
4/24/2013 21:33 – Facebook Post

And yes Mother Earth, Mother Existence came first as a man…

Woman who becomes pregnant, with a mound, symbolizes what lies beneath the surface, not what is on the surface…And since we bury our death Woman literally symbolizes Death…And not until the SonSun shines on her, not until the rain (the sea men) penetrate her, not until the breath of the wind pollinates and distributes seeds for her can she come alive… and rise to the surface as mirrored, symbolized and exemplified by my own mother C Onu and Prof C Achul ONU… who do not even fully realize thier truth is here.

No, Woman was in Death, and the journey was for Father and his sons to bring her alive…by doing the work to bring knowledge to her in death under the earth, to bring her communication of understanding (the breath of the wind) to bring her the warm promise of what life is on the surface…So that in the end she could rise… Woman brought fear into the world bc she was unsure of her role…

Adam brought doubt bc he did not fully understand his twin called Death.

The first man was not born of a woman he was born of Existence…Eve breath from within….

To be born of Woman is to be sure to die, to be born of Existence is to live on for Eternity….For one is of matter and the other Energy…

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