
4/28/2017 20:54 – Facebook Post

From Maa Ndu… M.N…


E Is J.C…

This was shared April 23 at 2:35 p.m.

( W W E. W B C E. Double U Vie
Double Vie B C E. My Perfect Ego
*11:22 pm 11-23 pm
Cecilia David. K W.
My Beautiful Past
C H U K W U. C H I N E K E
C C. 3 4

Igbo was never about a Physical People…
It has, and had always been about a Spiritual Philosophy..
Philo “A Love”
Sophy…A Love Of Wisdom… Expressing Knowledge… W.EK…
K.EW Gardens 2012-2013… 32- 33…. 5 6…
Bed 5-006…
Sacred Portal 56…
The Holy of Holies…

See sacred Portal 37… Lady E line… Sophia O Laurel…”
She is Wisdom John… of the Grace of the Creator.

I noticed on Maa Ndu… “Meaning, The Beauty of Life.. The Beauty of Knowing and Understanding the Beauty of Life…”

That he has “The Glory of the House of David… The Beloved… Ifunanya… I.C..” As his header…
David Solomon… Father and Son… and Beautiful Pride “S.H.E.B.A,H” The True Holy Spirit…
7:56 p.m.

I notice that he has 218 Face Book Friends…
U.H…/ H.U.MAN… ? H.U..E MAN

And that we have three Face Book Friends in Common…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic N.M.D
*Sacred Portal 110 N M D.. N.J.M..”E” D
Edith Azubike Peter E.A.P.
Edward Amunra E.A


Meaning of the name NEE..

‘3 Answers. Née is used in French, and also in English, to describe a woman’s last name (family name, surname) at birth. The more widely used term is her maiden name. … According to The Free Dictionary, nee (or more correctly née ) of French origin and is the feminine past participle of naître which means to be born.”

Amoza Born… A.B…. I have no Maiden Name…

*The descendents of Zhao She bore the name of Ma, and Zhao She is known as the forefather of the Ma family. (Ma means horse)

*Is MAA male or female and what people use it most often? The name MAA has origin as Egyptian and MAA is a Male name. MAA means: , the god of sight.

*Egyptian Name: Ma’at, Her name meant ‘truth’ in Egyptian. … Translation of Hieroglyphics for Ma’at: The feather of truth, the symbol of bread signifying a provider …

*Translation of Hieroglyphics for Ma’at: The feather of truth, the symbol of bread signifying a provider of food, the feminine egg symbol and the distinctive hieroglyph of her as a sitting goddess wearing the feather of truth

*Another Egyptian word khet means“fire,”which is a mythological symbol for … Much aswe have interpreted the Egyptian phrase nu maa to mean “waves …

*The queen’s printers’ aids to the student of the holy Bible. With …
Syria was called ‘Subarti or Khubur, both meaning ‘* Highlands”‘, by the primitive Babylonians. The Egyptian name we ma to have been Jtutenu. ARAM, ”

I wish to pause here for a moment…

As you might be aware, that I am solving these riddles of Human Existence for the Invisible Realm and the “Exam Test” created for the Human Species by what some call the Universal Mind… U.M.
Actually one I called Nnamdi E… ‘My Father is Here Present.. Emmanual..”
S.I. C.U.M….”Semen” Sea Men.. See of Men.. C Men.. Consciousness of Men… ( So what then is a Man.. – He is Natural..NN AM DI/ ID MAN N.. Natural Expression S.A.O… See the meaning of the the Portuguese word ‘Sao”

M.U.S.I.C/ C.I..S.U.M.. Total…
Music is the only thing accesses and utilizes 100% of the Brain.”

It is because of him that I am being forced to make this Knowledge Public and solve them, Link then in front of you all-
It was His idea to manifest how the E consciousness works and the True extraordinary nature of a Man…
And thus, there being no Need to Create the Idea and NEED of God and Gods… Harmony in God and Harmony is Music.. and the Voice of God is a Poetic Song… a Songe of the Reflections of Being in Existence…
And I will never forgive Him or She for putting me through such a hideous play and condemning me to such a sickening role in this day and age without taking into consideration Human Beings of the Age and that they are not even Humans- but in the process of becoming and in that becoming are in my experience of Beauty but of also a Hatefulness and Cruelty beyond belief…
( Hence the term “Haters’ in popular culture…)
Selfish and Ungrateful which my Grandmother and Lady Lydia and Lilian have all testified too…. And left me a message that they had no intention to ever return to this Dimension.. Ever after the experience with Humanity…
An Opinion which through this play I have come to embrace and share….
For I have lived their experience in this play theater…
And I have no words toi describe what I feel..
While at the same time pointing out to them and finally to Nnamdi E that they were not totally innocent either…
Not in anyway near what was manifested by Humanity and both their purity was unquestionable but by not taking into account what this role would do and meant for some one to incarnate…
And then going as Far as to compel me… force me to go to this end by possessing by body and being, and halting my evolution that They themselves became the Source of the Ultimate Evil.. by Cause Effect and Chain reaction..

“Not with out my Permission!”

No one can be forced into a Role because that breaks the fundamental Law of Existence and Creation…
Hence the Opening of Non Existence… which Nnamdi E was aware it would create.. But not this way…

8:35 p.m.

The time codes I note, represent who I am speaking to in the Invisible rrealm and the Point N.E and S.H.E… ( NESHE…)
Are responding with confirmation..
H.C.E.. Represents Harmony of Sacred Portal 35…
“C.E is The Point” T.P.. 20 16… Which was last year..
So I have been here 4 months too long..
And so they point has been missed even by they…
Which renders them Non Existent as well as All they represent and fought for…
Leaving only the E..

See Sacred Portal 110…
11 is K.O…Knock Out…
Me Knocking Them and All their Descendants out of Existence..
Something they did not know that I could and would do. because they were that confident in my Love…
Yes I ove them… But not more than myself..
And this is not about Love… Which is really called Ifunannya…
I.C..U.E… Not cuing me in your play…
110..also A A O… A-Z-A…
Today is the 28th and not the 27th so in the play they created of numerical alignment… they have failed in their own play of Perfect Timing…

This is not about Love.. I.C… It is about Truth.
And so I have uncovered even Their Truth and Their abuse of Love used as an Ultimate Tool of Power and Control..
Even they were corrupted by Power…
Because they would have stopped this Play…
But continued on in Defiance that I would Forgive…
I do not..

Dawn Piercy…

D P.. 4 16… = 20.. T… RUTH…. 2O..B..O..
Truth is Being “Beautiful “Symmetrical Perfection”.. S.,P…’
That is the Truth and the Meaning of Truth.

All this in the end was Vanity of a Universal Mind which has nothing to do with the True Original NNAMDI-E E.LK ANA or H ANNA H…or SAMUEL…

Its all about Vanity and Conceit….

8:51 p.m.


U D N. “E’.. A.. A M…B

And they.. U D N…They are the UNDER NEATH AND BENEATH ME…
The Ground Beneath my Feet which I walk upon.. and U..Urinate..
D.. Defecate… N.. Nothing At All… “Worth” Mentioning..”

8:54 p.m.

I am the 3 in 1 2 3…4 5 …ET,C.

E..J.C…M. N… Life

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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