
4/5/2019 14:47 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge

C K..E

1:47 -8 p.m

Albert Einstein.
1 5

I recognized that my former Host at 268 A Santana was an Avatar of Albert Einstein.
I wrote and gave evidence of this.

It is there at 268 where I worked for 4byrsrs straight often with A.Santa contributing.

“This force explains everything, It gives meaning to Life. This is the variable which we have ignored for too long. Maybe because man is afraid of of love because it is the only Energy Inn the Universe which man has not learned to drive at will.
To give visibility to love, I made a substitution of my most famous equation.
Instead of E=mc2 we accept that energy to heal the world can be obtained by love multiplied by the speed of light squared. We arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.

However, each Individual carries with in then a small but powerful generator of live.waiting to be released.
When we learn to give and receive this Universal Energy dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that Love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything because love love is the quintessence of Life”

E is C Speed of Light and I have already proven that E is Love and love is Consciousness moving through Mass.
And that Mass is reo by the sun total of Humanity and with In each, is the little e.
Which is represented as the Mitochondrial Energy producing protein in us which creates Energy.
The 4 is the Square Stage of which the play take places in the 3D realm to align E=Mc2
E= C M E 4 /3

E = MC2 is almost my Equation backwards
Square is 4. C is 3.. C M =E

But with my Equation, perfected at 268 East 4th Street causes the Universe Itself to respond.

E C = 5 3…8
Add M 13 ..
21.. U. Universe
3 C..
E =C

My name is Emeka Chukwuemeka
E C.. the M.e is Mass Manifest as Man and the e is his her expression which has to eqyarw to E=C
E C= 8 H. Full Circle O
E C H O. E.S. Energy Supreme.

Love as C…Cee Clarity Consciousness Creation Speed of Light
And C=C as well as E = C
And E had to align to e
Thus, the power of Love is True Clarity
True Consciousness and E equation to e.
E C to H … Universal Harmonic which the Universe is made of
And since all Man Creation is of Star Dust made of everything in the Universe, It means that we are Light travelling through the Universe as Harmonics
And that the Harmonics are within us just as the Harmonics are in the Universe as Space.

I proved this with a few witnesses in 2006-2010.
Which is when I left 268 East 4th Street.
I was invited back in 2012…
And worked again on the Equation until leaving on Independence Day.

I D.

I have often wondered why my work has been so ignored by the world, until I realized that it was not about the Equation itself but that people just could not accept that which I had done. A lot had to.do with racism of course, superiority and the sheer disbelief that I had done what no one in the History of Humanity had ever done.
And to my surprise there was jealousy.

But I was indifferent to all that In the End because that gave me the will determination and fire in me to make manifest that equation which does not require humanities approval.
But then I was set up in a Testing of my Equation in a Script which created so many limitations constraints to check that that my Equation can pass the examination of my Equation through any situation even the Anomaly Singularities the “What Ifs”

But to me, it was really about buying time and delaying holding back the manifestation of my Art and Science son the World could catch up to my speed.

C ..I am on the 3rd Floor .
My name is E
And Consciousness is Love and love is a full Circle Symmetry Meaning Harmony.

Thank you Busayo.
But remember, I and my Equation is the one which is moving everything, even you.

That is what this 8 9 yrs of testing was all about, it was not really about testing my Equation it was more of a challenge given..

That I know what Love Is
And proving it and that people in this world and controlled environment created for me to answer that unfair challenge by using all that is not Love..
Against me..
This World is not of Love and they do not know what Love Is.

I do.
It is Leornado DA Vinci
Means the Invincible Indestructible Lord..
The L- I O N. King
Two Full Circles Linked to Infinity Symbol

O L. O.K.

Love is Full Circle of Completition
Destruction of Everything and Ressurection of only that which is real
B egining and moving back to that Eternal B egining full Circle.

And Truth is Love because Truth is that which manifests confirmed and affirmed echoed by everything

Please see what John and Mackayla sent me at 9:02 pm.

END R S. G A M E. D. E.K

D is the Square.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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