
4/25/2018 10:19 – Facebook Post

4/25/2018 10:19 – Facebook Post

9:38 am


Dragons Of Existence… D O E .


That is the intel confirmed for me by Michael Belle today.
I went to bed at 4:00 am and was woken up at 5 am by a wrong number ..
The code numbers alluded to Micheal.

The physical exhaustion from all this Mental work of landing the E through the Spirit world -menral does not allow me to go with Micheal to see Elvis.

But I came down for breakfast and therre he was.
He offered me his seat but instead I sat at the round table where he later joined me.

I spoke to him about the code I linked yesterday and the Disease and Cure linked to me through the Script MD as linked to Bean putting on the Will Smith movie, I am Legend.
I A L.
L A…I..E.

He confirmed it with the being aware and noting the information that 4 million people are cuurently walking around with an unknown diseasen
I believe I had posted this information here as well on my page of which had been announced on the News.
He linked it immediatly to the Disease I had stated here which will wipe out 2/3rds of the Human Race.

I am back at 1126 Facebook Friends.

He also confirmed my equation of thiose who will be immune because they are moved and exist on the E Wave Lengh of the FREE..
And of the CURE for those who do survive the RAMPAGE of the Rage of the Dragon Of Existence D O E with his own apparatus he has designed which creates Radiio Frequencies R F..
Add 55 F R E E.. to free people..
I have done the Energetic Manifestation..

He then spoke about how I looked so much like the Dragon in Dragon Tales his kids used to watch.
He thought I would be offended but I sighed with relief. I had just put .a Chinese Dragon image on my locker Art over a red velvet bag.

Doe is the First note and first color in Spectrum
color Red, the longest Wave Length..
The Dragon ..
I spoke of Nnamdi and he looked up amazed
“You know him!?”..
I laughed

He tried to remember the name of the boy who rode the Dragon and even later came up to my room for the first time.
And I showed him everything…

I later checked the name of the Dragon Rider in what he had called Sesame Street.
It was actually Dragon Tales. D T..
Coffee 6 42..

And the name of the Boy…

Emny and Max…


And 5 Dragons…

10:17 a.m.


Jacqai Quanma’e Lewis.. passed by as we spoke..
We all shook handsm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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