
4/27/2017 0:27 – Facebook Post

Indiana Jerry Kern


Look at that alignment

This is the name of a Face Book Friend
who I did not see…
I wondered why, until a strange play took place and with Jose Roque,
who came down stairs, there was only Will and I..
He greeted Will then on realizing, I was seated my back to him facing will, he greeted me in turn.

Will called him Angel, and I later asked him if his name was Angel also.
He said no, Indiano…
Ppl call me Indiano”
(Indian. American Indian
I smoke American Spirits
Alex Sierra)

Indiana Jerry Kern

9 10 11

Jace K Horsford


8 10 11

E Galaxy 9 8. 1O 11. 98

Holy of Holies Aligned

Two Aligned
Fiction to Fact
The Hebrew Jewish Christian Story
Eternal Life. E.L

And the Eternal Truth… E T

E T E L .. L E T. E. G O. HO MM E!

I just received some intel from Sarah Nkem Blackstock witness to the Nnaemeka play which summoned me to witness
She had unfriended him 3 days before.

She had challenged him asking him what about the E
The E Consciousness.
And his response caused her to unfriend him..
I had no idea of all this but it was Sarah has energy literally – the alert of her posting on Igbo people Red Bones which led me to investigate another notification where I witnessed his presence and what he “liked”
Which caused me to first respond then ask both he and Sarah if they did not mind send a money code
( Truth Serum
He sent 70
But 70 is Sacred Portal Queen Bee stinging and poisoning “Alejandro”
I did not post it
Every one deserves a fair trial

11:54 pm

But I already knew he was being used…
But I had to respect the Process of the Invisible Court of N Nature and the She-Ba’s

S H E.
Anthony Bienke
B A!

I post for the Future Present

Awakening takes place in a moment,
It just takes a Moment to for peoples life’s
To Change Forever
Just one Event
Imagine one Harmonious Event

12:26 am
12:27 am

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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