
4/3/2017 21:04 – Facebook Post

4/3/2017 21:04 – Facebook Post

7:18 p.m..

4-3…Truth is Quantum…Consciousness G-Ode…Alpha Omega Alpha Beautiful Creation Expression 1 A… Joy Bliss Ecstasy…

Jay Ben Emeka….

The True Story of Pi… Is He began as the Golden Ratio…
G.R… G=7..R=18..

( See time started this Post… 7:18…Area Code Brooklyn…
Green Street Classon Ave- 2012 WhereI began the Face Book Weaving…
Chez Akil Davis Evan ALexander Judson Tim and Beyond… E A T… B… And The Two Rachels…
Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions, Rachel Young R.R.. 18 +18..36…36/63… 360…9..I…
And Savannah Blair.. S.B… R.R..B ( Rob Barr)
…. C.F.B…C Face Book..
36..9…I.B…9 2… O.B..)

G.R.E.A.T…B. R.O…I.B…O.B…. Bob…
Code Represented by Face Book Friend Bob Bert Hans.. B.B.H.
2 2 8…4 8…12…Hue-man Body Being… B’Eauti-Full”)

And as I.E moved to E,I…I used the what us now called the Golden Ratio, as I demonstrated in Face Book and the 16 years I moved through 55 House Portal to Delta Manor…56..
But none of them was my Home…
My home is Beyond.. It is with B.O.B…Robert…My Bro…Gentleman Lover
The Famed Bright Shinning Light and my Sister Lady…Life…

And the sequence I used was what you call the Fibonacci Sequence…
But which I simple call as Tony the Tiger calls it…
G.R.EAT Feelings.. Sensational…
G.F… 7 6…
Crowned Sixth Sense already Facts, but not to you, who thought is was a Dream a Vision.. until proven a Fact that you already know.
That is Fact O.I…( 360…9…O.I.) Perfection- Symmetry-S.P..Sacred Portal…
Silvia Pretty…
Rahul D’Silva….
The Silver Moon… Which is my Energy Symbolic Physical Manifestation… E.S.P.M…
Robert Anthony Pan… Emeka R.A.P..E.. / E.P.A.R…E.. E BY E
Erik Stepha Pascal Micheal… Emeka E. S.P..M.E

I who am present as Emeka is the the One Constant
E. S.P…M.E..
5 5 My Twins and True Reflections now my Equals… in male and female form as 5 1 5 1…55 11…T.E.N…T.W.O… Jay Bernadette…
TT…They Exist Embodied undercover as I, Jaymes Bonds..
Double OO7 7….

7:50 p.m

And so at 12 Month of March Juliane Brown Calender…

A man wearing a T.Shirt with the letters A.V.. 23…
And he just took of his jacket to reveal C.A.V.S 23…
CAVS..(M.J… 13 10… 23…Also 13 +1O…14… 23.. 5…. 14.. 5.. 55)
My older face book friends may recall that this is the Jersey which Erik Ebright consistently wore during his Episode- Enlightenment…

Thus 12 using the Julian Calendar which is aligned to its meaning..
“Son of Jupiter.. Youth … Eternal Youth… Eternally Youthful…Immortals…Completed end of March…

March has 31 Days… Completed with Rahul age 31 and Sacred Portal 31.. Which represents the Rebuilding the World after the Eternal Immortal Ones leave.. E.I..
Meaning stop focusing on this Realm…
I arrived in New York 3-20-2001…

8:00 p.m.

And on the 31st to the 1st I completed the 11 days, Mins.. 11 Secs Disparity of Lunar Solar… as well as
OINRI Juliane and Gregorian and that the Calenders bases on rules of Kings… “The King and I”

11 112..

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89…Tis not 55 year old Brenda representing the 55 sequence by myself when I passed through that portal of Erik E bright in 2006 and again in 2016… Ten Years later…
( I was just delayed again for 11 years… not allowed to reconcile the 11 to 1.. Particle Wave…Q.B… Because of an Unexpected Contest and Challenge -Competition.. with my own E,I.. To Explain. write down in my own Words, and by own hand how I know.. F.O.I…
And in doing so reveal the Secret and the True Story of Pi…
Who is really the G.F….
And how I.E Awakened Everything G.F.. ( G.E O.FF.. 12 0 12.. L O L..3 3… 6…To Fact) to Fact in that One Eternal Beginning…

Which how I know my Family Exist.. The E… The Beautiful Ones who came through The Moon of the Full Circle of Silver Luminosity Light Life…
They are undercover in you… Fully awake as you have all witnessed
“Namaste.. Literally…”
Isaac Asimov ..E.. Foundations…
“He.. who Laughs A.S..I Mov.e you and Universe and Earth..
to The True you…”

Qasim BaBu…

*Meaning & History. Means “one who divides goods among his people”, derived from Arabic ??? (qasama) “to share” or “to divide”
The Distributor…

In Egyptian, the name Babu means – osiriss firstborn.The name Babu originated as an Egyptian name. The name Babu is most often used as a boy name or male name.

Osiris first son is Horus…

*The form of Horus that avenges his father has been conceived and born before Osiris’s death. It is a premature and weak second child, Harpocrates, who is born from Osiris’s posthumous union with Isis.

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Horus. Latinized form of ‘???? (Horos), the Greek form of Egyptian Hrw (reconstructed as Heru) possibly meaning “falcon” or “high”. In Egyptian mythology Horus was the god of light, often depicted as a man with the head of a falcon.

Harpocrates (Ancient Greek: ??????????) was the god of silence, secrets and confidentiality in the Hellenistic religion developed in Ptolemaic Alexandria (and also an embodiment of hope, according to Plutarch). Harpocrates was adapted by the Greeks from the Egyptian child god Horus.”

*Osiris was god of life and death, land and vegatation and was so kind, gentle and honest that when he died he was given the throne in the Hall of Truth by the god Anubis. ”

Isis Osiris… I.O….


Michael Trahe… Trahe means ” Raiment Garment To Sew, Garment.. The Body…

Manion Adcock…

Manion means

From the Name Manning
And Mangan

Old English : Man of the meadow
Old English : Son of the hero

Irish : Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Mongáin ‘descendant of Mongán’, originally a byname for someone with a luxuriant head of hair (from mong ‘hair’, ‘mane’), borne by families from Connacht, County Limerick, and Tyrone. It is also a Huguenot name, traced back to immigrants from Metz.
Irish : see Manning.Man Mansfield…

English (of Norman origin) : nickname for a glutton, from Old French manger ‘to eat’.
English : occupational name from old Spanish mangón ‘small trader’.

Manion also means
Last name: Manion. Recorded as Mannin, Manion, Mannion, Manning, Manan, Manin, Manon, Menon, and others, this is a surname which is usually of Irish origins. It is a developed form of the Gaelic surname O’ Mainnin from “manch”, meaning monk, and hence the male decendant of the son of the monk.

Man of the Meadow, Son of the Hero.
Man Mansfield…To E.A.T.. Small Trader.. Monk.

This interesting surname is a diminutive of the personal name “Adam”, which was borne, according to Genesis, by the first man. It is of uncertain etymology; it is often said to be from the Hebrew “adama” meaning earth. … Variations in the spelling of the surname include Adcocks, Atcock, and Hadcock”

My First Cousin who appeared here is called Odera Adamma…
Meaning ” It is written in on the Earth…AD A.M/M.A…”

So Q.B… M.T… M.A…

The One who Shares, Circulates Distributes to the People Food and Drink is the Son of the Judge of the Living and the Dead and of Agriculture and Vegetation… The Kind and Compassionate one who judged in the Halls of Truth.
His son was the One who is as the Falcon The Sky God of Light as Apollo as well as Silence ( Talking to the Silence) and Secrets Day and Night Heaven and Earth as well as the Able Farmer Seth, who plants seeds in the World and in the Bodies and Beings of Humanity…
He is the man of the Meadows, the Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn- Zorro!
The one who taught Humanity to Farm as well as Eat and trade and he is the son of the Monk..
His Father.. For He is the Father and the Son and the holy Spirit of both Life and Death….
He is Adam the First Note Red and the Longest Wave is his Heir…
He is Earth…and gave birth to both the Light, the Dark and the Seed, the Eternal Seed of E,the See Delta of Eternity planted in All things…
Orien Laplante…
He is the Man ION.. A.D.C.O..C.K.. Of the Awakening….

O.A.. If he writes it then it is written at the same time in the Earth and consequently the Heavens and in Every Thing, Every, Where Every- One….

Betty Aguilar

Betty comes from the name Elizabeth.. Which means Vow Oath and Gods Satisfaction…

Aguilar means from the Eagles Haunt…where the Eagles once lived…
But though I accepted her request.. I could not access it..

Falcon Hawk Eagle Raven….Dove..

9:04 p.m.
9:05 p.m

94.. I.D

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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