
4/27/2016 20:24 – Facebook Post

5;53 p.m.

27-4-9.. 9 9 4..

4-27-9… 4 Easter 2016..B.G..I.. 4 9 9…

*Note, I noticed that I have 4 messages and 99 likes.. 4 99.. but actually 4-103 (D..J.C… Joseph Carey..D)..


6:00 pm.

600 Face Book Friends… Andrei Dumitru Mituca…

Rather surprised that I am still here…

I walked to my former haunts last night, quietly incredulous to my condition (My body is unraveling, untwisted from its deformed state)..
And that I was walking the streets of New York…
Knowing as a Fact proven that I am being Controlled…

I was quiet, because even though it would appear that no one has understood what has been achieved…

I am aware that the greatest Human Achievement has been accomplished..
The reading of Energy by a Human Being, which I am aware that it will Herald many others Evolving by the play which I did not create, which was to read Energy God… God of course is Family….

I wondered what my next move, and decided that it was too late to take action to end this play myself…
But I also know that this is a Hologram…
because I read it and then proved it so…

Right to the new face book request who came.. and suddenly left..

I was tricked… because I had made plans…

I have completed the play.. almost…

And it would seem that people are watching to see if I will find leave this Matrix… Make it home with my E.T family rising and taking me home…
As the plan I read over 6 years ago stated…

My bodies condition is elongating, and perhaps it is time, then I should not be on the streets..
And if it is finally happening, then the streets of New York is the last place I should be..
I am still Elegant, perhaps rugged and a bit rough around the edges..
My front teeth have came out, but all in all for 27 years and especially the last 15 in New York and what I have walked through, and endured…
Not too bad… though considering my normal state, this has gone to far…
Yet when I saw I had reached 600..6OO…
and the one energy of Mother Earth, had finally been proven that Mother Matter is a Man…
I feel much better…

There have been plays in the Invisible Dimension which I have mentioned, but briefly, because, the Energetic Wave moving through me, even as I type controls my focus to concentrate only on the play..

Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka texted out of the blue seeking to understand the Igbo name “Ebochuogu”
Which she tried to translate.. As Gods Fighting’

Whether it is correct or not, the code her E-Spirit communicated was something which I already knew…

God of Truth, fighting the False God…T.G..207..27… F.G…67…

G.O.T…Versus F.O.G…God of Truth and The Deceiver Fog..
We already have the confirmation of G.O..T… Go Japanese for 5th.. and T..20 Echo.. which all have observed…

But it was established that the G.O.T ..E.T.. Eternal Truth, which moved all 600 of to become my Face Book Friends, were moved by an Energetic Truth to creates for 4 years a response proving its Truth…
While the False part of you, hardly bats an eye lash and my exemplification of a play in which is obviously unfair…Evil Cruel to make a being who has presented his qualifications and resume, as well as 4 years day and night, despite the fog created by the False to make me suffer, truly suffer despite it knowing that I will still rise and surmount what it throws at me..

Which is why yesterday, and today I am Chill..

I spoke about these two Gods Fighting…and myself being caught in the center and of course, siding with the Truth…
False God Created F.G..67.. Which is meant to be sacred portal how far will you go for Truth.. not Love.. Truth created Love..

..See sacred portal 6.. “Waves.. Love links the notes of the Sea… April Maria.. Means “Open Lunar Sea of Love C…”
Her birthday was yesterday…

We did not have the Awakening Memory yesterday, instead I witnessed how the Waves moved me to manifest A.M Destruction sacred portal Sheik..K.O.. Knock out.. the Evil Spirit possessing Humanity because of their expressions…came back to haunt them…

I did not go this far for Love, I went this far defending G.O.T and to bring forth my Family.. The E line residing in some of you, undercover…

Everywhere today I keep seeing Rainbows.. and the colors on people 1-7 and 8..9…

The Evil Cruelty in Humanity has been fighting me since I arrived in New York, because I am carrying the G.O.T within me…
And it used Time Space, Money Shelter, the Matrix it created to counter the True God’s Universal Simulation Awareness…

By reaching 600 Face Book friends.. we have moved 100 =1OO to complete Energies evolution through Expression Essence Energy- to Ahtomic Matter Divine Awareness (Andrei Dumitru Mituca) Embodiment=Fact..full Circle in Symmetrical Perfection

Not Fog…

Mist..is the correct equation. Which is what happened 6 years ago when Fritz Venneiq led me for the first time to Pelham bay Park, 6 years ago..
I visited there today..
Mists of Avalon.. Mists creates 103..1 O 3..Cee..Clears-Clarifying creating Dew,”Mountain Dew” which brings Life Awareness Water..L.A.W…

Fog obscures, creates deception..Fear..

Love is Do

And so when I was completing the Equation of
Jonn Blackwell code ..
Codes 64..51 (1964).. 6th Sense 4th Dimension.. 5 senses in One creates 6..Fact..
1 O 6
1 6… Angelo Fronda… who is a youth…

And F.O.G.. Fact Of Grace… as the correct equation, I knew
my new Face Book friend,

Jose Fernando Gome Mourato … 10 6.7 13..
I knew it was the response…to my equation…
of Zero.. that false God in Humanity, that part of them which must be cut out.. That Cruelty which can make them watch this my constant suffering like a Movie..

Yes, I am fully aware of Michael O’Donnell meaning with the Game of Thrones comment… The effect of Violence… G.O.T..
But to be righteous in this world is a difficult thing, because you must be infallible in your Righteousness, A Ray of Light, because only the Truly righteous one can wield that Sword…

Sacred Portal 120… Code Larry Sax…

The Sword was given to me… 6 years ago…I did not ask for it now understand its true meaning or even how to wield it in this play until recently…
Notice the name on that portal is Fritz Venneiq and it is called Victorious Book of Love..

Recall my comment on Michael O’Donnell post.. Love Is.. it clarifies.. it answers ALL questions..
Aryana Luna Leone A.L.L…Liked my comment…
So I already knew that G.O.T was victorious and that my expressions was victorious despite my Extreme Fatigue with this play and the horror of a False God, activated and empowered by Human Irresponsibility…

All the images I shared apart from Love Is and that Drum team. were music on his page..
I found that he had blocked me from sharing what he shared..for the public..

They were codes I had already shared… And so I went to youtube where he got them and shared the code sequence..
Kudo drummer (Heart Beat.. H.B… The Bean Cafe was formerly called Kudos, when I met Axel Love Axel Anderson AA), Song Of The Butterfly S.O..T.B…..Estas Etonne…EE…Activation…

It was a code on his page which his E self shared knowing I would recognize the sequence, but the other F.O.G..stopped me from sharing it…

But could not…

So, here I am at 7:16 p.m…
In not state to be outside, yet I am fighting for the True O God Family..
T.O.G.F… 2O O..76..Sacred Portal Awakening..
While riddling out the equation of how far would you go for Love…

Love Is Clarifying, Cleansing…
Love is Do..
Love is the understanding of Every Thing.. E.T.. G.O.T…

Not “I want Everything” as depicted on 54 the Bean, because you already are the Everything..

It was not a coincidence that a person with the name Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka

meaning ‘The Knowledge of Dawn and Time only the Creator knows, and that everything will be Great, because the Blessing of the Creator Father are always beautiful”

O.I.N…E… texts me this afternoon.

What is obscene and contemptible in the species is not watching a Cartoon of Violence, but watching those who are fighting for them, fighting for them to rise, doing nothing, to lift a finger to help to make his or her load lighter…
And yet gain from his or her misery…
It could have been anyone.. This is the true Cruelty and Evil in the Species.. Abomination Horrific….

That people can sit behind computer screens and speak of Love, and Truth and awakening.. and Share only that which vaunts them, gives each other self importance..
While you never know who the person really is undercover, or that other Unseen are watching all of this…

Love is Do!

That is the only image of Love Is, which I shared of His series of Love Is..

It is this evil which sacred portal 99 alludes to…

Yet each could have shared something, together no matter how small a gesture, a blessing which would return to you..
As it did to those who sent me money… Nenad M. Djurdjevic Alfie Nze Nnaemeka Jude Charles.. it was all for their Benefit..
See when Nze and I became facebook friends and where he was in his Film..
I exchanged energy breath with him posting equations about it, going out of my way, while in a living hell was going on all about…

Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan were so generous but he had asked me the first week why no one was helping to send just a little..
Go back to the play of mine with Dina Singh and now she is moving through my experience.. Yet I was passing through portals to bring a Beautiful Truth to end this era of suffering which despite 4 years of truly heroic effort, while one False God..people called Money but was really their False Ego’s and projections, sought to make me pay daily..

They treated me..and lived with elegance grace providing all my need for 9 Months…
And I felt so much Shame for humanity…
With such evidence… hardly ever a kind or caring word..
Just take, take take.. quietly like thieves in the Night…
And yet each of you were seen by me, by E God..
but is is it racism, superiority.. no.. it was simply a choice.

The Eternal Truth moved in each of you, so I knew that it was a Choice, intentional and weighed…

So, it will be with the Sword, that it will leave the choice to you as to which you do you wish to enact…

The horror, is of course, is that there is Beauty in all of you full aware…
Of course, this is not about me..
It is just a reflection of what People have become…
Believing that they set the Criteria as to how they will be judged and seen.. Which is absurd, it is not even like that in this world system..
You observed and judged by the FACTS.. F-acts..

And the unbelievable conceit of being sure that I am just nobody..
despite people writing me texts calling me genius and how much they love me…

Well, I do not wish to go on about it..
This is what the Energy True O Source God wished you to See and understand…..
So when when 1/3…perhaps even 2/3 of the species do not evolve and are cut from this Existence will know exactly why..

I understand of course, it is because most think that they are more important, that they come first.. that they can not risk helping another who they can easily deny helped them, because it was Invisible, a gift of E-Spirit.. came from Generosity… and that I represent the Poor Fool..

When I am the Beautiful Assassin…

Which in Hindsight, when you read my back posts, you saw me and this energy transparently informing all of what shall manifest as consequence in obedience to the Law..

Can you imagine if I really am the First Creator and the last…
And when that Truth manifests.. What will you do…
And how do you expect me to respond..

Forgive…Really…What is there to forgive when people never took responsibility, deny, refute.. plagiarize and claim the knowledge was theirs…

Why do you think it was placed for free on Face Book.

Once a person has shown Worth Value.. and contributed that which priceless….
Show it Praise and Appreciation.. or it will go away forever..
Which is why I despised this play coming each day to face book to witness the True State of peoples being in Existence…

Jose comes from the name Joseph… it means ‘May the Creator Add and Increase..Expand…”

8:00 pm.. my time of Birth..

Fernando means ‘Adventurer Bold Journey,” B.J/J.B..Which is me John Black Ore Well… John B.O.W..I.E..

See Donna O’Sullivan post I shared today…

Gomes Means ‘Man’

Mourato.. means “Desire.. or one who removes Hair.’

So.. “Add Increase your Adventure, and bold Journey Man of Desire’

8:18 p.m

And Evil and Cruel request.. the Voice of a False God. False Ego of the Evil of the People, because what does it serve to increased and Add to that which is already complete… And who benefits..?
Evil does.. It increases by the Delay of it being cut out…

‘Add E the Adventurer, the Bold one who journeys to where non had been before, he is the Man of Desire and the Beautiful Assassin… the ones who will make sure all your protection given is taken away….”

This took so long to post…
But I did this for the T.O..G.Family…
And to destroy forever the Evil in the Species called Humans..
And the Victory of your Beautiful Truth…

8:24 P.M



E.H.F.. 89

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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