
4/29/2018 21:31 – Facebook Post

4/29/2018 21:31 – Facebook Post
4/29/2018 21:31 – Facebook Post

20:20 pm….. 21 pm

From Robbie Halo..R H .

I am posting from my government phone which is a pain to use-
@ Starbucks..an elaborate to bring me out of the logical conclusion of the Computer Desk Tops at Delta Manor all down, my phone minutes finished- no more able to go on line and the only thing in my Control to say , No More” being the one place which I would be the one portal I would be lured into comming one more time because of the “Glitch” in the Equation so obviously complete.
I had understood that Jace K Horsford represents the one portal home as in rep of the Energetic Symbolic expression of my portal home in this Universal Simulation Awareness Script…
as E GA LA XY 11O 1 C I…
-whose symbolic “passing through” is passing through the Heart of the person representing as a Human Being who fully understanding what you stand for when they invite you into their homes. Which I believe just asked me to pass through his home portal for a weekend, –
as I am writing this post, I just saw his invitation query..
I have been through this 55 times in 17 yrs, each home and person representing a plane of Existence, a dimension in the Play…

I was aware because last night for the first time in 19 months I left the Shelter after 10 pm, after I came back to find no food left reserved for me.
I didn’t and don’t sweat such things on the lower levels of Consciousness, I’m Aware that I won’t starve, but on the Higher level it has great meaning and signficance…
It is a “Slight” something to get your Attention and provoke a response..

Dalapo” – or something, Jace had called it last night when I called him, aware that he had the previous day had been inducted into the Delta Mu Delta the top 20 % of acadelmic intelligence…
he had mentioned his number in line 29…
I had a vision or “travelled” the night before..a strange vision of myself in a sort of family house elegant but seemingly imporvershed as we..I waited for funds, and at last to my Observerer Self, witnessing the scene, my half Uncle Nnamdi Umeano- the one my Uncle P had been told me that a Bishop had to him that a powerful Voo doo had been planted in my Bio Father, Maurice Home Town Amawbia.
The terrible “curse” but really as I had proven, a play set up for me to find this portal home through such am impossible challenge adventure that only The Creator could find his way through..
And yet which no one who is the Creator of All would deign to submitt to…. to endure such insult and “Public” and “Private” and Personal insults.

The Trail which led me to Delta Manor…
25 yrs later…Age 25…
and two three, even four ..five six Quantum Leap yrs later…
But there he was..he met with the few remaining giving each something..
when my turn came he presented me with crisp bills of money of different large currencies from different countries. I believe on the French Franc bill was the number 529…
E B…I..
E is I

E Being Infinite…
Emeka Being Earth..

Today is the 29th..
I spoke with Jace for 39.28.mins yesterday- Work..very hard

Like speaking to Thanos- Greek God of Sleep
“Avengers Inginity War”
Thanos is the Greek God of Sleep
brother to Greek God of Death…
I have spoken about my brothers..the Twins over the years as my brothers whose portal and the proof that he, They are Dreaming or Asleep and That I am in Their Dream waking them but being put through Hell Beyond belief to convince them that it is They who are dreaming and that This Is Not Real…

E B I…

Today is 29 and though without being aware of the set felt I should meet with him after his ESpirit said he would call me today ..but didn’t.
I had only managed to rise from my bed of Sleep Rest Insomnia…to get up not knowing why and that there was no reason to get up the Script is over… It had gone too far… and yet I am still here..
In a Story of Awakening but not for this world..
Dalapota Jace had called the Sumarian named God which controls this reality..A Demonic Devil force of Illusuon…
And so I knew after I invited Jace to meet and because he had a valid reason that this was a play to deternin who was the Illusion Dream
and who was Is the I.D of the Truth..Fact…
Ala..Allaan meaning “Beautiful Harmony Handsome”…

Yesterday was the 28th…

I am here alone at Starbucks on the 29..

7 4 12 was on my Facebook Pages O

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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