
4/5/2017 23:34 – Facebook Post

10:10 pm
– A Filthy Contest and set up into the realm of the Sum Total of Human Thought..

TThis is one of the Dollar Bills I received in Change from Ten Dollar Bill from Rahil
I got if from the Chinese Take Away
I actually find… I would never normally go to.
(that TThis sign came on by itself, I just left it)

Look 582


Sacred Portal 58
And bed 5-008
Rosario Mari
The Fifth Dimension
Confirmed by both Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Lisa Natalie Johnson

Sending me Gift of 2
Tomorrow 4-6-6-4
And she 46

10:20 pm
In the Present!

But the date is 6-4-2017 Tomorrow by
European Standards

Thus 6-4 links to 4-6
Fifth Dimension
Meaning it is a play of TWO MEN
Not Man and Woman
And Lisa N J is the Balance of the Past when She was (not her but what she is representing- the True Past.

But Nenad is aligned with me in the True Present…

Look at the Code and perhaps you might begin to understand my rage at having been detoured and forced into the Mind Thought Frequency of the Sum Total of Human Thought “Not Expressed”
Veiled but acted out in Silence in Secrecy…

Harpocrates.. Horus Osirus Isis
Isis Osiris
I O.
Sacred Portal
Spirit E
I the Full Circle
Not 10
Was made to go in a story of entering the Human Mind but through the Interpretation of this realties sum total of Knowledge Expressed.
Your Milky Way
10:43 pm

Ninety +TEN
14 N
T 20
I started this post at 10:10 pm
It is now 10:45 pm

U -21

Code Jude Rogers
Jude It means Praise..

Praise Rogers…

J (C) D E.

Imagine forced to live in the Human Secrets and Silent Thought Intent and encounter those thoughts and forced to clean them by riddling them out as you confront them in this world.
All in a story written on the Ink of this…depth ppl would go on thoughts and secrecy
What they did in secret acted out with hidden intent, and send a person there
To build a tunnel to link and open up the lie of the Third Eye being closed…

And all the while having this Poison become Real but only in Mind Spirit and Intent…write a Story a Trap for one led here by
11:00 pm
Yes.. 11 … The 1 1
To live and act out a Script It created from all that came from the human mind despite being impossible even in this world but made possible in the Milky Way of the Mind the Mad Insane Delusional Mind..

The Chinese Rest I just discovered is called The Wall
T W.
But not the TWO
Or the T VV O
Or the T D V

Trapping some one in that Mind
And this Dollar Bill is again the Confirmation of my Experience
23 years…

My lip is curled in contempt
This was allowed…
11:11 pm

F 24 0 68 0 54 G. 2 40 68 05 4 G

F G. 6 7

G F. 7 6

April 5th from G 54
Todays date O. 86 O4 2 F

11:22 pm

G 4 50 8. 60 42 F
F is where the code 582 is written

See sacred portal 58- 2 is B BEING

F 24. X. The X
06. O F
80. H O
E D… G..

Its is all my codes I passed through for 58 months on Face Book
The Minds of All of You
Response to My Expression on Face Book
And 16 yrs 28

11:28 pm

This was allowed and no one intervened not in the Spirit or Physical or Material

I can not speak right now…
All this for nothing but spite malice

Clean your thoughts
11:29 pm

Who would you Trust when you saw their thought processes as you passed through their ways they saw you and smile and then they forget when you clarify on
Response Post
Addressing their veiled thoughts they do not realize you see

See sacred portal 82

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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