
4/30/2017 21:24 – Facebook Post

Hello Nenad
As you might have gathered things are moving to an unprecedented space now…
But I am still here to my incredulity.
Alien Father has made contact- that is another story but a lot had to do with our recent exchange.
I am actually amazed that I did- I had vowed not to
But something in you or in the relationship we have had made me express to you that explanation
My fury is quiet but really growing more each day, if that is possible.
So nothing should be taken personally.
If you have more visions or intel pls let me know- as you see they are relevant to this all.
And even though you may get tired you have been chosen to hold a key part and a major role in this Event Horizon

Nenad M. Djurdjevic ( 9;02 p.m right now)

At 2:16 pm

Emeka Kolo

Beautiful Pride good so I know who is moving in you now Noni Puma and Alien Father
What is this?

A water stream in Sellero, Carpene Locality, Brescia, Italy. Another prehistoric rock engravings site rarely visited
Torrente Re “King’s Stream”

Emeka Kolo

Good Lord
You have identified Alien Father…
I do not know if you recall the “Scene”, with Tom Truman and his mother April, who visited the Caves of France, the Lascaux Caves in France…”Arc Pont”
” Le Roque St Christopphe”

They pieced together that A Six Foot man with a crooked Thumb had painted those remarkable paintings especially, the Horses and a Woman metamorphosing into a Woman…”
PS The Thumb is not really crooked, it is scarred.

Well that was is alien Father

Jose Roque
The Money with Christopf besides it.

I am in bed 5-006 not 5-004
I am in Lescaux
Transforming complete of Woman From My Balls
And Cheek
Ass Cheek
To Once more defeat my Alien Father
Non Existence- Death.. The one power which most everyone feeds with Belief but does not even exist
(He used the power of the Mystery)

He was Entombed by those I Challenged by Alien Father Alpha who wanted me to come back to when there was only the Two of us Alone.
3:15 pm
Remember Zeina Hannah
Anthony Spencer?
Diana Spencer
Donna O Sullivan
Dewight Smith
Dina Singh
Din Na Sing. H. Harmony
Odi nana
It is within
Not Buried Entombed jn the Earth
That is the Answer “Titan Xhi Wizards” to your riddle
– it came through Sarah Black Stock Nenad
Yesterday She sent me some Images of Clouds and waterfalls with Titans and God faces
And now you send me
“Ana Ground Earth”..

There is no such thing as
Ground Beneath your feet
That to is a solid Illusion
Called “REA SOM” E
R. E A S. ( E E) OI N E

Will Share at least for S N B

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
I also recall Donna’s post today of seeing rooster ??
I also came across a rooster insignia on my way today
Also deers and animals
Two men having sex with a deer
Probably a fertility culture of the past
In this rock engraving you can see one man with an erected penis to the right lifting the deers tail
On the opposite side you see another man with his penis joined the mouth of the deer
Detail photo of right scene where you can clear see what’s going on
Detail photo left scene
The upraised arms are symbolic of Resurrection
I have more photos but have to upload then to the laptop
This ritual scene is probably linked to Cernunnos
the “horned god” of Celtic polytheism.
I noticed your post about Celts

Emeka Kolo

Exuse me I was doing laundry
Yes Donna the Blue E T line
When she is serine her Instinctive Harmony is impeccable

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
You are welcome.

Emeka Kolo
Welcome for what?
The two men represent sacred portal 155

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

For doing laundry
I washed hands twice in that stream I have shown you!
and twice over my hair
The Doe a Dear is the First Note Red
The Consciousness moving through them is what I am reading
I have already explained this while at 18 Mountain View.
Two Men
Then Donna and her Daughter Sophia

Just as you are being moved so was your idea of Prehistoric man
My Family are E
The Beautiful Ones
Any other translation especially Human is irrelevant and not really worthy of mention.
We are E
The Blue Print is on my page
So I take B P from you and Father and claim them as my own
4:39 pm

Thanks Nenad for the play

Yes Yes
I just meant welcome to take your time

Emeka Kolo
Reason is here

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Yes ??
One more detail

That site is rarely visited
I was alone there
But when I reached that place of engravings I met a man called Piergiovanni and his dog neve “Snow”
He and his mother were the previous owners of the landplot where the engravings were discovered and sold it later to the municipality
We had a long discussion about the site and symbolism there
Then he invited me to visit another big rock with many engravings
On our way back, Snow took a bath in the King’s Stream
wait will show you a photo of Piergiovanni and snow
On the way to the rock, he showed me this symbol engraved in Rock
The locality where that symbol and the ritual fertility carving is found is called Le Crus “The Cross”!
I was going to send you the Cross of the Alter on the Black Box symbolizing Earth… But the battery is low
You will of course recall the Two “Doll” Male Figures I found with the Tiger on one and the code in the Back?
The Flank the black Box with the Compact Disc C D of Earth.
I just added to it there card
3 of Diamonds
4 of Hearts
And A Marching Band with Garfield the Cat where an A on his “Beef Eater” hat.
A as in Room 5A

Emeka Kolo
It is as if ( sardonic and ironic smile)
They are moving in me to present their truth and you to play the Leg End who moves to where you are sent though it is their will
(So much for Modesty huh?)

Yes it is all in my locker
It night be better if you cessed to “Translate” what you were not witness to and simply present the facts
And if you get irritated or indignant I suggest that you take it up with them

5:11 pm

They are pissed

Tenor GIF Keyboard
Its… gonna be May…?? That is funny… thank you… It is not easy to be always light when such a story is passing through you,to make it real… Yes.. April and beginning of May is when I began posting on Face Book and I received some Intel today about Ernest Hemingway… E.H… I am sitting here in Star Bucks and Rosario M, just passed by…bed 58…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Thank you. i don’t know why, but May was coming often to my mind these days.
May. These is something which I can’t remember now but will let you know as soon it comes back to my mind.

Emeka Kolo
Pier Giovanni… P.G…Snow…Stone of Grace… It is he.. the rep of the Roque.. Thus the alignment with Jose Roque… Who is waking up big time here… He is now friendly with Rosario Marsi…

Representing the Two Men and the Deer…Breasts and the Male Chest.. Wings… This is information which they have chosen you to know.. Pier Giovanni…Snow… Dog… S.D.. G.OD..Wons…G.W… G.D.V…Unbelievable I am gonna strangle them..!

I edited out a segment which is and was only meant to be revealed to Nenad…

He has been honored beyond even what I imagined…
And it is Merited and Earned.

Sarah Nkem Blackstock you too…

And all who contributed to the Evolution of the People

9:25 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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