
4/24/2016 3:29 – Facebook Post

9:34 p.m

I.C.D….7 12 19 84..103.. 13..4..17..8…

23-4-9…. W.D.I../ I.D World.. I.D..VV…. 5-4-9… E.D.I…/ I.D..E

4-23-9…. D-W.I…. 4-5-9…D.E..I… “The I”


Strange, I completed this post at 54 the Cafe Bean on 2nd and 3rd..
moved by this World Consciousness of Control..and the doorway number 45 which is on 3rd street near right next to The Beans, new portal which has three Woman- One a Child much like Eloise of the Ritz, and two others, one carrying books on Philosophy,
Nietzsche, Albert Camus, Artuad..
Very reminiscent of Donna O’Sullivan and her daughter Sophie and the Brief I was given when I went up to 18 Mountain View.. The book “Sophies World”..
And besides her was another cool looking lady in Red with the Sign Debut.. ‘The Beginning’…And in the Center the caption Love is..
“I want Every-Thing… E.T”

I then found my body calmed once I sat in The Bean..
The Implications once more staggering that for 15 years and for the last 12 years, that an Artificial E.M.Field had been pulling me, literally.. often twisting my body into an agony… until I obeyed..

I had woken up the last three days by my body simply not allowing me to sleep any longer..Experience had taught me that it was because there was work.. And sure enough I checked my I-Phone, and saw that I had 3 new Face Book friend requests…

So wrote the equation of how this Force of Control had permeated all Human Endeavors, because Humanity had adopted the Consciousness of control in every aspects of their expression… Consciously, subconsciously, intentionally and unintentionally because a Fear Based “Consciousness” or perception.. Breeds Control..
And that even with the purest intentions, Control breeds Evil…

I mentioned that the day I first arrived in New York, 3-20-2001…
The Taxi cab was playing Janet Jackson Single ‘Control…”

J.J…Code 10 10..20…T… 1 O 1O..2..2O…

The 10101010.. See Vaïhéré Cardonnet and Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis posts I shared…

101010 represents the Universal Simulation of Awareness…
The Hologram, which creates this Echo Effect..
And that the Human Expression through the Human time of adopting Force and Control.. F.A.C, rather than the established Blue Print and True Consciousness, represented by Truth-Children, Fa! (4th note Heart Balance) And Consciousness Truth..which creates Fact…
-Had created an Echo which came back in the form of the Abomination of control and slavery, which the Fear Force Control “Consciousness” had used, had manifested..

Moving through Humanity and taking over their lifes thier bodies and bring the most terrible suffering and disease…Destruction..
Cause and Effect…
Natural Law…
It manifested a Tidal Wave O…T.W.O… of the Force of Destruction of this World- Matrix…
Humanities cause and effect and choice of 10101010 Yes no, yes no.. decisions they had made, choosing Fear Force Control Cee grew and grew.. until…
Well look at the World right now…
And it could have been much much worse if in 1999..
“Neo-Matrix..movie” if those trained and chosen to work undercover to stop the Tide of Destruction…
I was in Turkey having just completed the enormous project… An international festival of sharing when I was summoned to New York by Durek Verrett…D.V…4-22..4-5.. And then a Holographic projection of my brother Nnamdi appearing to me…literally..
4-22 is April 22nd…
Yesterday… Where the play finally reached 586.. Twice…
E.H.F 79..10… Donna O’Sullivan D.S.. April 19th…9 Months Later…

E.H.F…79 “Blue Print of Existence”.. 10..The Dream of the One Father”..1 O..8…Harmony… Haun… Jonn Blackwell ( J.B..Justice Balance..J.B..102..12..L..Love Light Laughter… 12×3..36… 360…O.H)

E,H.F..79+10= 89…

I am now at 589 Face Book Friends…


Eternal Harmony Infinity…
Existence’s H.I..Story
Emeka (?) H.I..

I came to New York not of my own free Will…
Nothing was wrong with the with Existence Creation-Harmony O was and is programmed in all things…

The Tsunami of Destruction was a Natural Cause and Effect of the Hologramme.. It was designed as a learning tool…
A universal body and Model made out of Sound.. Expression..
Humanities refusal to take responsibility for their expression had created a world set for self annihilation…

This was Humanities test..
There was to be no Ultimate destruction..
The Universal Holograph was designed to simply reset…
It would still move to its intended conclusion,
but with much fewer people in the World.

Because Humanity and the Universal Simulation Awareness were designed to Evolve.. Actually not even evolve but come back to their original selves which some call your Highest Selves, but is really the Original you…
No matter what the play would revert to the original 10..the 55…
I was not concerned..
I had spent the first 33 years of my Life, in “Service” naturally to Humanity…
And I had been undercover and observed them…

10:43 p,m..

I understood what was the problem and at the age of 22, began documenting the evidence that the consciousness of Harmony had always been here…

Instead I was challenged by the G line.. called the Gods.. and the 1 line called the Red…
Who did not believe that there was always Harmony in the World…
I spent 11 years, listening and finally offering the cure..
How to Cee and Share…
Hence the 9 Day Festival of Sharing..

Russel Brand recent documentary, “The Emperors New Cloths”
Makes the same case… Community Sharing, the Power is in the people…
O Russel Brand… O.R.B… (Earth)

Instead I was Spirited Away, without my consent into a play of proving this Truth…of Harmony..
No one has power over me, except one… my Brother Sister who play my Mother Father in this final play of Evolution Play, of not just the Humans but of All Dimensions of Universe Existence.. And Humanity were designed to be the Avatars…. Descendants where of all the Higher aspects of 1-4-5..1-789O realms were meant to anchor within…

I knew that it was Father Nna and Mother sister in One, who did this to me.. out of compassion..
And the ones who doubted me was what Humanity called Adam and Eve.. but was really Unity Boom and Harmony (the one being groomed as the Evolution of the Harmony alway here called H.O..P.E) who lost hope after being so affected by the illusion and the Fear of the Human race of Children… Who they could not control, or full understand… And so they used Control and Manipulation…
Playing Gods, Parents, seeking to move them to see thier cause and effect…
Not realizing that their own innocent meddling was the very thing powering the Abomination, and also affecting their Descendants..
The Human Body…
There is no such thing as the Human Being…
Unity Harmony…? U.H/H.U…M..A.N… HUM A N.. 1 14.. 15..O..
The play was to learn to become a H.U.E Man Being… H.B..
82/28…Harmonious Being…
And then instruction would come from the TWO…
Every Thing Every Where Every One…

E.T. W.O…M.A.N…

So Human Being are just shadows and Spirits who can not become real until they reach E… Energy Consciousness…
Until then they are not real…

This was the EX.AM..and Test… of the E.T..

Father N.. E.T… Interfered out of Love…using me to prove the Truth which he already knew was always here…

1999-2012… I worked…
And then a further Grace Period was extended…
With the excuse, of checking my Codes and Equations to be left behind…
But for who…

There was never any Existential Death in Creation..
But because of this play and Humanities Expression even after being given all the keys and codes…
And after a heart breaking battle of Wills with my Brothers Energy of the past.. A Program in 2010… At Toms True-Mans…

I fought no longer on Humanities side, or any line apart from the E Line..
And thus, after witnessing the intentional malice of capable in a species created to be vessels of the essence of Existence itself..I lent all my will to supporting the Eternal Laws down to the grass roots of it concept right here and manifest into Existence that which had never existed before…
Existential Death.. made real…
But to make it real.. it had to enacted and proven, merited over and over again before it became reality…

2;22 p.m.

Which is now manifested as real and complete..

Using that Spirit of destruction that no other consciousness is as adept at, as the Human mind and that devious nature of not telling the whole truth and thinking that no one will no.

This fact..Existential Death has been made real today..

I spoke of the insanity which took over my body, moving me to The Bean at 54..

Now back at 4th, knowing that every part of my Being realizes that this has gone too far to continue…
Because I have so obviously proven my Truth, that from the very beginning of Existence, there was and is Harmony..
Harmony in the very blue print which has defeated the Gods.. the Human beings whose consciousness had reached the Crown Consciousness Chakra, few that they are..
E Harmony has proved It’s Supremacy of the 5th Chakra over the 7th.. Vision..But proving that Expression and 6th sense manifest the Vision.. and the Truth that Harmony exists everywhere..
It is all about where you chose and focus on and how you chose to see…
An echo came back and engulfed Humanity, and it was used to test them, us, me, you..
And this Echo was denied and denied by people refusing to see you they are the literal cause..
I have observed this so often that in lieu of fighting for them to see because the if they do not they will literally suffer the consequences of Law… I just find myself just simply going quite..

I am so weary of observing people assuming that they have superior intellect or that it is all about competition..
I have stated what I am clearly doing and have done…

589 Face Book friends has meaning way beyond a number…

So let me instead simply complete this equation of my new Face Book Friends..

Welcome the now 4 New Face Book Friends…

Chika Cindy… CC..33.. 6…69..15..O…54..9.. 2 C in 1 O

Chika means.. God is Supreme.. the Originator, Universe

‘God is superior’ Chika (Chíkà) is an Igbo name meaning ‘God is supreme’, it’s made of the words chí ‘God, universe, originator’, and kà ‘greater, superior’

Chika (Chika; ??, ???) is a given name of both Japanese and African origins. In Japanese, the name Chika can be written with the kanji characters ? (chi) meaning “thousand”, ? (chi) meaning “wisdom, intellect” or ? (chi) meaning “scatter” combined with ? (ka) meaning “good, fine” or ? (ka) meaning “flower”

??, “thousand, celebration”
??, “thousand, flower”
??, “thousand, petals”
??, “thousand, fruit”
??, “knowledge, excellent”
??, “wisdom, fragrance”

Cindy come from Cinderella..’ Cinder Girl.. Girl from the Ashes”
and Lucinda. ‘Lady of Light..” Mary..Myrrh…

“Expression Energy Chi God is Universe, it originator, the greater and Superior..Ka. It is the 1000 (1000 and 1 nights..10 power of 3). It isthe wisdom and intellect, Fractals (Fractaling As Emeka Eze), of good,fine flower petals which have an excellent fragrance whose fruition is Celebration… And from the Ashes rises to the C the feminine aspect of Creation, rising from the lowliest and most wicked and cruel play to reveal themselves E, as the light in the Dark which illuminated Everything revealing the Eternities True Creation E.T.C which goes on till infinity and ..yes beyond.. to Fact…”

Welcome Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis…

Shinto is a Japanese, and is used along side with Buddhism in Japan..
It is called the way of Kami.. The Superior Path and Way.. The Way of Above.. The Way and path of the Gods..

Generally, Shinto concerns happiness and prosperity in this world, whereas Buddhism, for the Japanese, relates to the peace of deceased souls.

Atlantis is: Island of Atlas. The name of a legendary Island that sank to the bottom of the ocean.

In Greek, tlenai means “to bear” or “to endure.” It’s a likely origin for the name, paired with something called the copulative a – a prefix indicating association, though it’s sometimes interpreted as a negative, making the name mean the opposite: not enduring.

But that’s not the only possibility. It could have older roots, as do some of the other Titans’ names. And some connect it to the Berber word for mountain – adras.

Atlas means Titan… Elemental God.

Atlas ..Map of the World..

Considering the play at 18 Mountain View…8-5, 58… H.E E.H
Heaven and Earth.. 58 E.H..and the obvious evidence that they are one manifest expression.. 58= 13..M..D…4O..Do-Nna… First note of expression “Do..Doe a Dear”
And that Zeus is said to have given this task to Atlas as punishment or an Honor.. though it could not have much of an honor since he is said to have tricked Hercules in taking over the Job..
And Endure and Bear, as I have done, in this life long play.. yet everything has been proven to be in Harmony since Creation began.. Thus there really was nothing to bear. or endure or separate…
And given my recent descent from the Mountain View..
I would go with the meaning Adras…A D.R..A.S…

See Sacred portal 15..Letter O.. “Jolly Green Giant coming down the Mountain…
A Divine Race Alpha Supreme.. code name Anthony Spencer..
And that the Pangea, is really the Full Circle of the Sources Reflection in Symmetrical Perfection from Here the lie to Eternity Truth, Eternal Law…
and adding the Echo Affirmation witnessed for 9 months in the Womb at 18 Mountain View…
I would saw that true meaning is


Sun Shine is the Superior path, it is the path of K-AMI, KA-Mi!…3 note..C, of Grace, the Graceful Ode and way through the Crown Chakra, a natural way to the Star Gate, At La-nd E, T.Is…
At La.st.One.. the One portal and the Foundation Stone of Existence..

Onuigbo Chuka… O.C..O.3…

Onuigbo means “Mouth of the Forest”.. Igbo means Forest…

Chuka Means ‘God..Energy Expression Existence,is the Greatest Force in Existence and beyond..

“O.C, From the Mouth of the Forest, the expression of the Expression Energy source and Existence of the Greatest force in Existence, the Eternal Expression from Beyond…Existence itself..’

Lois de Samuelson… L.D.S..

Lois means ‘Greek ‘The Superior and better version, the Most desirable (Germanic), Famed, Loud, fighter, Warrior…


Samuelson.. Means ‘ God…Name of God.. or God…’He who is as God”.,,Son of Samuel..

” And arrives the Superior and better version of Man, and Humanity, the Evolved Harmonious E.T, the most desirable version, of the Son of Energy God..”

See code Enyiagu Afam Samuel…

From the Wilderness or Forest of Elephants of Memory of Time and Beyond, comes The one who is as God.. his Son…

3:27 p.m.

3 5 7…

Color Blue Green.

3:28 a.m
C..Hue-Man Being
Conscious Harmony Beautiful…
Full Circle
First Contact ..I.E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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