
4.500 Tomb. – It was discovered

4.500 Tomb.

It was discovered in 2018- and yes I was in the Shelter as the deep. deep- subconscious dimension of thought and Inner Self-Reflection. ( I S. / Rocket Scientist I AM)
Dark Energy.
Dark Matter.


And Yes, I reported this and coded-translated it into this “3D reality world language.” here on Facebook at the time- Coded to Ferrrel/Ferrill Geminio as his his painting on the gift of the family Mug to me, as the interior all painted in deep Royal Blue as Space. Deep Space 9.”
Darkest Matter- Deepest Thoughts
of Despair… when in a bad situation… to your thinking and point of view- when all is lost… a Lure a ray of light appears.. follow it and…

well anyway, thought you might like to see this. Pls remember my recent share of Grace Pimmel II and Liked by Tree Sage Kim.

And yes, the Universe is 4,5 billion years old.

This one is 44, 4…


Move Me… I challenge you.
Me I roll my eyes… Its a play and I am Fact – Real- Original Manifestation.

A Play.
A P R… I L. Y

So She goy carried away- in her game of S-Witch 69… but not to 96 only to 6+9=15 Letter O. and back, and that is where we would align- me Perfection Seamless Everything.. and the Dot of an Ant calling itself my Aunt.

Enjoy the intel, I know its for you.

10:21 pm.

J- Universe.

rets of the Saqqara Tomb is a 2020 British documentary film directed by James Tovell. The film follows a team of Egyptian archeologists that discover a tomb from the 25th century BC in the Saqqara necropolis, just outside of Cairo that had been untouched for 4,400 years. Wikipedia
Initial release: October 28, 2020
Production companies: At Land Productions; Lion Television
Produced by: Charlotte Chalker
Language: English
Music by: Jerry Lane

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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