
4/29/2019 20:10 – Facebook Post

4/29/2019 20:10 – Facebook Post

And this

Will the real Donald Trump stand up..
No.more of these Talking Heads.

You have to Be in your body to Exists.
You don’t Exists of you live in you.Head

Take it from me
I represent H.Q
H.E. A.D..
RD Quarters

What are Quarters if not Silver Coins
25 cents
25 Y Chromosome.
1/4 of a 100 Cents. 1 USD.

Thus 75 cents remain
3 Quarters.
25 25 25.
World Earth is the 3rd World Planet from the Sun
Messenger Mercury Silver Surfer Electric
Current Currency Energy Source of Monet.
Energy is Truth .

75 is G.E. Sevens Seas Five Continents

*7:50 p.m right now

The World
Complete at 12

And then rises at 3
9 planets Worlds of 333 in 1

7.50 would be the true Brain Skull Head Quarters
Y Y Y Y…
And yet there can be only 3 Y’s, representing the Brain Skull as 12 3 Completes
This one Y is outside of the Body Braun Skull.
B.S that would also mean that something outside of the Skull Body, Universal Body is influencing the 3 Y
The World Body
The Masculine Feminine principle in all living things with a Brain..

That there is an original Y 25 Male Man who Exists outside of Time and Space influencing stimulating moving the Current through the Body and the E.M.F
To Sensational Feeling
Solid Fact.

And is not of this Creation-Nature Universe..

7:57 p.m

That you are being Impulses Stimulated I S from something beyond even the Harmonics of 44=8 which is Still a part of Universal Natures Creation ..
Apart but which or who had been connecting and cutting those who do not connect or plug in to the Eternal Curent
And Currency: Fair Exhange and Fair Play.

8:00-01 p.m

There is a quarter I have intentionally left on the Kitchen Table for the last few days, not really knowing why I did not simpy put it away.

Now I do..

Six People Dancing
Time code of the post 9:39 p.m
I ci
Here in French

This was the nature of the play I was in and how I had to figure it out.

Green Point
Brooklyn is filled with Slavic People…
Linked to OINri people


My Parents Names..
Infinity and my Twin Brother Reflection Embodied now to completion
Respond Echo E

O I ..N R I .

Evolved to O I
E. R I R E

Emeka Laughter
Ha ..Aha and Smile
Sunshine State.

Not the Thunder of
Boom! Boom!

8:08 p.m

Love Light Life Laughter
Joyous Blessing

48 L

8:09 pm


Tree SageTree

8:10 p.m.
Harmony John Mack
H A O.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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