
4/5/2015 18:50 – Facebook Post

From Shubhi Gautama..




By Scot Stabile…


Ah, It would be nice to be happy today, but this play…
Ah this play…
5:28 pm.


Earth Bodies Heaven
E Art Being Heavenly (Harmony)..

Exactly 3 years today I woke from Green Street Class-on Avenue Brooklyn that I had to leave the place where I had been staying with three remarkable young men Akil Davis Evan ALexander Judson and Tim..
And Three young ladies who where visitors..
Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
Rachel McWilliams
And Tims girlfriend..

It was the voice of my brother Nnamdi who is I-Me, who played Nature- A.K.A the Nature of Everything except me…
He played 69…which of course, became the mystery..
My younger brother was enigmatic, beautiful mysterious…
He was Simply that part of myself…
My consciousness which had not been explained.
This is why he incarnated in the play the illusion of death.
Death is this world and all other worlds and realms Existing simultaneously and yet through which a worm hole through that illusion of Dark Matter was being formed.
That mysterious substance was personalized in.my brother.

This happens in all families, in all the world.
People each carry a representative equation of Existence in them.
Most carrying the True representatives of Everything…inculding the True, the false…and the Eternal Everything…

The equation of course, was to be able to listen to the A.B.C.D and E in you.
Listen to your Awareness/Actions Being/Body Conscience/Consciousness, Definition De Vine link to your Expression Emotions Exemplified and that which would lead to Fact.
Because with this simple equation you rise from Death to the truth of life, revealed by being an Observer as well as Actor Active in your own life.

5:45 pm.

Its was meant to be fun.
Just as this play was meant to fun..

Leading people so gravefully to the 7th Chakra…
Reflected Mirrored by the Sky, Heaven which links being aligned to see that which aligns within to seen to (8) magically appear outside.

You manifested that which is within outside..
Which leads to Consciousness..
Which is really 12..3..AHE. BHE..CHE. .
Or in the play in the realm of Children 1-6..
Grade School Elementary School meaning understanding the Creation (reproduction how things are built)
2 How things are created
3 How things are ordered (E G Nature Reason The Heavens logic)
4 How things are balanced (Justice ) viz a viz Cause and Effect- how what you are reflects outside.
5 How to Speak, Express understand the use of the Voice which must be used when 1-4 are balanced..
6. Then Methodology Empirical research
Which links O- the Observer to Fact…
Then HI School 1the understabding of the Ethereal…
The Elemental are of course the grounded reality of your Earthly experiences grounded.
But the Ethereal are the Experiences of Being…
1 is Read as in Red. read that which is within you and link it to outside of you.
2 the Creation stories of worlds philosophies and how they came to.be.
3 the Logos of it and the understanding of the abstract .
4 the understandinv of Enotions, Feelings, sensations..the Ability to describe a feeling…
5 to Express it. Understanding stream of your exoression listening to your Self and the effect of your vibrations expressions on others…
6 is the linking of it.

66…Elementary Ethereal..
The next six stage is not 666..but taking 1-6 Elemental and integrating 1-6 Ethereal again 1-6…
It creates A H.I.C…ME!
Meaning the 66 brings you to a 1.
The I…
I Conscious.
Waking you from Death and Transforming you to True Life.
True Existence.

This statement below is lovely…
From SS and SS…
But the question has always been
How do I do this…?

This process I broke down was the process I used naturally but had to go back into my life to look back to see how I did it.
How I never fell from Grace..
Grace of course, is H..Harmony…
-Seeing the Harmony in all things.
“Cause Effect..C+E= H…
Harmony is that which is Understood and linked so that it can be Explained
This is why I never feel from that High tower as My last Facebook friend Mado Lupaka
ML…(13-12..25..B E) name implies…
Once you have learnt how to link 1-5-6… Its like an elevator, riding a bicycle…
But each Chakra or Energy point has to be lit up..
Just as every grade must be passed..
As each light up…The power in you gets greater until you reach the solar plexus and there you will find a power of expression which as you can all see…
14 years and 36 months almost not stop daily on Facebook, I have been linking and explaining weaving rising transmitting, decoding while living in the Pit of human Existence called Humanities Fears..
That is where I have literally been since 1992 and since 1987…
That place which does not exists.
That place where none of the Energy points are activated.
People living in the dark when it is so easy to turn the light on…
But what is peoples greatest fear…
Not being Seen?
Not being heard?
Not having a sense that they Exist?

No, It is not having an Identity.
A Sense of the I…
Not even I Exist.

Just I…
My name Is…
I A.M..
But how can you if you are not Aware of Being with a Body or a Conscience which allows you yo see De Vine link of cause effect of Emotions feelings in the chest which is Expressed by allowing yourself to just express and then hear yourself…
Which creates and Echo which allows you to see yourself and how you reflect in true Clarity (Crown Chakra) which shows you that you ARE connected (and not isolated, alone) to everything around you, which your clear reflections manifests as if by magic in the world around you as 9..
Which is the highest symbol next to O…
Which give perfect evidence that you..
The I Exist…
But if you can not C that you are manifesting all the things around you how do you know..?

Well, that is where the statement below becomes so relevant..
Cloth yourself in 1-7
Ana Grace
Anchored on Earth by paying attention to where you are going in life, how you find yourself in such situations..
Instead of saying my Chi lead me there, or my God, or the Devil or your parents or your weakness…
Your E led you there..
Your E is your Energy Existence Expressions then seek out the riddle as to why you are there…
Not with a “Dead See” activate 1-7..Reflect..
A H. I.C..the Harmony
And Ana Leonardo Caixas…
Grace moves to Zeina Hanna…Beautiful Harmony H, then to InĂªs Guerreiro. I…
(Deni Guerreiro.. D G 47..+x 11 28… My birthday :)..39..C I..Am a Follower of Lord Dionysus..
Bacchus.. The Beautiful.Devil..Youthfulness Childlike Y.C..
Yeshua Christ!!!!
(OI Happy Easter)
Rites of Spring
Lord of Wine of Intoxicating of Life.
Who links De Vine Divine feeling of
I to O
Lord Orien Laplante..
To see the full circle is filled with my reflections of Being transformed to A.H..
AH EN RI-RE. .in Laughter
To solid Fact ..
That to B H.E is
E ros-E
Muriel Maeve Rose Haughwout
MM Rose Ha UGH..W Out
Code MM..13-13-26-8
E Rose ha the “Ugh” (Ugly) idea of the Double you Out!
All there is Double V.V…
Now forms
16-7…+x64…1O …24..34..7-12..1984.+1O
G-A I (S) I.D.
Gaius Cassius Longinus..
7-3 12/ 1237…
E Beautiful Harmony
That’s my Identity
6:5O pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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