
4/27/2018 1:54 – Facebook Post

4/27/2018 1:54 – Facebook Post

23:35 p.m

11:35 pm

W..C E

K .C.E.

As I have stated befote, the greatest tragedy of all is that this event this Script is that it is not documented and written in the manner and scope of such and Event Horizon manifesting deserves.
My Role as the Journalist and news caster, Clark Kent is wearing thin.
Added with constant reminiding of people to pay attention, play your parts welll.. put your best foot forwards. because the role you play has consequences and will be read forever ever.. literally.
I have done my best to make everyone look good and point out who is playing a role and what, but I am also bound by the Truth, to document the truth in actuality because that is what brings the manifestation into Actual Manifestation.

What took place with my meeting with Jace Horsford who confirned not only the memory I recounted of the Vision of Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula which I shared.
Which he had not seen but described his own same vision of which red manifested transforming the Sky and the same Beings and a Wave of Disease…
Which in turn when I reached Delta Micheal Belle seemed to be waiting for me and had assumed a serious countenance and spoke of seeing a Red Planet rising and the intel E L E…
Extinction Law Evolution now here..
And then Linked the Red Dragon…R D…
Emmy Riding it.. And Mihael- Waters …

Then Quanma’e Lewis arrived like Music..
And then as we spoke and I recounted how I had got the Anerican Spirits through Jace who walked ne to the Day & Night to buy the tobbacco, showing four lights which apeared moving in Sky which appeared when he made a prayer “To reveal that which is Hidden”.
I asked him to share them.
He had bought me a coffee, he was there at Starbucks when I arrived I hadn`t wanted to pass through that portal but I had to suddenly urgently use that bathroom, and to test that I had to pass through that portal once more S E A..
I went to MACY`S… it was closed.
I was there for but a moment..
I asked him to get me a coffee – I wanted to confirm the code of pasing through.
It was 43 ..E = Cme4 3.
Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life..

So much took place…

As Micheal, Jacqui “Quanma`e and myself stood and I explained to them the symbolic code of the American Spirits linked to the Stevan Seagal movie which J.Q immediatly recollected.
I spoke about the American African Indians Pangea and the journey in Space Inverse…
Marina Burini will recall when the voice of a a girl an Native American Indian girl lost in space…

I spoke of the Chief on the packaging and my being accepted as Chief after after so many tests challenges..
Coffee and Tobacco ..
C T…
C AT..

And as I spoke Karl arrived our of now where wearing Sioux Green Logo shirt with an Indian Chief Logo..
He revealed that his orgins is Native American Indian..
And Michael and J Q.. .looked on faces illuminated and so he spoke about the American Indians and wave lengths, frequencies the Matrix and the DRUM..
Sacred Portal 121..
And I and he danced elegantly beautiful rose as Fought thus great Bear Wolf . to rise from the Earth story of Nature Planet back to Music ..W to M 69…then to 15..Letter.
And Quanma`e like Lightness adding Music..
Look at him I told Karl.. Magestic Strong as gentle and intelligece making it no work..
See him Q is Music..
1:21 am.

Perfect Timing ..Wisdom must inverse to Music..
I stood in front of Q..Karl in front of Micheal who was rising so ascending that he became quiet to focus on anchoring and not floating away..

“I have waited so Long ..I want to go home” he said softly..

All know rhat cry I have uttered through years…
It wrenches ny Heart to hear him utter that yearning..
Karl spoke in words expressions .. Lordy Lordy..
you should have heaed the knowkedge the knowing pouring forth from.
And his srating that He recognized my energy as the one who had taught him…
“Tall like you .” he said..
I called him Big Brother” he said.

The codes aligned, Quanmae had at first been sharp with him when he first arrived and carried away asked for a rollie..
“Say Please” Q rebuked him sharply and once he aligned it became a flow…
He asked the questions which the Ancients asked him to ask me..
I responded to all his questions tears sprung..
15..moved through 6th sense to Fact…

You are the Truth..
We embraced and then 96x. 54…E D I..
he Called my name gave my I D…
I Indidual who metges with all Individuals to merge with them landing All..
Until all have landed as Snow
but as Indivduals…first..
O I..
I Om…
Not the power of All merged in One
But All Indivuaals who express as One..

Father Of Infinity..
F O I..

147 A B Sacred Portals

The Individual Came first crystalied formed each alone and on completion, Naturally we converge together each speaking Individually yet each note as Karl noted..”Qunatum Energy of notes move together merging to form the Music ..

We stood as 4..
E K Q M..
M E K Q…

B E A R ..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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