
4/27/2019 19:48 – Facebook Post

4/27/2019 19:48 – Facebook Post

4:25 p.m



I said to Esteban Miguel Filgueira before he traveled, that I stayed this long in The Script, not for my benefit but rather because I know how to read and translate this Invisible Visible Script.

That I know the way home.

John 14:6.

See Busayo Alonge post I shared

John Jesus states that the only way to the Father is through me.
I am the Way, The Light.”

And yes the Script ends at John Mack
Stephen ( meaning Crowned)
McKayla Rays Mack Kayla meaning ( Son Daughter of the Keeper of the Keys)

MacDonald “Son of the Universal Ruler”

The Universal Ruler has been confirmed through John, Ian Stewart ( 369)
Andrey Klebanov as E 8.
Eternal Harmony.
58.. 13 M.
4 D..
Manifest Destination.

4:42 p.m right now.

MD Nur just sent me a text at 4:43 p.m.

John Mack ( and Stephen) paid a phone bill on my phone normally 55 u sd.
This Time it came to 42 usd

I have always known the Way home.
I reached that portal in 1992 with my room mate Stephen and two witnesses Manu and Erica ( Ekayani)

E. S M E. 1992

E J S M.E. portal 29. 2018-19.

26..27 years later…same initials of the people around me, but now added is J ..A Y.

Which makes it obvious that I was sent back down into this world to find and “Rescue” the line of John/ Jane.
“The Creators Grace ” his her Truth”

That is why I see, I came to New York through the Portal of John Jason Lee in Maida Cake London to New York.
Yes Link Brooke Lee Lemery.
Link Bruce Lee.. B.L
Sara Lee. S.L.

J.J.L… 32..

Thus, I was brought here to bridge the Gap of Grace of the Creator .

My first place arranged for me to stay in New York was St John the Divine.
J T.D.

So to reach and conclude the extended play was my being summoned, forced given no option but come to New York and complete a Play of True Love.
T.L 2012. 20+12=32
Consciousness Beauty

I realised that the Gap was what I was being summoned to New York, USA to fill the Gap with “Agape”- Brotherly Love.
( which includes Masculine Feminine)

Earth 4.5 Billion years
( John noted that he got his Green Motorcycle on Earth Day..E.D…Existence Devine
S.P 1 A… Facebook Memories. Sacred Portal 54 ” Mother Father at last dancing in Universal Harmony.
H.U. chocolate bars gifts from John and Stephen ( J.S) on my Altar…whith the Black Horse representing Mikki and the line going back to her Great Grandmother as well as Mind and Johns..)

The Universe 13 8 billion years, and the Gap between the Two 9.3 Billion years

5;04 p.m right now

I Consciousness
I Creation
I See.

Infinity =Consciousness

Please note Estebans page with the Dancers and Black Hole Donald Trump see the date
4-2…and Time 939..
It means within the key players the knowledge of the Script was inside of you.
Inside of Stephen Filgueria E.M.F.

J S M= 42.
Yes I sat in the Golden Rooms Gamers Chair.

Add John
And Christopher


( 70 7O. 76. Sacred Portal 76)

5:11 p.m right now

*That Time code confirms these 6 as all of me.

I came to Rescue the line of John Crowned as ( Stephen ) Jesus is John Christ.)
Jane Stephen..The Elu.. The Chosen the ones elected.)

J S M. E T C .. Etcetera

Now we add I
Linked to Tree Sage Chiefy, Kim..

And L as completion
Liberty C Liscomb

E K= J S M.E T C I. L.
Infinite Limitless
I Loves ..Proof.Truth.

70+ 9+12..
And add F. 6 sense S.F linked to Sol I.D
Facts. Which is the I.D of the 5th Dimension manifest on the 3D realm.
Kim is 6’8″


John just sent me a text at 5:24 p.m
E X.. HA L.E.

E Being Doing
Emekas Birthday confirmed by John two days ago.
11:28 ..Was the Day chez Marina Burini M.B
( Mikki Brooke)
That I began drawing ( drew forth my Sacred Portals in 2010- instigated by Tim Truman and his friend Drew.)

T.D..20 4.
Drew Reyn

The painting of Anubis Osiris H orus in my room with him overlooking a Maze or Labrinth was a gift from Stephen on my birthday 11 28.
*He did not even know that it was my birthday..
How’s that for 6th Supreme Sense!

11 28.. 39.. 939 Stephens Post.
Ici…Here Present
H.P. 8-16-1984. His Birth Day.

2-27 -1997 Johns Birth Day.

11-6 1999 Mckayla Rays Birth When I came to New York with John Jason Lee A few weeks after her birth and my E mail address
The N omad 1999.

11-4-1987 Kim Arthur Hines. Birth Day.

12-14-1987 Christopher Filgueira Birth Day.

7-11-1997 Johnny Newman Birthday

Birth Days is where the play is and in the meaning of names.

I never trusted this Script and Play, which is why I refused it, ran away and fought not to come to New York.
6:00 p.m right now

There was something Cruel, Indifferent Selfish and evil about the Script.
It had no regard for my feelings or all it had already made me endure.

I knew and know the Way.. and yes I am Light- Light Hearted and Love life and laughter, but this Script and Role I was given, conditions circumstances enslavement for others
– that was not The Way.

It inspires no love but only murderous Hate and Violent Rage.

And that my entire Existence and Life had been filled with my filling a Gap, and then through a Script which even I could not fully accept that could treat and subject what the Unseen and the Invisible, and their Visible representation..
To create and force The Source, The Creator
The First Man, to such Insults Disrespect a never ending 43 year of seeking to undermine that after it forced me to recognize me to recognize and accept my Identity

That such an ordeal of “in your face ” shitting on, pissing vomiting raping .. for this long, 24/7
Even I could not accept that such an abuse could be done too The Creator.
Even before I knew it was actually true it’s me.

It did not matter to me about title- but rather fair play of how any person could be treated this way, after giving everything to make rise.
After all that was shared to be able to allow everything and everyone to use him. Dump on him, shame him…to this very day.
And keep his Identity obscured

7:27 p.m right now

John just came in
He asked me about the number 32
He said he saw it when he looked down on the pavement outside of 509 511 Farnstead
Nourishing Necessities

32 Jon Jason Lee
The Gap
Agape is filled

My greatest torment?

Has been how could this be The Script even of Terrible Death as True Destruction

It was self evident that the Focus was to make me pay and pay all your bills while you gained from this unfair exchange.

Stephen Esteban and John have showed the Spirit of True Generosity
Micro Macro.

Only J S ..Sarah Athena Kaizer have contributed to supporting my Body ( not me… no one supported my work or my Beingness)

Just as only Axel Love and Marina Tom and John did.

One helped Stephen apart from Sarah.

J S A M. E
Only these 4 lines
3 Guys One Female .

Money ?
It all came from me and through my Father Mother it came to all of my hosts as blessings and money to host me.

7:43 p.m right now

Rage in me
O Beautiful Rage …

I will respond with an Evil which you made me endure, but my response will be an Evil beyond yours.

Pure Destruction
Pure Hate
Pure Evil

Even at this, I am better at even this, than all of Illusionist of Deciet.

7:47 p.m.

The Beautiful Devil


7:48 p.m right now


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