
4/5/2018 20:23 – Facebook Post

4/5/2018 20:23 – Facebook Post

From Onye Ukwu II O.U. II.

Truly, there is always a Choice, even if it boils down to you being so cornered that you choose how you wish to perceive your situation.

But then we come down to what happens when the choices we make manifests a response.. And then a conversation at which it has control over everything apart from the way you perceive.. but it is what you perceive, such as this statement by Hicks, is what allows you to Cee See and hear, and converse with that responds, that it power to bind All to that view of being in a prison with no choice.

Of course, you see the lie of this, but what if the entire race secretly believe this, bound by this idea that there is no choice… and that the species will be eternally bound because there is nothing they can do to change “how things are, because this is how it is and how it will always be”

Who do you have to defeat, the Echo with its own mind which responds to you, or to that idea that Nothing and No one can find a way to change reality… release the species from the prison called this life.

I went to the the Voice who responded, the power which led me to this point, obviously because of the way I See and Perceive….
And It is with it that I have been publicly and privately having a conversation with…
It referred me back to the people and Their Beliefs, but I was not foolish enough to engage the people because I am full aware that nothing could move such a species, after having finally “secretly” given up hope on there really being anything which can change the direction the world spiraling towards… Who had given up, despite not taking responsibility that it is they who had created this reality by making the incorrect priority of things, of building a reality which they radical change of perception.

“But who will make me?” Is the response….

And Indeed, that is true… who will make them change from a point of view which brings them comfort and the illusion of being momentarily safe.While others live in poverty; violence hate jealousy.. envy erupts more and more around us. Injustice.

I was fully aware of that, the fact that nothing could move the species to go back and clean up the distorted expression projected out ward on the World mirror..
There is nothing which can move the species to “behave” short of a cataclysmic event.
This is a historical fact.
And even those events do not shift the consciousness of the species.

Always others will rise to take the species back to the corruption and disease of being.
And others who will re-interpret events unintentionally erroneously, or intentionally.

There is nothing which can change that stance, I knew that by the time I was in my early twenties.
Which is why my being here, confirms what evidence facts and my colossal resistance to being here, proves that in itself, that this is not real Life. That there is a Controlling force in this reality.
And that Life, real life is not controlled.

There is no “Controller’ in the animal world or the world of nature.
Everything is Free, moving by a will, a Sixth sense harmonious to its being and in Nature, ( without the interference of Humans) there is Harmony or at least Balance.

But the evidence that Humanity are being controlled is made clear on every level from government to secret societies, to big cooperations, to programming, to bad habits genetically inherited in which the descendants must break the chain of cycles.

This form of control is goes even deeper, to the highest level, and to the deepest level Religion, Spirituality, the physical needs of the body..
The need for the most basic requirements food, shelter, money… the right to exist.
Freedom is the last thing on Peoples minds despite it being greatest Cry I have observed in Humanity…
That desire to be free of all that which is Unnatural.
All which takes away from what they perceive in the world of Nature and the beauty of Life, at least through its template of Nature.

But how far does this Control go…?

I discovered by using the natural consciousness, crossing all the layers and dimension of Control created by Humanity through Fear, through the ages through History – that self imposed “Binding” – that statement in futility of Existence… of Helplessness… We have no choice…”We are victims of our own perfections, or a divine being who takes pleasure in watching us suffer scurry about destroy ourselves.. because we are too dumb to pay attention in a creation which gives clear guidelines of how to be in Existence… Which were refused to obey, because we rebel against all authority including common sense…
And so this is Gods Revenge.. This is the Creators revenge.. this is the revenge of our cause and effect in which we constantly call the force of Evil something outside of us…”

No, I went higher, deeper, led, pulled by that which I somehow knew could not exist in True Life, because I remembered another realm before I came into Existence here in this world.
I did not forget.
I recalled a way of Being which was, is harmonious, beautiful joyous, in which every word which exists in this realm has an original meaning which is pure logical and manifests Beauty, and not simply balance but Music… a Wave.

I did not understand fully how this other Controller came into Existence at first, but I knew my life was being controlled, in every movement now…
With effort turn of my head, when I wake up when I go to sleep…
I am aware of an influence outside of my own self exerting influence and in my awareness of this was long since solidified by the result of that interference served a will and purpose which I could see as clearly as my not being able to get up from bed from sheer exhaustion until exactly 4 p.m the exhaustion which bound my muscles like rigor mortis was relaxed and all of a sudden I was awake. Enough to get up, knowing that my very nature can not tolerate staying in that shelter…

I have been aware of this “Controller” as far back as 1988, perhaps even further.
But more so when I left Nigeria and returned to England.
I kept fighting the evidence of that fact glaring at me each time, because the implications of such a thing, such a possibility being real was terrifying.
If I have ever truly felt real fear in my life, it was in having to face up to that possibility.

But with my perception and consciousness being natural to me, something I could not get rid off, that fact became more and more clear, from Father and Mothers, controlling their children , their families, their cooperations, towns, societies, the bodies, the spirit, the heart the Mind of each other…
To the highest level of perception.. Control…

I found that I was being Controlled.
And only my awakened memory saved me.. that awakened memory that this is not real life.
Because I recalled True Life and how operated harmoniously seamlessly…
And this is why I knew, and in that knowing was terror but more than the terror there was outrage.

Because I observed what the Control creates, what it creates in others, but more so what it creates in me.

Anxiety, Fear, Confusion… a power that can go against me own innate desire, a power which can break the natural laws of which we tread, and feel at least a semblance of being safe.. Perhaps even loved…

7:04 p.m.
G O D.

But to find something which was indifferent to our existence, to our feeling, to the anxiety which allowed It to pull the rug from out from under out feet, whenever it chose to. To ignore our Individual right to exist and declare through that our right to exist was beholden to the will of a Controller whose Logic and reasoning escaped our comprehension illuded our possibility of being anything other than slaves to its will.
And then behold the cause and effect..! – a Mirroring of the consequence of adopting that Idea…

Was it kept hidden, concealed.. as the great Secret, that what people suspected was True?
That by having the Facts of this revealed would send people, mass and droves of the species over the edge…
Into Suicide, and Insanity… because truly there is no reason to Exist to be the but the Slave and the Puppet of another’s will and whims in which you can never feel safe because it has a logic beyond you therefore you can never find meaning in actions and things which happen to you.

You must accept it, over and over and over .. and be content that you exist.. but existence… that is not existence is it?
If it refutes the very right you have to explore Life and Nature and the world in your own terms.
It controls with out reason and logic and Its Mind escapes you…

What can of power has been given over to this thing, this Controller.. this Unknown…

..And so it remains “Unknown” Unknowable because this is the very nature and source of Its Power.
To keep the people complacent in they never being sure, of what they already suspect, they already recognize as true.. but are satisfied that It keeps that secret, under wraps so that the People can go on with the Illusion that they are free… or safe… or existence.. surviving for a purpose which “The Controller” will reveal everything to in time.

Such Trust.. such giving up of trust out of fear of facing the Truth, what an excuse and reason to stay dead dumb numb…

Who can fight that “Symbiotic Relationship”

Certainly I did not feel I could, but I also knew I could live outside of that Matrix and Web by using my Cee and being aware that this is not real life and thus, not take things so seriously…

But I was controlled.. not my essential self, but all my Self which linked to this reality.. the World and then when my body began to become affected, by Nature.

7:23 p.m.

And so I found myself in a conversation wit this Controller who “Echoes Responds to my Consciousness so clearly, that for years I wasted my time trying to alert people to it..
“Did your hear that.. did you see that… ?!”
The could and would be rattled, scared, awed…
“But they could not read it.. they instead would give it meaning which was mainly assumptions, corrupted be fear, guilt shame and the idea of consequence for actions they were fully aware when they were doing was against the Natural Laws they had learned.

Why do you not learn to read.. the facts…?

Ah, I see you do not know how to See…
But then let me remind you how to see the way I cee see, the way we originally see…
But then comes the realization that they do not wish to Cee See or Read because it means responsibility…
It means finally leaving their delusions and prisons.

But that is something which I am by no means the first to discover, I recognized this as far back as childhood.

So, what did the Controller want from me?
Certainly not to convince this reality who have historically refused to leave prison…
Like some of the men in the Shelter… That horrific place of transition has become their tomb, unless something Cataclysmic comes along…

What I can surmise that this Controller brought me here to do was to prove that there was another way of Being apart from that which had manifested here.
That there was another way of Being in Existence, was it true, was infact was it real.
Was there another way of Being in Existence…Apart from exerting Control over a Species who would always defy, deny the Truth and not respect the Blue Print laid out of Existence…

This is the only logical reason I can identify as to what brought me here, and despite all the constraints imposed on me- to prove that there was and is another way of being… And Eternal Realm…
And I see that all the test thrown at me was to see if I would descend into what His experience which is the constant disobedience of the Human Species age after age…

And I suppose I was brutally tested, to see if I would change from my Cee, my Truth, my way of Being…
My body of truth…

Am I Its Example.. The Stone which the Builder rejected…
or am its guinea pig… in an experiment..

But one thing which is sure, and that is that I was not speaking to IT the Controller..
I have been speaking to my Self… My Truth, my awakened Memory,
to my own knowledge and knowing…
Perhaps, yes The Controller eased dropped and moved me into Its Script. but even within Its Script absurd expression of Humanity, and the power to Control all aspects of ones Body and Being in its Matrix.. – yes a Nightmare for sure…
But it could not control my essence and who I was addressing .. my truth and even my solving Its equation of Harmony Symmetry Reason Meaning.. and Its own Self being in Itself not real but a Dreaming … When Fast asleep but the Word Dream as well as the Subconsciousness brain aligns to the original meaning of the Word Dream…
Joy Music… J.M…

A.G. Aneuk Gle…
M.P. Mallam Powers
J.I JessZeus Isaiah

I could not tag her… Thus A G… Links to me Augusta Georgia, Allen Ginsberg, 7-1…1-7 is in my face book page right now…
It was 1 6.. then just moved to 1 7.. A G…

A G…1-7… Is the Joyous Music.. M.J.. Micheal Jordan ( My Sneakers, ) Micheal Jackson.. Mary Jane… M.J.. 13 10.. 23.. W…
The Sacred Portal 23…
1O 13… 14… N… All link to E.. 5 5…
Flip J Hendrixs and Peter work on the 14th Floor.. 33rd Street….3

14 is N… Nnamdi…/ ID Mann..

8:23 p.m.

Its his birthday today…

A M J… G P I…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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