
4/29/2018 21:50 – Facebook Post

4/29/2018 21:50 – Facebook Post
4/29/2018 21:50 – Facebook Post

12:35 am

@1143 Facebook friends.

An oh yes, to complete the Robby H post..
I was bought dinner last night by Donald Turner..
Donald Leyton Turner..
Tall Elegant Slim… dapper…
Quanmae Lewis stood behind him as the began to tell me about some guy with bad manners and how he had gotten addicted to Crack and spent time in Pysch wards 7 times! before he got treatment.
I was allowed to go out after the curefew to pick up my order… they now no longer make deliveries for less than Ten usd.
.21:43 pm

Oh and Nnamdi Umeano is code
Nu is the Ancient God of the Abyss…
John Shaw introduced himself the first time to me with a gift of Nu Tea

N U..E ..
E U N..
14..N…that was the number on my coffee from the Arab Bodega today..
1.75 usd I now owe them..
Donald T…D.T was insistent that I returned his change he gave me 7 usd.
chabge 75 centd

I went to the abyss..
A nightmare dream

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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