
4/5/2018 10:40 – Facebook Post

4/5/2018 10:40 – Facebook Post

9:17 a.m.



D E. T R… U E


D E R .. / R E D.

Today is my “Late” brother Nnamdi’s Birthday.
One might suggest that if his Energy is full risen in me as the Expression of Everythin that today is my birthday to.
Just as my sister contacted me last year on his birthday and I saw the message she sent on my birthday.

But I have grown weary of linking this riddle, made so clear yet obscured through what I have come to see is an intentional vieling of the truth.

Disturbing as that maybe, that there is a force which can stop the natural order of manifestation..
That is like planting a seed which should yeild an ear of through the natural process, takes on an unnatural course and process of manifestation which serves an ulterior motive.
But even more relevant is that I am drained, exhausted, dangerously so, and more so from carrying the physical burden and stress of this script.
The physical, the emotional, the mental and constant stress and strain of money and the pull to fight to simply focus all my attention on getting out of this situation versus the obvious comleting of an equation so prolonged and so long drawn out that it has transformed that which is meant to be the greates wonder and achievement, into a chore, a bore, and unnecessarily evil cruel tedious…

Whatever the case, I do not wish to be part of this equation.

9:45 p.m.

It is the saddest thing to discover that this is the outcome and response to proving, manifesting, solving a riddle of Harmonies presence and that qualification of Humanity to evolve by being able to solve a riddle seen only by those sensitive to perceive it.
A riddle which nearly all even could not go as far as I went, as deeply as I was forced to go, before they either turned back or succumbed to Insanity.

That is what I was told, through a sacred website which appeared on my computer in 2006, when living with A.Santana… Satan Santana.. Santana dharma..
Lotus Santana.
That all had failed, but what was disturbing in the document was that the Secret Powerful Ancient Society stated that it used Its power to find candidates who showed potential and where ableto influence these people- move them to the dimension where they forced into the Pit, to the place to solve the riddle which ultimately drove them mad, to torments unheard of and believe me they were not kidding… but is is a lanyrinth- a Maze od deception, mirrors etc… More like a booby trapped Treasure Hunt made absurdly difficult as if not wishing itself to be solved with out untold suffering.
And on seeing that, I have seen the absurdity of it, because the riddle, the answer is present right there…
Eventually leading to suicide.

Why and how could such a play be sanctioned.
Like a Video Game again?
You would transform something such as the Evolution of the Species, that Script into a Video Game driven by the diseased and corrupted Human Mind
And this turns out to be the Script of Evolution Awakening..??


Again, drawn drained especially from the physical exertions and the constant search for revenue, the portals of money to continue each step of the equation, after 17 years…
… Solving something over and over again since age 8…

By Wonder and awe at what I have solved has been eclipsed by the brutality, the obscenity of such a script could and can exist in that which has been proven to be a realm of Perfection.

That I am in the mind, of children, a child, a human being, mu brother, my sister in fear…
Holding onto a point of view, forcing me to go through this, to prove their point of view is incorrect, that this is not reality…
This is not life as that which They have embraced as a World and World View.
This was all to prove them inccorect, that this is a simulation…

All this was for that…?

I was taken over, “Possessed” by the ‘Living God”to prove to these …NN… That they were creating, aiding in sustaining the most hateful lie of Existence as Sorrow and Suffering, while actually being the cause by sustaining that point of view while forcing me into Their dreams or song..- a Scream Screech of nails on a black board.. of a Banshe, Sirens of Destruction…

..This is what I was brought into this world to do..

10:11 p.m.

I solved that riddle in 2004, the Correcting…
But I am being told that that story is not only true, but the very battle of Exisence which held up evolution is this childish human fairy tale, stupid, infantile, selfish of spoilt and representing the lowest form of existence…
That this was made real.

… The most extraordinary, achievement is being held hostage by the jealousy competitive stubborn human as the petulant child whose attention I was forced coerced to get them to pay attention to their own evolution even as they exerted the illusion of pwer of not desiring to, punishing me if I did or said something which they did not like despite it being the truth, having to sugar coat it, and accept insult after insult as I slaved…
and this was meant to be the revenge of Satan, the Devil.. The She Devil..
The Dreamer and the Dream playng God, knowingly or unknowingly, have been given the power of affecting reality..

A Childrens book.. a film created by this Human percetion mentality as witnessed by the factory of formulistic movies which capture the majoriy of the publics imagination.

It was against this, that the Exquisite, most perfect most beautiful plan of linking the Eternal Truth was set up against….
And these bratty selfish human children were given the power of the Dream. this reality…
6 years ago when I was told this, I just could not absorb what I was being told.. by a messenger Billy Hung and the message was literally confirmed as true.

That was 2013.. you were here. I was present on Facebook. I recounted when I got the message in real time..
“The people should be involved in the process of their own Awakening EVOLUTION…
But the people are living in their own Ego based realities, they do not want to be part of their own process, they want someone else to do it form them so that they can then deny him or her without even looking at the evidence, without giving support to the Truth…
The People are corrupt, incomplete. look at the Reality they embrace as true and fight to the point of incarnatng Evil beyond expression, as it being the truth.
Look at the reality they defend as more real than the Beautiful Truth and see how far they are willing to go to defend it.

This is what you have transformed Evolution into.. Truth Reason Facts.. Actuality.. Solid… Story telling used as a viehicle of Clarity, you have transformed into this…?

The Nnamdi that existed out side of me is Dead.. as in ceased to exist.
So has my siblings, in this world, cousins, aunts friends…
There is only one two person who exist in my awareness and it is my Mother.. and her younger brother… and even then periphery because of the roles each chose to play.

This is what the Evolution of the Species Story has ended up being?

i AM GOING TO GO BACK TO BED… Get some rest.. enough of indulging this absurdity…
Human Stories, perfection distorted ego’s versions ofthemselvs given power, attention.. credence from Two Creatures rep their sum total believing this is Life and their word say is ominipotent.. That they are God.. because they say so.
And A play which allows them , gives them the power of that conciet….
And the power to move me to respect and move through the library of their minds and point of view?


I really do not have much to say, nor do I wish to.
After yesterday’s confirmation I witnessed with Flip J Hendrixs,
Is this reality?”‘
Response “‘7;23 p.m”

I had been speaking about the number 23- relaying the the sequence of events and evidence-facts had proven that 23 represented no other expression or image other than my Sacred Portal 23.
Which was the play which took place with Jace Horsford the day I was meant to go up to Flip’s place.
23 is the face behind the Veil, that Viel which Jace Horsford identified as the Subconscious which Knows everything and the Conscious which knows nothing…

It is Sacred Portal 23… Double U..?
No, Double V.. VV… 22 22…. 44…8..
22= V… 5…
5 8.

Toby-chyke Aniakor…Meaning

The Lord is Good, the Lord God is Powerful but there is a scarcity of Land…”‘

..I am not sure what that means… scarcity of land…? or of the Mother as the Goddess Earth…
Where is She….?

Ala is the Ibo Fertility Goddess of the earth. The Ibo people of Nigeria call her the mother of all things, but she is both the fertile earth and the empty field after the harvest. She is present at the beginning of the cycle of life, making children grow in their mother’s womb, and she is there at the end of the cycle, to receive the souls of the dead into her own womb. Ala also gives laws to the people, emphasizing the importance of honesty and respect. Temples to Ala called mbari are built in the center of villages, and contain a mud statue of Ala which is then painted in bright colors. These statues usually show Ala with a long torso and long thick neck, which are considered to be signs of beauty among the Ibo. She is joined by other deities and animals. Ala is also known as Ale, Ani, Ana, Alla, and Ane. She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon.

Ala (also known as Ani, Ana, Ale, and Ali in varying Igbo dialects) is the female Alusi (deity) of the earth, morality, death, and fertility in Odinani. She is the most important Alusi in the Igbo pantheon. In Odinani, Ala rules over the underworld which holds the deceased ancestors in her womb. Her name literally translates to ‘Ground’ in the Igbo language, denoting her powers over the earth and her status as the ground itself. Ala is considered the highest Alusi in the Igbo pantheon and was the first Alusi created by Chukwu, God almighty. Ala’s husband is Amadioha, the sky god.

Perhaps She is absent because She does not exist…
That she was created by Children called humans, scaredof the Dark linkng the physically manifest as the Truth rather than its Energetic Signature, Essence and Meaning…

Energy has no Gender or Genetilia… or Distored Ego…

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