
4/25/2018 1:11 – Facebook Post

4/25/2018 1:11 – Facebook Post

12:05 p.m

L. O E.


D-X-T R…. 500 10… 51OO T.R… U E


D Y T R….

Divine Male Chromosome True…

It took a long time to get on this computer today,
I came back from my a walk today to Taylor Avenue.

I had spoken to Micheal Belle about Electrical, Mechanical Enegineering and Nuclear Physics Engineering ( *Note the code E M E… N P E… )

– and about the famous Videos which shows “White Light: appearing during nuclear testing of missiles and de-activating them.
What I did not realize was that the Forces of the script would go so far to stream line the expression of my work, and task which I can only realize that it set me up to solve, knowing that I would.

I knew that I had to connect with some one through conversation, I had felt perhaps that it was Jace Horsford but it was not. The truth it it would not have made senses, but this equation script has been so long drawn out, that it has become something which my greatest enthusiasm for what i have done as a Man, thought not diminished in my awareness, but filled with a digust and contempt that of the response, the regulations limitation lies… Corruption.

My disbelief of of what the Evolution has been transformed into, and the giving of “Evil” such congnition and recognotion to even create such a Script to prove the true potential of the Human being evolved to a Hue man being has left me cold and indifferent to it all.

And I am moving forward only because I am compelled, but not because I am have been entrapped etc.. but mainly because I mean to complete what I started despite all the supreme efforst to destroy the please and mastery and effort.

i will make this short and brief, because of my exhaustion and take the time, to write this so the furture where I ive, will be able to understand what took place here in the Hideous lie of the past and what the story meant to be Evolution Awakening ( a Simulation Story since Everything is already evolved)

I conversed with Micheal Belle and we both hetard the News Caster announce 8 56, the number I had already written down on a napking about 2 minutes before, as I explained the Quantum Mechanic manifested firth through Conversation…
– A True Conversation betwen Energy E and A-H TOM.

Recall, the code of my meeting Jacquai Quanma’e Lewis today then Micheal Belle, and then meeting him downstairs and then at breafast. All flowing as a wave…

And see the 100 usd which appeared today.. Q… C I…
Which was aligned to Jaquai Quanma’e Lewis, but not through his bed number which he had told me was moved to 3-009, ( which was not a Lie, but aligned to the truth meaning which I have associated with C.I.. As in “See” )

Jacquai Quanma’e Lewis, has been moved to My Former Bed!
4-004! After the play with took place that night with myself, Micheal and then Jacquai-Quanma’e Lewis.

You see! The Full Circle…!

Then on 4-23.. Yesterday, as the 23rd.. I Micheal Belle and I connected- he asked for some tobacco, a rolluie which I gave him.
His bed is 4-23…

And see the code- I figured out again using lack.. ( B LACK) instead of B. LA C.K.. Being of 6th Sense Chukwuemeka Kolo..)

I understood that I lay back down to rest, that there was still something wrong, my body was is truly shfiting, moving more and than every before and people are commenting despite my true true exhaustion and fatigue, that I look years and years younger…
But I had no money to buy what I required once more…
I know that when every lack is created, that It is the play or script demanded attention.
An evil evil cruel way of extortion, and today Facebook Memories was all about the Money codes…

I then realized that the Sons of a Bitch who dsigned this set up- had wished me to link with Dre.. Elvis.. and that since on the 30th of march, 3-30, Micheal had been moved to give me 30 usd…and his code was 55…
I realized that I was meant to ask Dre for 25 usd…
I can not describe what it made me feel, what it makes me feel.. the truth depth of cruelty and evil moving which set the condition so of solving a Equation which it lighter aspect had created.

I already knew I was meant to contact Dre, but I had hesitated, the money play was too much..
But after this morinings play I had no choice..
I sent him a text, my body to drained to even speak on the phone.

At about 5.10, I woke up from a fretful sleep, interlaced with battles with Lorenzo Widget in Bed 4-015, who was kneeling and praying and mumbling in strange tongues over and over again.
I finally got up and gave full battle, but not with him physically but for air space.
I understood the play that he was polluting the Air Space, and that he represented the King of Beggars- and this is why he was the King of Delta Manor with Igbo Anthony, Edward Dominic and Karl who had been here for over 3 years… ( Not Five he had told me)
The praying day and night on his knees in stead of doing his homework. Understanding the Riddles of Creation, and the Creator was to decode the Script.
Instead they were as Children praying on thier knees, begging. day and night, for thing things, titles which they did not deserve…

I Had solved the Evil and had found the 4 L A E.K..
the Four beings who have stayed the Longest in the Shelter….
They are not the LA! E.K… Or K A E L….
But the A L A K … Meant to be the Lack e.. the Four Bears of the American Indian Lore…

I uderstood that each person in the room represented the Four Evils… Yuin Chen Purge.. Chinese Menace..
Lorenzo WidgeT .. Leviathan The Hidden Menace Lying in Wait…
Then Francis the Church and the State…

Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, a title he holds ex officio as Bishop of Rome, and Sovereign of the Vatican City

12:55 p.m.

Evils Emeka .. E E… Energy A-HTOM…

I was suprised but not surprised that I could walk and had enought energy after “Clearing the Air” and proving what Lorenzo represented as those Prayers and expression which block the Radio Frequence.. Air Waves which I had battled for 17 years in this stupid mock up play.

I knew I had to have a second convrsation with Dre…
Elvis which was as extraordinary as it had been with Micheal Belle..
Dre had called me, so when I got to Taylor Avenue- noting that I was only allowed 2:50 usd credit at the Bodega which I Noted was the monies 25 for tomorrow and the code of the date .. and the code of the Y chromosome.

The discussion Outside of the Camp- Delta Manor, and outside with Elvis- Dre who spoke of the Prophecy of the past and hwo the entire bible was in code of mathematics which is why it was the homework to decode it.
I knew in hindsight that his being no longer being at Delta Manor was linked to my linking with him outside.

He spoke of the plans of the New Age Order, the Weaponization, the Concentration camps which the poplulation where going to sent to…
I already knew all this, I had entere the system completely aware that it was Boarding Schoo… a Military Style Boarding School.. Federal Govt College Enugu class of 82..
As well as A Military Barracks… Guantanamo Bay…
G B..George Bush..

These are the names Dre Mentioned George and Francis…
and Donad Trump.. and others as the Devils Tools..
Yes Jace Horsford the lickig of the Anus in that Vision is a ritual of Prince… Devil… not mine…

The Devil is Father undercover in his darkest and cruelest incarnation Tarot 15… LIVED… Past.. what surprised me in this play that that Cruelty should have long since lightned up.. not because worse…
But that is the Play…
The Army MiIitary.. Preparing for War.. when the war took place in the Invisible Plane.. and was won there, before the people down here even aware that we were already here and the way won…

And so .. ther code of the pass 55 EE… 56…
Meets me in the present.

1 55 56…
1 10 11…

A Galaxy 1O 11 “E” C I…

1:10 – 1:11 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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