
4/4/2017 20:43 – Facebook Post

4/4/2017 20:43 – Facebook Post

6:03 p.m.
F.C…First Contact @ The Full Circle…

4-4-1 O

* 4-4-2017.. 37…10.. 1 O.


Delta Da Enlightens About Alpha Omega.Aloha …

The Truth of First Contact before Time…
First Contact Of The Beautiful ones with the Illusions of themselves as Matter… ORE..O.

6:07 p.m right now..

One Dollar Bill Inked 48..

(Ink Death… I.D…Emeka Kolo.. Ink Death The Beautiful One..
I.D…T.B.O…Code 20..2O.. Link Echo confirmation Silvia Pretty
Email code 20.Cullen.. My E mail The Nomad 1999..Hot mail..
And Eternalaw89Gmail…
i have Inked it…)

B..13 … 067 050 J…

I observed that I had a new face book friend…
I groaned, because it meant that the “Pendulum” had moved back to 77…The year we went to Nigeria for the First Time… Once more in the 1965 Story which was not my life or Existence but that of one who was using my body and being to bring forth His Truth…
My Big Brother, (not my Elder Brother)- called the Sum Total of my Expression of the past. Called back to align it…Again.
I had seen a person wearing a cap with B V B…
Which of course linked to the code represented by Face Book Friend Bob Bert Hans.. B.B..H… E..B.O.B…H…Harmony…
B.B.. is Body and Being… Beauty and Beautiful My ( Our )Twins who I have been aligning to One… for 16 years…P…PI
B B is 2 2… and 22 Is arithmetically 4…

Look at the date.. 4-4…So 4 8… yes… 48…
And to bring the Two to be linked and perfectly aligned to end this absurd play of Duality… One side of the paper and the other…
( For Goodness sake- they are the same Thing on both sides… Paper…A Coin…Even the Writing on it is but an extension of that which is indenting on it…)
4+18= 22.. 18 is R.. Robert.. Which is what B.O.B is…
Robert Harmony..( See the Avatar Robert Kennedy.. John Robert… same person Brothers..

*Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968), commonly known by his initials RFK, was an American politician from Massachusetts.
Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy, commonly known by his initials RFK, was an American politician from Massachusetts. He served as the United States junior senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968.

*(John Fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), commonly referred to by his initials JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963.

Look at the numeric codes…Birth Death ad time in office…
Death for example… 6-6-68….Robert…
11-22-63 John…

Now look at the codes of me transcribed by my Big Brother and his Self as Lady Echo… Sacred Portal 20…T…2O..B. T B O..
on this Script on Face Book decoded by me…
66 68/86 66… See the Sacred Portals…66 68/86…
See the Alignment to Jose Roque.. ( Jose means ‘Add” increase 4 4..8)
See Nenad M. Djurdjevic code 19 66…
68 86.. F.H/H.F… Hindsight Foresight…

See 11-22… represented by my Mother Cecilia and David who has Nnamdi’s memories… Cecila David.. both born 11-22….
63 F.C…Full Circle First Contact… With 9..=I.

…B.J…Is 13… It is Nnamdi’s birthday tomorrow but that Nnamdi no longer Exists… He has Evolved to Big E from Big N…

So B.V.B.. Add 18… Robert was a play of creating the Illusion of Duality between the Two Brothers or Tall E or “Slim’ as I am called
T.E..S.E.. And B.N.. to B.E..so that He ( and all of you could be separate from me…No more linked and moved and protected by the E planted in you. Meaning I have collected all aspects of myself and now you move not by my Will but by your own but only as N.E S True Harmony… Natural, Embodied, Splendor
(Super-Natural Sarah Nkem Blackstock line *See her Super Man Logo)
Your own your own now and only 1/3rd of you will rise…to one of the three lines… of the N.E.S.T…Harmony Existence..
And fewer the Rare, to the Expression of Eternity…
Who I call my Family now…

B.V.B… 2 5 2…
B E B… Brooke Elizabeth Banwer.. Yes 5th Dimension Portal Brooke Shields…
Blue Violet Blue… 5 7 5…
Blue 5 Blue… Blue Blue Blue…
B B B.. 2 2 2… 6.

Thus the equation of the One Dollar Bill Inked with Blue has been completed..

BB…13-31 (4 4… 8)…067-760 (013130… 0260…080..)
050-050… (Same thing… 5-15-69… O-5-15… O-5-O.. )
8 080 050… Resolution 8 8 5 .. / 5 8 8
“6-5-6…” 11 6…K.F…17..Q.
And as 5-15-1969
6-5-1O..6… 6-5-1 O 6..6 5 7.. 117…/ 711… K.G/G.K…
Kolo Robert is I…

B V B…. 5 4 5. 5 5 5…

And JJ…10 10… 20…T… 2O…B..O…


Tom Benzian
Tom Bocek… Tom/Mot… Word… Twin Words O N.E..
T.W.O…E…E… 5 5…

You ask me why I am going to all this trouble to resolve this equation…

It is so as to release me from both roles as B.J.. And J.B..
Blue Jay and Jaymes Bond…
B.J/J.B… 2 10/10 2…21-12… 3-3…6…F.

B.B.B…2 2 2… Resolves the Equation of The Three Realms…
B.F… Best Friend… 2 6… 8..Harmony Infinity…

The Numeric codes ( N.U.M….E.R.I.C…Nu Manifested Eric Meaning Eternal Ruler -Energy is not correct but has been aligned nevertheless… C.I…R.E..M….U…N…
C.I Chukwumemeka Ikemefuna.. Reminder of -Robert Emanuel Micheal of Universal Nature.
Cee (See) I Remember You Nnamdi….my Brother.. How could I forget you you…?
You are me and I am now you…)

The Numeric Code which every one is born with the moment you enter time..
Yes that movie “In Time” I.T… 9 20… 20 9..29 29.. 58.( E.H..13..M..D)..
92 92…184..(R.D..A.H.D (Anastasia Hart)…I.D…13 M..4..M.D../ D.M)
D D D… 4 4 4… 12..3… 4-3… sacred Portal 43 Door to Life…
D.C… David Chukwu…”Beloved Creator” B.C…2 3…5..
11-22.. J.F.K…( 10-11…Portal E Galaxy 1O 11… 10 6 11..
16 11… 27.. A-A.. Resurrects….

..Yes, each person is this constrained by Time by being In Time…
and the True meaning of In Time, is that you have in Perfect Time..
As Anastasia Hart demonstrated yesterday..
But how do you know?
You use a Foundation – A Blue Print already proven Perfect – A Perfect Expression and Example…

The only way to escape Time is to raise your Frequency to Perfect Timing… This is simply if you are seated in your most Natural State of being..
And How do you know this?
Everything around you will reflect this – you can literally read the world Outside of you which is reflecting your inner universe.
But as the Altar Art I demonstrate in my Locker, It has to be expressed creatively…
Or in stays within and does not manifest and what manifest is what your Ego as “Its corrupted meaning.. “Selfishness” will manifest and you will have to pass through all those Person, Places Things…
P.P.T… on the Planet, correcting it.. Your False Indention, projections- Confusion and Misunderstandings…Echoed…
And if you don”t..
Well Boom E Rang…

How to get back to being Natural..?
Clean your expressions… Past Present…
Meaning Clarify your Meaning of all expressions to people children yourself and all you expressions of Experiences..
And you do this by looking back at things with a different light…

A young man was sitting besides me who borrowed my pen..
He was waiting for his girlfriend who told him that she would be “In Time” for a meeting…
She was not… I could not but help but watch as he tried to use reason to resolve the issue going to the very core..
And he asked her in the end if he was correct..
She said No..
But you knew it was True..
He got up and to her shock left her..
And a few minutes later another woman seeing her sitting there and having no idea of her dismay asked her if anyone was sitting there..
The girl said, ‘You can sit there’ but to my amazement the Woman said no I can not sit there because I have too much stuff..
Basically telling the girl to leave so she could sit down..
The girl not knowing what to as her boy friend had walked out…
Got up and left..
The woman who I gave a dirty look was in Harmony, I do not know how she knew.. but the girl left and she began giggling to herself while being very polite to me.. I sighed.

Robert a tall slim Elegant Black skinned man.. not brown black as in Black is Beautiful.. He is one of the first people I had encountered here..
He, like me is quiet and no nonsense… Though I had to imagine with a body and elegance and good looks ( Model Slim) that he could not have have had it easy.. but he acts very Chill no nonsense military…
Ah he I just looked up.. He is back..

He had his phone and sim card locked he stated to me out of the blue.. (He does not talk much reserved…)
And had to walk to Pelham Road… ( Yes where I lived)
and I felt his frustration…
And he continued that he had been on a very important call when it had been cit off…
He was obviously irritated and it was going to grow..
I spoke naturally without thinking… that perhaps the walk would do him good…
He paused in his irritation to state that he really admired and liked my philosophy of Life ( though I was not sure we had enough conversations.. ah he must have heard me speaking to others)
… Praise…”I raised my Eye Brows”
First Acknowledgment from Lisa Natalie Johnson
Respect from Brenda…
And now Praise…

I then elaborated that I am lazy and developed a philosophy which made common sense to avoid thinking…
That if I know everything is in Harmony, then if I am having an important conversation and my phone just disconnects and forces me to take a walk…
It would mean that I am being a given a pause to take stock, or clear my head or to be in the best state of mind to have this conversations..

His comprehension and gratification with a smile which lit up his handsome face gave me some nourishment to complete this post..

Source of Infinite Limitless Energy Source..?

There is it is….
Inspiration from you being natural Praise Acknowledgment Respect…
P.A.R….Explanation… P.A R E…

*Pare | Definition of Pare by Merriam-Webster

Origin and Etymology of pare. Middle English, from Anglo-French parer to make, prepare, pare, from Latin parare to prepare, acquire; akin to Latin parere to give birth to, produce, Greek porein to give, present, Sanskrit p???ti he gives. First Known Use: 14th century.

8:04 p.m right now…

trim (something) by cutting away its outer edges.
“Carlo pared his thumbnails with his knife”
synonyms: cut (off), trim (off), peel (off), strip (off), skin; technicaldecorticate
“pare the peel from the lemon”
cut off the outer skin of (something).
“pare off the rind using a peeler”
reduce (something) in size, extent, quantity, or number, usually in a number of small successive stages.”

… PARE in French.. means…
“paré , e
adj ready, prepared ”

“Be Ready.. Be Prepared…’

And so, I completed the sacred Portal 48…I wanted to go outside and drink my coffee with my Cigarette..
But suddenly I could not stop linking as I wrote on the Sacred Portal 48…
By the Time I had finished, I was back at 976.. 9 76.. 97 6 Face Book Friends..
And my Coffee was cold..
So I bought a 54 cents Refill..

And found myself resolving the Robert “B.O.B..H” and Lisa ( L IS A is C) …Yes H.C…Not really RC..Richard Cypher…
or H.L… Hell…
but C.H…/ H.C… 38 83…
C H U.K.W.U… C.H.I.N.E.K.E… C C…
Creator linked to CHI..Equation… 33..35… 6…8
Energy 6 8…Equation… 5 6 8…
On the One Dollar Biil of R.L… O.E…S. Of my ROLE and Roles in this play whittled down to 2.. Blue Jay and Jay-Mes Bond..

Back to me getting out of “In Time” and “Out of Time”… I.T..O O T…
Rush..Moore… Rush the Black Man… the Moor…
R,M… In his Room… 5A… That play I saw.. and Transformed…
Some one else is about to be rushed terribly by the guys in the Room bed 5-007… 57.. E.G…

Too Ti…
I Toot my own horn..
If you drive a Vessel a Car who else will do it but you…?

It is all in the manner you use and toot your horn..

I release myself from the Numeric play of Time…
And I tooted my horn to sugnal how you can all do the same…
or face the most awful consequences…
You never saw coming of how Numbers relate to letters, which forms Sound and which form Meaning and Words…
The Tissue which forms the Fabric of Existence, your body
Trahe.. Betray..?
Michael Trahe will not be allowed to come back as a Face Book Friend…
He left in perfect Harmony..
Because I am the Tailor the Weaver the Sewer, the Sower, the one who created for Humanity the Raiment of a God…
G-Ode… A Body called M.U… Manifest Universe M.U.S.I.C..
Majestic Universal Splendor Infinities Colors
Embodied Directed Conducted BY..E..A.E/A.E.

The Body as Living Art… Science and
I.T… Information Technology Era…
IN Form
In Formation
In Form at ION…
but only when you have reached the portal of Eternal Truth
Which is when everything you say The Universe Echoes and Responds Affirms Confirms E…
8:31 p.m.

And then you can come to the World Stage and Share..
Only the Beautiful TRUTH..
Is T.R.U.E…
And it must be done Beautiful
with Elan Flair Style…
Momentum White Light…

Confirmed last night when I returned and was asked by Dennis to find his friend Monty Williams…
Which I did..
He spelled it with an E..
I spelt it with a Y..
The Full Monty…?
Not E.. Mount E…
That is what is shared in Private with
Lovers.. The Extraordinarily Beautiful Ones…
That mystery revealed…
But only to the Rare E line..

But I will share a conversation today I released privately to Nenad M. Djurdjevic because of who he is…
He reached my Heart…Core.
Because he made an effort to understand and voila..
He can explain the way to read and understand this trail I leave behind…

8:38 p.m.

p.s…and oh yes…

I Parry with my Sword….

Be Ready..
Be Prepared…

And as I wrote these words wondering for what and who is BIG E
addressing.. me or you.. or both…

when Jimmy Thunderbolt appeared to Like something..
J.T… John Thomas… O Penis…
and then Flor Elena Medina

Flor means the Flower of Light flowing through the City….
and John Thomas….

That is Private…
Between me and the Rare E A L I N E…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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