is was a Travel Agency before called Liberty…

And there is so much more that happened including his recounting how something happened to him recently where he thought he was going mad..
He said he found himself just stopping in the middle of the street and putting his palm to the ground and looking up to the Sky…
I felt myself tear.. incredulity..
The Dance of the O.I.Nri people, I witnessed in my Grandfather…
Unification of Earth First.. Truth and Heaven.. True…
And The man as the Anchor…
And I remembered my Richard… Who woke up..
Roberts friend is Richard… R R.. 18 18… 36.. / 63.. First Contact…
36+27 ( 27 A-A) ..63…9..
Nine has been coming up non stop….
Robert mentioned being in Flag Staff Arizona..
Where Pluto.. Hades was discovered

So.. you see this is the equation of 31 49…
Resurrection of Existential Death… And Thus, the Awakening

9:22 p.m.


Indago Violot..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic’s Vision.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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