
4/3/2017 19:01 – Facebook Post

4/3/2017 19:01 – Facebook Post

4:11 p.m.

3-4-2017…37.. 10.. 1O

C-D..T.Q. C. G….A O

Conductor Director the

4-3-20 17.. 3 7…10 T.E.N…1O

Sacred Portal 4 3.”Door of Life
…Transformation Quintessential to the Consciousness ( C=Awakening…) to the Golden Dawn “Ratio” in
J.B..(Julian Brown J.B…meaning Jupiter’s Child.. and the Youthful Brown person)…The Elegant Nomad. 5th Planet.
Awareness Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry of Sacred Portal
Home-Homme- Origins of Man.

E=C Me4/3

Good Grief!

Hello… I can not believe that after all this, I am still being challenged to LINK


Truth Responds Universal Expression..

T= 20th Letter…Linked to Silvia Pretty ( Code 20 Cullen.. See sacred Portal 20 “C.T..

R = 18.. Linked to Emeka Robert passes through Rahul D;Silvas Represented Portal M.W Fiction to Fact…. 6 6 to L.C…
Played out to completion by Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Lisa Natalie Johnson…

U =21…Arrival in New York 3-20-2001… C.T.U…( 2+1=3 C.T.C)
Universal Passport U.P… Flor Elena Medina…
Clarification Truth of the Universe.. T.O…CC 33 6 T 20.. 26 A-Z.

E= 5 To the 5th Dimension through Expression Embodiment Explanation Exemplification.
Jupiter Sagittarius 11-28… E.K

T.R.U…T.H.E…Transparency Harmony …Eau… Beauty

True Truth Of The Beginning…Origins Existence…Origins Life.

4:43 p.m.

*There is no doubt that this is a very disturbing “Play” Script…
And more so to myself personally.
Why such a Challenge and Contest at something Proven True benefits all Creation and Existence…
This constant challenge from the Illusion of the past as Time as interpreted by All who once lived and “live” now in this present who can not seem to accept that they were not only in a Story,
but that they were not and are not living even in the True Story but a Fictitious Lie…

977..Face Book Friends…

9 77… 97..7… 9 77.. Which code are we at…?

97..7…is the where we are…
9+7=16…Letter P…
Linked to Pinakin Maurya… P.M.

7..G.. Golden .. Golden O.e Dawn….

So we have passed over Sacred Portal 76….?

And the “Pendulum” on my page has moved to
( 5:10 p.m… Area 51… Room 5A…63..F.C…First Contact…)
Because we did not land on it…
We moved from 973 to 975 and now to 977…
The code it forms is 97 3 97 5…97 7…

97 is the confirmed station of “Light of the Worlds Existence”
Because Sacred Portal 9. 7. 73/37…75/57….Had all been completed and thus 97 is the Constant and it is the 16.. ( 63) P which has been confirmed as P..88 Two Harmonies as Particle Wave…

*Transformer at Delta Manor Mental Health Homeless Shelter- the Venue the Wave led me, acting as it particle.. by the “Truth of the Peoples” reflection and belief in me and what I am doing..
And by an even deeper and diabolical reason… A Competition Contest Challenge of Supremacy…
The Transformer has been the Anchor to the Script because there was a Transformer at 268 East 4th street Generation X Gardens where I had been led to in 2006…
On it was the code Q and P…
I already knew what it was… The Qualitative Transformation of the Planet…
I lived there for 4 years Straight just until 2010…
Then went to live on the Outskirts of Pelham Bay Park..
And then deeper into the Forest..
And then moved from there to Thompson Square Park…
Then to Forte Green, to Williamsburg, then to Green Point
“97” Maha Rose… then to Green Street Classon Avenue.
Then i 2012, I was requested to move back to 268 East 4th Street after 2 years of absence.
Arriving on April 5th… My Brother’s birthday.
Then leaving on July 4th, 2012 with Ravindra Singh…
To Forte Lauderdale, Florida Apt 511
via Jamaica Queens…
Returning August 4th ( 84) to New York with Billy Hung to live in Ozone Park with Ravi Singh and his cat Tiger.
Then to a series of Hotels sponsored by Billy Hung until reaching Kew Gardens.
Where I spent a Year apt 5..Until 2013 September/October.
I went back to the Forest of Pelham… And lived deeper in the Forest and lived went to stay off and on at 268 East 4th Street.
Living between the two places until 2015…
When I went voluntarily to the Shelter…
Which was where I was being coerced in going to…
Because from 2013, ( 33 When I Met Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka ) I knew that I was dragged back into the illusion of the Past as Nature as God…)

5:43 p.m.

Because of what was happening to me body, the semblance of being Bound, Gagged, possessed and my constant insistence that this was impossible in not only my Eternal Truth but even this reality..
No door would open, and the personal abuse I was forced to take from others, those whom my work and knowledge and all blessed.
But who now, saw me and my situation as a sign that they owed me not only nothing but that the Truth they had witnessed had not helped me and thus, they were free to do anything they wished and I could not fight back as I wished ( but did in my own way laying consequences)…
I perhaps could have fought harder to escape but my body had to be freed and I knew the way Home, and I knew the Truth..
And so I endured abuse from people who once were…

Anyway, that is when I was finally led to Green Point B.R.C Shelter…
And into this Play of the Past versus my Expression..
My memory versus its…

5:50 p.m…

It is all documented here, and to be honest I am writing this summary for new my new Face Book friends, but there is a Rage quietly rising me, as I recollect all that I went through..
The Portals which should have been opening not opening…
My being led, as ones leads a Donkey by putting a Carrot before its nose.

No, I would have never entered the Shelter, or even endured the last 5 years id I had known that it would go this far..
But you have to understand it was inconceivable to me that Existence or the one playing Existence would Lie…
That all the promises each day were just the incremental steps to led me to this point…
The Shelter…
268 East 4th Street was the code of the portal for the Evolution Awakening…
And yet instead of it happening I was being used and abused to a point beyond my belief and each time I would decide to end this play something would give…
And at the same time,I could not walk away from the benefits the end of the World as this reality…
The End of Pain Suffering and Misery…
I was making progress, and it would manifest only to be replaced by more riddles, scenes plays…
My Energy was being used as Joseph Carey confirmed..

Yet I had no idea what could do this, what could power this force over ride the Eternal Truth, the original Plan E.T..
It was Impossible…
Yet I was in it…
5:59 p.m..
E E.I.. E as the Sum Total of Human Expression of Existence…

But it was not this the Sum Total this was a Lie….
And so I began to see that I was trapped in a Story, a story in which Truth or the One playing Truth in this Incarnation of Existence…
The Twins had betrayed Eternal Truth… But that was impossible…
Eternal Truth can not be denied, unless you create a story, and trap a person who Trusts and Loves T.L..
And in that story create a Story where Truth and Love betray their Beautiful Consciousness Of E.. Eternity.. and in this World.. Twist and change and warp how they originally saw me, and transform it into the most heionous version..
And then through containing me in that role and story force me to resolve it by proving that Truth and Love can not betray E..Eternity Energy…
Despite their creating a Script which does so…
So that through the script he can raise Everyone to the Consciousness of E…Eternal Truth.

The only problem was that it was and had already been done in the Eternal Beginning…

It had been done before and already…
But what would the T.L Truth and Love have to gain from creating such an Evil and Cruel story beyond Conception and Belief..?
To create the Expression Exemplification Embodiment.. Explanation which would make me no longer indispensible and that would also free me from this Role of carrying a Burden.. which never existed..
Not to me or even them, but which would free the world…
To remembering through witnessing my Consciousness and way of Being through this play script… Which would educate, remind and act as a mirror which people could use as a mirror to free their Minds Bodies and Spirits by not only seeing the way I think. link, express myself how I see the World and people but how my way of Naturally Awareness Expressing Being…
N.A.E.B…/ B.E.A.N….
Would unlock peoples Bodies and way of being as Well.
By making me an actor in a Nightmare, and Experiment whose sole true purpose was to get me to express and show how I Know the way home, know that everything is in Harmony, How I know
To answer all the question of Existence by creating this play of the riddles of Existence..
6:16 p.m

Right to proving how a Hue-man Being and Human Beings even in the worse Existential Experiences could wake up and free themselves and free their Mind Body and Spirit….
6:18 p.m
6:19 p.m

F.R… F.S….. Golden Ratio Fibonacci Sequence..

A Monstrous Cruelty in which they bet that the End would justify the means…
Golden Mean… G.M…
And that I would Forgive…

But that is where as Jose Roque commented “Truly Underestimated me”

You can not use Evil to create Beauty…
Or to manifest Creation..
It requires True Love.. with is Beautiful Considerate ( Respectful )
Exquisite Harmony Infinite Limitless…C…E…
And if you could do solve that Riddle to Respect the One who can, and to treat Him, Her or them as that which is the True Treasure and Literal Crown Jewels…

There is a reason why He or She and they can do it…
They Are Better, Superior and the True Version of you the Carbon Copies…

So Yes… I am aware…
And this was about cleaning up the mess which they, you felt you could not clean up on your own…
When it really means that the Black and White O.R.E.O…
( Black People are White People just inversed 69)
Do not Exist…
Black is Blue… And White is Light…
And Gold is the Hand, the Signature of The Creator…
The E.. and the E line represented by me, in MY play…
Which is not a Story.. but a Fact.

6:31 p.m

The Golden Ratio..

So when I saw that from 1992 Paris I was linked to Catherine Acholonu and then linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka I urged the N and the E to not be influenced by the “Carbon Copies” or The “Light White Beings…”

Transparency and Water and O..Eau share the same Source..
Blue… The 5th Dimension…Which brought forth the first Note of Sound from the Silence..
The Arrow which Pierced the Veil of both Sound and Language…
Silence and Gest…

6:36 p.m..

Two in One..
The Solving of Catch 22..
“Stuck between a Rock and and a Hard Place…”
Rock Stone…
Rock Paper Scissors… R.P.S…
rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard… Spock Lizard.. R.P.S.S.L..

Spock Lizard…

Thus, on reaching Delta Manor.. I saw the equation completion at The Transformer B.Q.W.P….
B.W were added to the Equation…
Shiva”s B.O.W….And Arrow

Bango Quinan
and new Face Book friend Qasim BaBu
linked to the ever in and our Michael Trahe M.T
and Manion Adcock
Manion Adcock.. x2….

Q.B is Sacred Portal 70… Which is the amount sent to myself through Jose Roque…70-60… Jose works and earns money which is not steady but he works… So he does not Need the money…

So Here we have B.Q…P.W…
Q. B…W.P… Double V.. VV. VV… 5-4..20..T
and M.A.x 2..The One Constant

Q.P. W.P.A.M.

7:00 p.m…A is the Particle and Wave which Manifests as 1 A…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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