
4/5/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

4/5/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

8:31 p.m.


…A strange thing just happened.

I sat here, Peter Nyarkô said he might come, I had nothing to really do, and wondered what is going on.
I had no money for coffee and did not see the reason why I had to be here,

Rahul then arrived as did Randall…
Randall sat on the Wood section, I greeted Rahul and then asked him if he would use his card to get me a refill.
I had asked him a couple of times before… It was how far I have been driven in this play.

He said sure when he finished, but I sensed a shift in his energy,
after all the intel, all the evidence .. facts and the work..
And his first play against had been about Coffee…
So, as usual when faced with this inexplicable expression of people, I hurriedly reminded him of the play and the equation I had been solving and that I was complete and perhaps I could discuss with him some ideas this week if nothing manifested…
( It was small talk to fill the Gap of what his spirit had created.

But then got up, then left, I had put my card on the table for him so he would not be inconvienienced.
And I called out to him, but I saw his expression and my voice trailed…
He had not forgotten, he had done that intentionally.

I had told Randall that despite Rahul being an E bright Scholar he had not been able to give meaning to my expression despite a year of work, and all the books which pointed out that he was so awake inside him.. that all the books he was giving me to read where all expression of the play I am in…

Dear Lord Jim Careys 23… Rahul means “Sum total of Suffering and Misery..” S A M….

I just decided that if I was in the Play then I would ask Sam if he would give me a refill, as a favor, which I made aware that I was aware that it was his doing me a favor…

S A M… Suffering And Misery… S A M ..E…

9:06 p.m.
96…69… 15 15… Letter O O..
Onyebummuo Okeke O O…

The number is 690….

Nnamdi April 5th 19 69…
4-5-69…. 5-4-69…

I saw that on a license plate just as I arrived here, 45-69.!

9:23 p.m.

I had made it clear to Rahul D’Silva in front of Randall that Randall was the one who grasped my meaning to the nth degree by understanding that I was representing Prometheus as Randall stared on hearing me speak just once.
While I had worked with him for over a year…
And I had watched Rahul challenge Randalls interpretation by saying that he did not remember a certain scene..
Which I saw made Randall agitated and me to intervene and state that Randall had read the code correctly and was the true and correct mirror because he was able to understand through language and sound in just one expression from me the whole story I have been posting infront of the entire world.
Randall is a lawyer, youthful full of laughter and mischief…
In bed 5-010… E O J… E O A O… 51..Sacred Portal Sex God of Creation…
He had literally attacked Randall which caused me to later explain why he had attacked because he felt that he was an E Bright Scholar and thus, more intelligent.. superior.

And his response today was also a set up, staged to clarify that my expression that Rahul D’Silva represented that “Book Knowledge” which missed the point of Education and the meaning of being Literate.

A man just came up to me on the street as I went outside to take this in…
Rahul D’Silva.. R S… Represented that cause of the Sum Total of Misery and Suffering as M A S…Not MASS…”Nothing is the Matter.. Nothing is Matter”

The man who came up to me, I had seen before, he had come up to me before to ask me about what I was writing but today as he asked a question, he asked me if God was in the equation.
I said yes, as Music- and the understanding of the knowing of God. And that he represents Harmony…

But not everyone is in Harmony he stated…

No but that is peoples choice I said…

But he responded that not everyone fulfills a purpose…

That is when he seemed to go insane, saying God is Unknowable and he quotes “I choose who I can show mercy on”

“That does not seem fair.. ”

Why should it be fair” he retorted.. “He is God he can do whatever he wants..

I looked at him, but that makes all humanity victims…

“He is the potter how can the Clay aspire to be the Potter”

Evolution, by learning about Gods Will… so that we ascend to him be as Him…

“He became outraged…”

His phone rang and in perfect timing I excused myself…

Then I noticed a good looking cool guy sit infront of me, when he got up I saw his back had the image of a black sun and its rays rising…

Can this be really happening, that even this moment is actually part of the play…
When i left Flip J Hendrixs apartment yesterday, I felt literally the Energy of Nnamdi in my body, I felt heavier, a density.. and I found myself walking in a manner like Nnamdi used to walk as a boy…
This was after Flip J Hendrixs had spoken about how his father used to tell him about shifting moving through people “To shake things up”- and he further added that he had just recently run into his father best friend….

I did not mention it, or even post it because… well I am finding it more and more improbable that this could be real, or worthy of attention.. this being the Script Play of Evolution Awakening despite all evidence facts stating it is actually real and this is truly it.

As most of you are aware the code of this last chapter has been through Coffee…
The Bean, which is the cafe formerly called “Kudos” where I met Axel Love (Axel Anderson then) in 2005, then to all the cafe’s…
(I wrote all the Journals in cafe in Nottinghill Gate, London England N.G.147.. L.E..Then in Cafe Beauborg “The Beautiful District” in Les Halles Paris. C B ‘E’ L H.P…

And then through Robert Coffee in Miami Florida, who was the business partner of Erik Ebright, beloved by his father Jimmy.
Then to Starbucks…
The Coffee bean linking to the Mitochondra DNA…
And to the meditative State in creates…
And finally to the code C.O..F F.. E E…
All this I discovered as I solved and decoded the Script Play…
And finally to these codes… numbers.

I normally drink coffee in the mornings, and do not require through out the day, but that is what has been going on for months.

The last 3 4 coffees from the Arab Bodega, I did not mention have been all 23… 23 23 23… 23…
I did not even link it anymore because I am tired of this play Script.

I do not require the coffee but suddenly it became relevant in the plot and play of this script.

And ways had to be found to have a cup of coffee from both the Arab Bodega as well as Starbucks without cheating as well as certain people having to get me coffee’s so I could see the codes moving through them.

8:45 p.m… Do you see the time now..? and the date…
Nnamdi would be 49 years old today…
4 9.. D I…
NN.. A M… D I…

I contacted three people today Dawn Piercy Flip J Hendrixs and Peter Nyarkô all for aid to pay the Arab Bodega his 7:50 usd and call my long suffering mother…

8:49 p.m.. right now.
I could not help but notice the codes…10:58 a,m with Dawn and a stupendous Harmony, synchronicity…
And I saw Randall Wiltz and Michael Belle this morning.. R M..
Then Allen Murray A,M..

I just took another coffee from a woman serving here…. She was very gracious, knowing full well that I had been given a refill..
She smiled and handed me another coffee… again 690…

9:45 p.m.

Onye Ukwu II… O U.. II

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