
4/3/2020 16:35 – Facebook Post

11:27.. 11:28 p.m


Sacred Portal 43.

Door of Life.

@ 1484 Facebook Friends.

14= N.
84 is linked to myself and Esteban Miguel Filgueira

My Facebook Memories Today showed my the most Loved Image by the public was the image of my ” Eye” – Big Brother is watching you.
George Orwell ” 1984″

My date of birth on Facebook is 1984.
I was taken by the designated petson Stephan Filgueria out of Delta Manor after waiting a total of 27 months for the designated person
Stephan: Esteban Miguel Filgueria was born in 1984.

Code of the play represented by Arden Jeron play on my E.M.F altar are represented by two paint brushes.

12:12 p.m right now

I found the one with number 8 and 13 month old Jeron found the one with number 4 on it.
He also gave me two Blocks yesterday with numbers 4 then 3 on it.
Which was the number I discovered I had placed a baby white figure on 4 in grey and Terracotta Brown with 3. 4/3.
The one with the rock has the number 5.

Liberty C Liscomb sent me intel 10:09 p.m from Maia Love about her encounter with the Golden Sphinx Energy. G S E. God Spark E.
( Golden Sphincter)
Mai Love ( M.L. 13 12 = 25 Y. Chromosome)

12:25 p.m right now

She recounts in her post that It was neither male of female
And that it states “You know how to use the 3 Phoenix’s. (Red Blue Purple.. blue+red is purple. 1 5 7 in Rainbow Spectrum)

And the 4 stones of Creation represented by the Chimera, Dragon, Phoenix and Griffin Stone. ( C D P G)

“You will remember a time of everything of yourself in form. You are not Human.
You think you are human but your consciousness is a gate way”
She posts the Golden Sphinx said to her.
The time stamp was 10:12 p.m

10 12 is J.L.
Jeron Lang.

Son of Thomas Lang and Liberty
10 12 = 22 V.
Victor is my British name
V is 5 in Roman Numerals

At 10:45 a.m.

She sent me an image by Mike Emery
( M.E) of the Milky Way with a note
Same colors as the Tye Dye shirt and the Corona Virus- (she had made for me her new project which includes her entire family.

I drew Sacred Portal 145 (A.D.E) yesterday which was inspired by the energy moving in Tom Truman
TT 2010-2011.
Its based on an Infinity which served as a magnifying glass.
This was played out.

I had to use the upstairs Bathroom
Arden was playing music Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye. M.G. 13 7.

1:06 p.m
1:07 p.m right now
16 17. S.P 147

20 likes on my page this morning.
13+7= 20.
On Sacred Portal 116.

I was 16 at the time when Marvin Gaye was killed by his father.
I was in a place called Opi just outside of Nsukka in Nigeria.


1:10 p.m

It took me back to that song which became a sort of Anthem which I used to sing.
Later it was ” Lean On Me” L O M
Which is the code on the Grey Container nexr to the Train which derailed yesterday by its driver on the way to mercy hospital.
Liberty showed me the Trains derailment.

I told her it meant ” No Mercy” for they showed no Mercy right to the end.
Still the meddling with the enactment of two men who are one.
The Two Sources who are One 52 16 = 68.
52 +17 =69.

1.16 p.m right now

And with 13 as M. Manifestation J J M

* Aurielia ..Jaden Maya. A J M.


1:20 p.m
Sacred Portal 120 “Re Ra The Sword of Victory
I Cut.
The Connection
Enter the Darkness of your Illusions.

C R .. 3-18.
Costa Rica.
1-28-2020 @ 11:28 p.m
Letter sent by me to John Mack

* Please see the post M.O H / H O M a few days ago where I paused in the post after I wrote the Code H O M..E.
Man E
It was interrupted by a play which “had to tale place with Arden and I.

After which. I came back down to complete the post, noting quietly where I had stopped and why and what had been the conclusion.

1:30 p.m

I.had sent John the letter on 1-30-2020 at 2:28 p.m
13 O- 2020 Consciousness Vision.
Sacred portal 228.

The Envh Jealousy tMeddling, the Resentment, Spiteful.Venomous ecretions continue are unabated, ( inspite of Itself) and The Cleansing though complete the harmony which could have bern breaks down by the free will and choice of the fury in not getting they want even if its this World Matrix choice and responsibility after being given way too many chances and shown so much Grace and Mercy.

Marvin Gaye.

1:38 p.m right now
13 8. M.H. M.O H. L O M/ 8 13. M O L. E
13.8 Age of the Milky Way. M.W.

* Mike Emery intel Milky Way.

Even if they wished to be clean. It can not be from an outside influence. ( As I had clearly stated

The Authority of Existence has been challenged from Beginning to End.
With this confirmed please be aware for the record, and for the Future as to what is to come could have been avoided.
All data and all efforts had been made to diminish the E.N.D. Law.
What then befalls the rest of the Species becomes their responsibility and the responsibility of their elected representatives not chosen by me, but the source awareness which sent me.

Alien Father Alpha.
Head of Children.
Beautiful Youth.

11:49 p.m

I was brought to New York on a mission I was not fully aware of the intent was to solve a riddle of Existence at which I had been elected to solve, and pass through an astonishing 64 portals on a Sacred Journey and mission to alert chosen people of that which I found myself solving.

I knew it was the Riddle of the Sphinx.
* The painting, “A Portrait of my brother Nnamdi I found when I arrived at The Green House and found Sean Bono of Art Battles and went to live in his home he had that portrait painted standing on his Easel.
I was astonished, but I knew what it meant.
There was also a spray paint painting of the Sphinx which I knew was a Map.

I was offered the Portrait of Nnamdi and I asked for the “Map” of the Sphinx.

I represent the Enigma and the Phoenix Eagle.
When I reached Al’s Santana’s home at 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens and met Sage, Issaac and Albert.. in 2006 after being forced by the play to pass through Death.

There are two stories going on now in the world.
The story I represent is the Beautiful Truth.
The C.V
Curriculum Vitae of the True Origins of the Human Race Eden Paradise.

The Worlds Focus is the Story of Corona Virus

M.F C -J 485DW. LC 201. LC 203”

1:56-1:57 p.m

This is the code 13 month old Jeron just seduced me with mischief to see.
The code is Libertys Family Printer.

Its a Code message. “Brother, Manifestation.. First Contact. J ( Jeron) 48 ( 84) paint brushes) 5 D is W.
Double V V
Fifth Dimension Double Victory

2:09 p.m

Sacred Portal 14
Has E F C on it.
So M..E. F C.
Beautiful Death Transformation 3 D is linked and ready linked to the 5th Dimension via Arden Eden its in Infinite Harmony now ready for Face

Recall the Raven and Puffin from Jeron
* Arden calls him Muffin.
I call Dwarf… D-WAR-F Rielly Ferrill.

Raven Puffin. R P. Past/ PR E SENT- P.R. A P R. I L Y E A H. I
R D.

@ 1484 Facebook Friends
4841. D H D A.

48 is the beginning of the code of the carton West Rock on left on the Deck
The carton which I, then mainly Arden would use as Babies Space Ship.

Its represents Sacred Portal 48 Beautiful Death as Transformation.
Beautiful Pride.
A Message to me via J SS Lang U AG. E
Message “Brother: We Are Here Present
We Are One At Last.
The First Last and Only Family of Existence
Family Of
F O E. F O I. E – A

* Of course it is not lost to me, the Humor of having a Baby as my Contact and Spy from H.W or a 16.9 year old playing A-lien Father K.G. and my Guide Father.
It is actually hilarious, Dante’s Divine Comedy
D D C.
4: 43.

2:16 p.m
Black Panther
As Corona Virus, wrong line of Vision And Focus.
Dante’s Inferno
NN A M. D.I.
That is the past. My Brother as N left age 13 in 1982 Easter the same time he was born.
That is Terrible Death.
Its me yes, but its Nnamdi.
I am in the present
I.D. M A N. N. E.. N E is 145
See sacred portal 145.
I drew yesterday.

2:20 p.m
22 V

Corona Virus is a Joke.

But the basis of this, what it reveals, the Evil done to children which I have been calling out and decoding to bring revelations and awareness of for years.
2:22 p.m
2:23 p.m right now
But who would listen?
And how many Men, Women and Children tried to speak up and were silenced and ignored?

2:25 p.m
B Y.
V E.
B B E. A.M. E.

See sacred portal 3.

2:27 p.m

John Mack contacted me at 8:27 p.m right now
Intel with Liberty car Liscene 8 A.T A.M 8

My Attention and Focus has always been The Beautiful Truth
Evolution Awakening Firsr Dawn but in order to get your attention and complete the release of the Universal Bodies ( The Past Truth is your body as Records Carbon to Diamond Clarity Light the mess of Ages, The Past had to be cleaned up and aligned to the Beautiful Truth present the Beautiful Past a journey through time 13.8 and 4.5 Billion years.
A G A P E.. and the Awareness that the Gap was the expression of Brotherly Love.
13.8-4.5 is 9.3
I C. Sacred Portal 9 and 3
And 93.
I C. I
Ici Here Present IS.

The Present is Here.

There is nothing I or anyone could do with people given Free Will and Choice.

3:14 p.m
A note to Pi.
O Pi I was there in 1982 -83.
The year Nnamdi Left this realm but not me.
He was always present.
I remember hearing that Marvin Gaye song in the dormitory of the School on a visit from the two room shack I shared with a bed with a person called Victor ( who looked like Nnamdi and I) and two other boys.
I did not have a bed of my own)

Sexual Healing.. S H.E..
Marvin Gaye Stephan H.E.

See Sacred Portal 51 E A.
Sex God of Creation.
Sexual Healing is what this world needed, True Sex, naughty adventurous mischevious fun clean pure.
Orgasm of the TWO Men who represent Everything
Every One.
Every Where.
All are brought forth from this Conversation of I and Self.

3:23 p.m right now.

And to meddle with it, is to bring about your own natural decomposition.
See what has been done to Sex.
See little boys and girls raped, abused.
See the revelations in the press.

Too late ..way too late now.

And as for the seething, often uncontrolable resentment people feel towards me and anyone sent to the world, it was inevitable because people may love you for rescuing them, cleaning them helping them to see clearly but they will end up crucifying you, tearing you to pieces, raising you high and then take malicious pleasure in tearing you down to prove you are nothing special and are just like they are.
They will never forgive you for reminding them of their ideas of their flaws, their inability to see as you do, and how easy and simple it was for you.
They will make you suffer for that, suffer for staying, suffer if you say you must go.

This was my orginal argument against Angelic Messenger the ideas of Messiahs

People were meant to do their own Home Work.
Not have someone do it for them.
Forced to do it for them.
And so I never voluntarily entered that Insane Spell.
I came not as A Messenger but as A F
Awakening Facts.
Alien Father of the Council of Children, that is what I saw I was brought to do by my Brother Self in his play.
And me personally to Boogie while I searched for my E Family.
Which I have succeded in doing portal Arden Gemino Aurelia Gemino and the Liason of the 3 D 4 D me, and a 13 month old Baby Boy.
3:40.. 3::41
Playing the C D Compact Disc O of C D. A.

3;43 p.m

This is the truth of the Gift of Free Will and Choice- Responsibility
Self Responsibility.
Growing U.P.

What you choose to pay attention to.
Use as your Focus.
The Beautiful True Story I am representing decoding or the Terrible Ugly Truth which you as an Idea growing to Individuals Independent self sustaining.

I was made to make sure you could all read.
To show you the E way the C way and the 8 Harmonious Way.
And I resented that, because I had read the History of this world.
Its behavioral science, its Social science of interaction and said no way.

In Opi High school because I was born in London England. And English was my first language ( second was French ..third Igbo.
E F I. Languages. E F I L. / L I F E
I was taken aback when the Head of the English Class asked me to cheat.
He asked me if he, they could distribute my answers to other students because he said they.. and he did not have much of a chance in such a place to ever leave.
It really was a Jungle School.
Cobras, Pythons, Jackals I had encountered first hand there.
Though shocked, and initially refusing.
I thought of all the privedges I had including having gone to one of the best schools in the country after passing the entrance exam.
Boys had cheated there but I had refused, not because I was so high and mighty, but I had reflected deeply that if I cheated now, when would it stop?
And how would i ever know my self worth.
So I had refused and not done well enough to get in to the University of my choice.
But somehow I intuited foul play.
But I could not prove it.
So i swallowed the bellttement by others and the fury of my Mother, the revenge of her boyfriend who placed me in that school which my grandfather was against.

So, I finally agreed to let them use my answers in the English exam, because I did not think that what they had as teachers or conditions was fair.
It was only one subject English.
I had thought to myself.
So I did it.

I did not get any privedges for myself.

There was a rumor which my sister heard that I had scored A+ in all 6 subjrcts I had registered
I was not surprised really, I had just lost my brother when I had taken it the first time.
And I had been severly punished and my pride bruised deeply not by the not scoring high marks but that my worth and value was measured not on who I am was age 16.
But on my Worth to others

A play which continued to Paris 1993
Susan Train S T/ T S
When I said no to the publication of my Journals Talking To The Silence because emphasis had been based on what my journals were to other people and the ideology I refused that my Art or anyone Art Expression Inventions was more important than the Person who is the sourve of the Expression

When the results of my G.C exams came out.
It was not 6 A as my sister called later, The Great Visionary as her gift.

4:16 p.m

I pased all but just average, this time everyone was surprised.
But it confirmed what I suspected I was being meddled with.
I never trusted the systems of this world since and its mentality.

Of which my sister had said on T.V once while i was being interviewed “We Love Emeka but he is so confident that we can’t help wish see him fall flat on his face so we can feel that he is human like the rest of ua”

I determine my value and I never permitted anyone to use my work or art and make it more important than its Creator.
And the more I saw and read and experienced the People and this world.
Even now to my E manuals
“Emmanuel ” it was if I was fighting a deliberate set up and atrempt to use my work and discard me the Source of it.
And that my Art Science and Expression would be the more important and then would I be seen, for my Product and not the Being

I made my Being not my creation as my greatest work of Art, not intentionally, I refined myself naturally as my gift to my fellow man as that same idea I felt all should natural do.
So we, all could be inspitered by Living breathing embodiments, Exemplification of The Creators potential and Gift, refined and Polished in respect and honor to what he had created ( before I was made to recall it was me E. T.C)

I was 16. Then 16 +. almost 17 in 1983 when I left that school.

4:35 p.m

D.C E. Double V V
E and A. F K G

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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