
4/26/2016 14:32 – Facebook Post

12;47 p.m.



We are in A Holographic Universe…
And 15 years after I was dragged to New York against my will to prove it, I sit now at the portal, I proved 9 years and 8 months on August 26th 2006…Was the Symbolic Energetic Equivalent of the Exit out of the Hologram.

But I was not allowed to leave, by what I called my Brothers Energy whom I call Fa.the.r..the Guide..Energy.. Until I proved to the World publicly how I knew..
And prove it in the 1-7 Languages of Sound and Sight…

I have endured the greatest horrors of current Human Existence…and of Human Imagination and Mind…
I.M..with what Iater realized I had to pass through and prove it out of Existence, by proving that each experience of Horror was not real, and then transforming it back to its Truth..

I had no idea that Evil which does not exist in True Life, could manifest to such a power and force…
It was able to do things to me, despite my transforming it, which I can not speak about publicly..
It was made to feel so real.. and it intensity and Intelligence is beyond what could be be possible…

It fought me in manners and ways.. which left me speechless and in refusal to continue..
And yet I could not leave my body and return to the Spirit realm in my E-Spirit from and find the source of this Ultimate Betrayal…
The Impossible..

I was stuck in my body.. I was stuck in Time..
I was stuck in the 4th Dimension..
I had no choice but to Fight Back and Endure…

1;13 p.m.. A.M

Today is April Maria’s birthday….

Happy Birthday…

Notice the code A.M….

And the Alignment…

Linked to Bam Vega… B.V…2..22…
Being of the 5th Dimension..
Being E


Was just shown a clip of a new Show about Alexander Hamilton…
A.H…By a Puerto Rican Artist ( same heritage as my A.S)..

Which many older face book friends, recall that play with the universe and myself, at 147 The Bean Cafe…When I found a Book by Alexander Hamilton, his Biography….
And it was played out…and then my equation and play was confirmed…
And now at 597 Face Book Friend Mark Bradbury…M.B
which links to my other Face Book friend Mark Behman M.B.
Which links to Marina Burini..M.B…
And then Donna O’Sullivan… Mercedes Benz… M.B…E.H.F 79 10…
E Harmony Fact And sacred portal Blue Print of Existence and 10 and 1O.. And to 89/98…H.I/I.H… As well as 79+1O.. 8O…

Jonn Blackwells first Gift Donation was 8O…USD..
The Book I bought for one Dollar was Sophies World…
Which is the name of Donna’s Daughter D.S…
Recall the photo of the two of them at 54 The Bean Cafe infront of the tunnel of Love.. Near the 45 3rd Street…

Thus, the Brief was for Sacred portal 80.. Which shows Mother Daughter.. Twins Facing each other is sacred portal 8O…

Thus, 79+1O..Not 10….0 Zero does not Exist.
Which was played out from from beginning to End at 18 Mountain View…

I have a sacred portal 79+10- which alludes to a sacred portal of a Reptilian Father Sheik, hold the 8 Ball of destruction..
But that was defeated by the Dream of One Father…

1;26 p.m.

Anthony Spencer
Zeina Hanna….

Donna Sophia.. D.S..4-19..
April 19th…
The Day I returned here…268 4th Generation X…

It has been 7 days since I arrived here…
Yesterday I had 7 new face book friends..

Starting with Bam Vega
Sara Cortez
Stella Offorka
Amich Pambou
Mark Bradbury
Patricia Kane
Angelo Fronda….

Code of first initials.. B.S.S.A.M..P.A…
and last name… V.C.O.P…B.K..F… All are codes..
All are aligned… V.C..Vaïhéré Cardonnet ..all are Face Book Friends..
B.S..SAM..AM..PA…P.A (Public Announcement) Praise-Appreciation…

..And the day before 4, and the day before that 4 New Face Book Friends…

4 4 7… 4 11 28…
8 7… See Sacred Portal 87…” Returning the World to its Senses and Sensei’s’

I woke up to 56 likes…56…8+7=15..letter O Symbol of Eternity… Symmetrical Perfection..(S.P) Code (1+5=6 )
8×7.. 56…S.P Sacred Portal ..56… ‘Which links to the E Family coming to take me Home…sigh”
which aligns to Dawn Marie who earlier in the play aligned her to 56…
then 56=11…and then 1… and of course x30.. which makes 31…
See sacred Portal 31 ‘Resurrection’…
the 4..D..and 43…7 12 1984..103..13/31..44.. 44,4-4 Face Book friends….Which makes 8…
Sacred Portal 8.. Love Links DESIRE..

As most of my Face book friends are aware,
the rocket fuel to move this Play of Evolution Awakening forwards is through constant expression and posting..

I was sitting here, eager to walk away from this play forever despite, knowing that this portal has to be affirmed…

It only occurred to me a moment ago that had to post more before the manifestation could be complete…

1:54 p.m…

I personally, I have very little more to say…
I have completed my Mission…

I have proven the Symmetrical Perfection..

I have no where to go… because I placed my Trust in the Eternal Truth…
I have no regrets because I told the Truth.. The Most Beautiful Truth which not only echoed and responded, but moved you and moved through you all to affirm..
You each reflecting the Flower of Life, the fractals opening and closing..
The Mirror..

The Door is meant to be open..
So there was really no Risk…
Which is why I placed all my Trust in this Truth..

Yet I am relieved that today it will be over…
I waited here for almost ten years.. waiting proving..
Knowing that this is the Equation I was given to solve
because I did not set out to Solve the riddles of Existence and the Awakening…

But I have…

27 years…15 yrs in New York…

Enduring and going against a whole world while fighting the Spirit of Evil in Man..
While my body twisted in a manner impossible to imagine…
when it really is evolving…

Sigh everything was transformed into Evil…

And now back to the Beautiful Truth of the Eternal Truth.. The Eternal Law.. and E.Harmony…
58 85.. 13 13… 26..8..
58 85 40 40…80..



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