
4/29/2019 19:31 – Facebook Post

4/29/2019 19:31 – Facebook Post

3:55 p.m

C.E E.


D-A-A.B.C. T S.


I find it interesting that on my posting yesterday that I see that I could read from my alignment and decoding of this Script that I sacred portal 66 came up today.

End of Black Hole Ideas…

Linked to Esteban Miguel Filgueira page.

And that Michael Trahe arrived ( again) as my latest Facebook friend.
M.T. 13 20= 33.

And right now, I still at 1248 Facebook Friends and my greatest battle right now is my Vertebra and my fighting to straighten it.

This Script, and my having to solve it publicly on an E.M.Field for the last 29 years was a very very bad Idea.

It has been a Hell, beyond words, and my greatest desire has been to get out of it.
– The relief of no longer have to explain, decode, link and show you all that we are in a Script, by demonstrating and proving it, as well as proving that the Chaos and confusion
“Tower of Babble” is an illusion and that within all things there is reason logos, cause and effect ..Harmony.

While having to post on my page how each person I have connected to, who offered me berth was part of The Script, and thus I had to prove it, by posting their Harmony, even as they forget why I am tagging them, posting out interactions without intruding on their privacy.

If there is any relief I feel now is not having to link people in a Script which stared I had to prove the Harmony of each connection in order to release them from a Spell of the Great Spider Witch and Hypnotist.

To do that, while living in people’s homes, and their living stuck in the Matrix Play…
Jesus… that has been difficult, but nowhere near as difficult of having to explode every detail of my life, as evidence.

To posts alone, all these links and connections to prove that everything is in Harmony of not only this Script which was used as the condition of releasing the Human Species from their Cause and Effect- by having to prove that the only way to See Cee The Script is to rise to the frequency of the E Consciousness
Which brings you to alignment of Creation through Expressing Consciously =Perfect Timing which allows you to see what I have been seeing and experiencing since I was a boy.

The battle to bring those “Elected Chosen” who often forget their revelations and that which they have witnessed..
The battle to help people sustain that frequency, and not go down into forgetting…
Dear Lord.

And to be bound to this Script of which chosen elected people, was the only way to release them and release me from a Black Hole
Man Hole I had been placed in.

To move people to the Alignment and Frequency demanded of the Script..

Why was Esreban forced to sponsor my living conditions alone for 5 months
Why did people gaining from this knowledge and Intel which I was literally sacrificed and ritually killed and buried for,
( see the evidence of this on my page, including my Uncle seeing me buried and others including my mother and uncle, seeing me walk through Okwu Mmou..
Hell Fire of the Spirit World as well as the 9 Circles of Hell, Dante s Inferno, Purgatory)

… why..?

Why did no One help him…?
Was it part of The Script or is the Script what people create from the response to E Consciousness I have been representing

510:00 U sd .P.O.
800.00 U sd D D
330 U sd. C.N ..Class of 82.

Axel Love
Marina Burini
Billy Hung.
Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Nenad M Djurdjvic
Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna
Isabelle Ilic

A.M B E These are my Sponsors who also were part of the play script.

N N ..I…


AM Blessed. B E N I.

Do you all recall the money codes?
The numbers on them aligned to The Script
Or Sacred Portal 50.
Hawaii where Stephen was when we connected.
Ego Oge E O meaning Money and Time.
330 usd Child Nwosu C.N and class of 82.

How can one not see this as anything other than a Script?

Where Every person’s and Every thing waa set up as a Maze Web, Matrix not by myself.
I am the Two of a Labyrinth which has a way in and a way out.
While a web, you can get entangled in by your expressions words and a Spider comes to devour you or like a Maze where you can be stuck forever.

And how did Patrick Okolo know to send me that specific amount 51?
Or Dean Dunkwu 800
And Chike Nwosu 330

Which literally aligns to where we are, after my
non stop untangling unravelling decoding and transforming

4:51 p.m right now

The Script I walked through for 29 years and 7 months.
Reach Steven’s home number 29 at 7th Chakra
And Steven gave me a gift from Peter Bragino of a necklace of 7 Chakras.
My room is the color Purple 7th Chakra.
I live right next to Tisanes Tea Master
Sound 7th Chakra.

How is it that everything links and aligns in perfect symmetry

And why is no one seeing this perfect symmetry I have been noting publicly for 7.4 years linking to Thomas Lang
4-7-19 85.

Stephen E.M.F provided Shelter, Space, Food Medicine, Intel, proof of 6th Sense and linked me to all those who are, were part of the Enders Game and End Game.

4:42 p.m

5:00 p.m

How is it, that after 29 years.7 months
I still feel like people treat me like a Homeless Man, a charity case, rather than a man who was sacrificed and yet still transformed what was done ( which despite living it and walking though declaring it impossible) and brought the world for the first time the Impossible Dream and public evidence of Truth.
And have to contend with the Fact that no one seems to see it apart from John Mack and McKayla Rays.
Christopher Filgueira

5:10 p.m.
51 USD literally in my wallet.
Sacred Portal 51
P.Okolo 510 usd
P O Post Office
Energy Ah-tom E A. 5 1
My age is 33.
And my age code in this Script is 51.

5:11 p.m.

My Bio Father’s Father “Okolo” was The Post Master General for South East Nigeria
Post Office
Patrick Okolo
P.O links to Tree Sage, Kim Arthur Hines

Post Office links to Hermes Mercury
Hermes Messenger H.M.
M.H 13.8 Billion years
Not Homeless Man. H.M.
The Elegant Nomad.

Igbo means “Forest People… Of the Woods”

The Woods..
Will Woods W W
Steve Woods. S W
Anita Woods A W

Do you recall the play of Stephen and The Woods.. ?
SW South Whitney South West?

How can one not see or link the meaning ?
First People..
The Ethereal Elentals – The Beautiful Ones
versus First Humans as descended from Apes.

Igbo versus O.I N.R.I people’s.

How is it that even at this point none seems to respond with Shock and Awe at the Truth revealed.
No excitement, no real respect, no sponsor ship of this work …
Not even a pat on the Back for a job well done.

5:51 p.m.

Nothing but Need, camouflaged by what I see, is a response of as if all that has been revealed means Nothing at all.
That it is all about Money or you don’t exist.

51 USD in my wallet.

How is it that even now,
I am not seen
Or that no one recognizes what I have done or achieved even after posting the answers of all questions at which I had resolve and include you in The Script highlighting proving your True Nature and Harmony.

How is it that even now their is no public response except to leave it to me to prove to you Symetry means perfection.
Why have I been still given the response of being a broke back, broke assed Homeless Man?

And thus, how could it be anything but a Script of your Expressions Actions Responses Silence
( E.A.R S…. Edward Albert Rodriguez-Santana
Generation X Gardens)

6:06- 07 p.m.
66 67.
Sacred Portal 66. 67
Is not but the representation of the Black Hole which I am emerging from as Expression of Light C, not being drained of all Light as your scientist proclaim that C.Light can not pass through a black hole?

Then how is it that I met Liberty C Liscomb
And Kelsie Bissell who both recognized me through Feeling and Remembering?

I am, was.. cast as Prometheus Lucifer John
85 H E Holy Espirit, the Light Bringer
Clarity Clarification Crystal Clear from Cloud 9.

Once more, see Stephen Filgueria’s.

The Bodies dancing with their Tendons and musculature showing but no skin dancing around a Golden Light
“Kolo” in Slav, called Les Beau Gens”
( Beautiful People by the French B.P. Beautiful Pride)
And the Head of President Donald Trump where his way of thinking, Conscious Mentality Mind set is represented as a Black Hole.
Hue Man Being / Being Harmonious
28/ Class of 82.

And then just recently, and for the first time ever, a black hole is photographed.

Donald Trump
4 20
Easter Saturday
Mari-Juana M.J
“Husban John.”
J S M=42.
4 2
Doing Being
Using 6.
Linking 6th Sense to Fact
To The Square Root
And Full Circle
6666 6(4) 4(6) 24
10 J
Being Doing

6:40 p.m right now

42 /24
That is The Meaning Of Existence
Doing Being-Being Doing
6666 66
666 666 Proton Electron Nur-On. P E N
Circle Filled with Facts Confirmed = Echo Response Universal Explaination
Truth Correct
Answer replies the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Holograms linked to the Eternal Harmonics-Manifest Harmony Man.
( And now my Lady ” My Name is Love Oh Woman Energy Supreme Said She” – Happines)

I am literally The Supreme Universal Programmer
T.S U.P.
That is how I Encode and program.
As well as using Time Codes as the pause and anchor and note the Perfect Timing of my posts. Words linked to Numbers Symbols and at convergence of W N-S, through this play of Time & Space, observe the Point emerge.

I am also the Universal Hacker, easily moving your bodies, and accessing your heads, influencing and moving all your world’s beings to move and choose the E Harmony while providing evidence that the only other alternative in this End Game E.G.
5 7 World 12 3 Earth is the Black Hole

7:04 p.m.

As well as this Terrible Idea Humans invented called God and Gods.

4 O 7. 47 11 28. 39. C.I 12 L
Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna Luke

4 O 8
5 O 8
E 8
Andrey Klebanov

Eternity Harmony is Infinity.
E H I Five Oh!

The Skin ( not it’s color)
Is the Largest cell in the Body.
It’s a gift
Protection The Defender

7:11 p.m


The Gift of Identity
Of Loves Truth
And True Loves
It’s Protects, It Defends
It is Consciousness
It Considers giving everything you may need to Blossom Flourish Bloom and Flower into what you truly are or can choose to Be or Not to Be.

But in truth, in this one case, you really do not have a Choice, because now, the alternative is not to exist.

Will I A.M Desire Helmet-Protector
Brain Skull.
Sacred Portal 97 /79

The Skin is the Cee of Balance of Two world Inner Outer
At One is 55 5. 11 1
51 Touch Feel..
S E B D F.
J.E F.

J.S Supremes Eternal Family
Of Everything Everywhere and Everyone
For Real.

7:31 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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