
4/29/2019 20:43 – Facebook Post

8:21 p.m

Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Has currently 1563 Facebook Friend
68 mutual with me
11-22 -1968

David Roman Nicholas

Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage is 6’8″ Tall

510. P.O. I P O
800. D D. D A D
33. C N. 1982

Nnamdi passed age 13
McKayla Rays. M =13.
John Mack Keys

51 6
44 8
33 6


B 6..

1563 is
O F C. In Letters OF. C
The Sacred Portal is proving Symmetry is Perfection
Of First Contact
Back to the Eternal Bringing
Via Eternal Truth Eternal Law.
5th Dimension

1563 is A.E F. C
Alpha Eternal Family line of D-A-A Speed of Light.
The First Beings were the Eternal Family Cee

In am at 1248
On Stephens page it shows the muscles of 6 beings
May I remind you, of how for 7.4 yrs I have sought to bring to bring to your attention the inconceivable ( to quote Mckayla), happening to my muscles tendons etc…

So how it it that this truth is posted on Stephen’s Page.
9:39 pm.
H. E R E
H. E A R S…
H E A R. T.H. E. Beautiful Truth of the Origins of the Eternal Man .
True Story Narrated
By E.K.

I have been alone in the 3rd Floor for the past Two days apart from quick visits from John and Mikki..

And I am emerging from the play of the Black Hole alone, which means that there is no one left here- no more Dark Matter as potential made kinetic to evolve all the Family Humane to Hue Man Beings
And that no one was really here in the first place, that all of you were always seated at the 5th Dimension and that my passing through this black hole, represents all your fears anxieties of your experiencing the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix to become Facts
Sol I.D. Facts. Through out Time.

How did you think you could rise when your past- Slavery Wars, Inquisition, genocides all your Stinky Smelly Bad Ideas had not been cleaned up and still moves through the air you breathe and which many refuse to let go off.

All the horrors and expression people did, and then swept under the carpet
The 9th Circle of Hell, and all the children tortured and buried in mounds, a secret society going back over 2000 yrs.
And only recently discovered these graves of children in a Potter’s Field

Where do you think all that Expression goes..?
It stays lingers- it has nowhere to go, it stays right here where Its Creator “You” exists

And yes, you all can manifest through Thought but if it is not of E Harmony, it is of the E Harmony to Destroy Its Creator and Source..
Not me or my family of E,
I have proven my harmony through my Expression and a test challenge to see me fall for 43 44 years since I was 7-8 years old.

And so I am reminded of Dr D ror who saw the evil of humanity attached to me wait and a line of Demonic beings attached to me all refusing to evolve but demanding to evolve as they are, attached to me so I would not evolve
But the question is who attached them to me and made me transform them all.
He saw that in Woodstock in Nov Dec 2011
When I was staying at Akil Apollo DavisAkil
Lisa Levine was a witness to that play.
As well as her friend Walter. Seeing the Lord of He’ll and the 9 Circles of Hell moving through me

And Geoff LaCour’ s Handwritten book dedicated to me who saw An Evil but not mine planted in me..
That was in 2004… !
15 Years!
15 63 to reach F C
Fritz Campbell Vennique
Chris Franco
First Contact

Aligned to 444 12 ..48.
12 12 12 12 Square 48
Beautiful Death as Transformation
Linked the Body to Planet Earth
And the Being to Heavens
.and The Expression of the Two, the Source of the Two as the One Space True Expression Transparent no Deciet.

I am Eros Aphrodite
Not Mikky – She is the Reflection of that new line of Aphrodite which her line can become in the Future based on Embodiment without me beung present.

And I had to clean up the mess left behind by cleaning up all your expressions and bad ideas while you moved through your Human Avatars in a program designed 1010 yes no…
A Question and Answer in the exam and tests.
The last being PHD… E.T Kind.

8:31 p.m.

All the fears and Mess of Ages you left behind as you as well as the Earth Evolves through 9 Full Circles back to your senses, Sensei’s proving you never left paradise nor am I a cult of a Religion
But the Cultivater of Pearls from the Sea, refiner Coach Guide of the polishing of one’s Expresion until words become Quick Silver bring Gold.
Golden Ratio.

There is nothing real in the Black Hole just that which is left behind..
And in my clearing up that mess of Fear Anxiety abondiment, the feeling of Isolstionn and being alone
I have merged the Black to the White to manifest Transparency Supreme, that there was really nothing to fear
See peer inside there is nothing but empty space now transparentky the Expresion of True Love..
That is all that remains..
That is all there every was..
But you just could not see or cee..
That I Emmanuel Immanuel had always been with you..

And you were all sent down as the Beautiful illusion of Babies Children not to grow old but to acquire your own Individual I.D.
Which linked perfectly with how I saw see and Named you.
You aligned to my meaning and naming all by yourself

And it was the Same Meaning I Gave you.
Supreme E.
The Beautiful Ones
Children of Beauty..

No one left but me.

8:42 p.m

But the difference between you and I..
I.actually passed through your black hole to rescue the Black Whole
Your Bodies Evolved

8:43 p.m right now

10:28 p.m.

Linked to Reign Maximus Rodriquez Santana
And Sarah Kaizer…

10:31 p.m

11-04 pm
Linked to Kim Arthur Hines
Tree Sage

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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