
4/23/2019 21:36 – Facebook Post

7:27 p.m
Full Circle

D W ( V ) T.S .
/ S T V W O.O D
Sacred Portal 23.


At 10:20 a.m, ( 10=J. T= 20 Link John Thomas… O P E N. IS)
He had sent me a message – Intel

” A.S ..511 74″

It is not linked to Albert Santana whose portal I based through in 2006, who was born 1974 and his Mother 1947.

It is linked to me as the post of yesterday confirmed again as it has been for so many years

P.S The Script is the People, all of you.
The Convergence of Echo and Meaning of the sum total of my Expression on Facebook.
And the last 18 years… as well as the last 23 years, which links to 1996.
I had moved from Le Mans France via Paris back to London, to my friend Johns flat on Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale.
And to Elephant & Castle where I lived.

( Elephant Memory Feelings. E.M.F
Link Stephens Memory Room of Elephants)
And the meaning of the name Burgos.

It was while living there, I worked at a place called “The Collection” ( T C) where I met Jay and Taun whom I knew and recognized from another realm and they too in their own way.

96 is the Play of Dark Matter which we just completed linked to Ian Stewart.
Who is a close friend of John Mack.

Jay and Tuan
John and Thomas… Link Thomas Lang

The John Thomas is the Phallus.
P.H.ALL U.S waa tested, pass the Litmus Test
Blue Pink.

A.S – Art Science E K. 74 11 28. 39 C.I.
12 L.. Liberty… Ref Liberty C Liscomb
3×9= 27..
2-27 to 7 27..

7:47 p.m

I looked at my Phone and the Facebook Algorithm selected my Sacred Portal 47.
Entrance to Dante’s In-Fer-No!

7:49 p.m right now

See me now at 1249 Facebook Friends.

My spirits quietly lifted when I read the message.
But I also was aware that I was going to feel the blast of the furnace and my stomach sank again with that phantom blow, that I was still being moved by The Script..

47/74 11 28 39 12. 3
I felt it was completed yesterday with the arrival of Tree Sage and Serenity.
Serenity was in such Harmony and she is 3 years old.
3 Completes the sequence of 4-7/7-4
11 28 .. 39. 12 3… 27 ..9 back to 3 9.

What more?

But there was more.

I received a message from Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula he left me a message at 6:49 a.m in which he informed me of slanderous and hurtful expression about me from John Blackwell.
And that he had unfriended me.

I felt the blow, not so much but also the sadness.
It was only later that he revealed that after I left that portal and they unfriended me. That he had gone into business together and had so for quite a while.
And that he had informed John of a vision from.which his fury had erupted and then he said he spoke of me in such an insulting way he stated.

I don’t really pay much attention to gossip, and will only go on what people say to my face.
But I am aware of the Truth and the True Expression.

The advantage of passing through people’s portals and keeping a real time public journal with witnesses is that people can go back on my page and read for themselves what really took place in this interactive page.

I have been forced to publicly document this interactive play as well as not post all which really took place in each portal, because it’s negates my focus on weaving only the Beautiful Truth, and would give people the wrong impression taking away from the Awakening Mission Journey Story

I have had people castrate me, curse me and be allowed to do say and act anyway with me and of course face the back lash of an entire species hatred and fury for daring to tell the truth forced out of me, that I am the destination and Origins of Man.
I have lived in this world, I knew what would happen to a man making this claim but a Black Man without even a P.H.D?

I thought that the Truth would back me up, my past but even that betrayed me and left the world to throw me in the deepest darkest hole forced to eat piss and shit and climb my way out by rising through people and this Script and set so beyond evil and cruel – that no one could truly believe it, despite the few who did testify.

I had to, was forced by this Script to reveal my self as The Source, The Creator
T.S.. 39.C I.
T C.. 23..Double V. 22 22 44.
44 Brooke Lawn
John Mack has a new space
44 Brooke Lawn
Brooke is meant to be coming for dinner

8:13 p.m right now..8:14 p.m

Sacred Portal 44 is Goddess Bliss.
8 is Harmony
8 16 Harmony Perfection played out through Estaban as 6th Sense
And John A MacDonald the III as 66
Sixth Sense as Fiction Fact
And 666 as Proton Electron Neutron and not as the Mark of The Beast. ( M.O.T B…B T O M)
And 6 4. 24 The real Generation X
“Being Doing” Naturalness as 6th Sense.
And then 6 5. Linked to John Mack
( 65 U sd me, 64.. )

8:20 p.m
H.2 O.

65 is 30.
56 is E.F. Eternal Family and 65 the code I walked for another.
30 is C O

66. 36 C F
Christopher Filgueira.

6 7. Is 42. John Spencer MacDonald
John Stephen Mackayla

What is the meaning of Existence?
Wallet bought for 4 U sd by Chris
B K E. 67.
76. E.K B
See sacred portal 76.

42 and 24 … 6-4… 6-7. 66 47.
See sacred portal 66 and 47.
My Mother birthday is 11-22-1947.
Just as is David’s 11-22-1968.

Thus that is the Full Circle Complete at 6-4.
6 7..
Moving us to go to 68..
48 and 86 .48… 96 % Dark Matter
The Collection Restaraunt London Chelsea.

To 69/96…

* I bought a few things yesterday evening 11:69 u.s.d.
Again my stomach sank.. I am still in this Script…
How my Heart Mind would implore was this still possible.

8:42 p.m.

How could it go this far even now..?

15 15. 66 done
54 54
108 which was the code of my last counting on.the Altar as well as 23 beads a gift from John.

This Insulting Evil Vile Script which is about destroying me and The Truth- meaning Harmony.

8:48 p.m.

And then I took a drive with Stephen …
And all became clear

Albert Santana has two sons from Ritz Montes, Royal Mayan Rodriquez Santana
Reign Maximus Rodriquez Santana.

And Ritz has a daughter called Majestic Rodriquez

Notice something?

The initials of the kids and the mother are all R.M ..and R S with the Two boys
Just as is McKayla Rays.

Majestic Room

M.R. B
B =2
I =9

N G. 14 7. Sacred Portal 147 A.B.

Only the E was missing to form the code
M.R. B.E I N G
Is D.O. I N.G.

S.O L. I.D.
F A C T.

You may recall that play when before Royal was born 9-22-2010.
8-9 years ago how I saw the child before Ritz knew she was pregnant- I saw a blonde child.
And recall Pedro who was killed in Gang violence and how he came to me after he died a day or two later with two documents and handed me the one which said Majestic Awakening and kept the Violent one for himself which made me from because both documents were meant for me.

Stephen told me that he often thought of naming his daughter Majestic.

Recall that Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions is blonde fair as I have often witnessed Stephen Filgueria morph into.
And how I told A.Santana that he would have a daughter and Rachel represents her spirit.

Her initial R.S.
Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Rachel Devon Rios are friends
I lived with her at Akil Apollo DavisAkil
Where I began the Play on Facebook 7.4 years ago.
Late Dec 2012

And now link Peru Michu Pichu
Mayan Calendar
Dec 21..
12:21 p.m.

I got up from my bed after fighting to align my Body, impulsed by Mikki on the phone with a friend at 12:12 p.m.

I meant every word I said on my page including the Curse to certain frequencies which can stay but for 7.4 years I was cursed by God to suffer 7.4 more years of Absolute Evil and Cruelty to stay…

9:22 p.m.


Royal Mayan Rodriquez Santana
S R .M.R. Being E.K.

Spectrum Rainbow Manifest Response.

Of E.M.F. R E E D O M S. E E
Went there today with Stephen Esteban Eric

Captain AM E R. I C. A.H.

Emeka Bitter “Amer”

No, just filled with Revulsion Disgust .. Contempt

R.D. C.

I ..will never forgive what was allowed to done to me and the True Story of E.

9:30 p.m

I am sacred portal 44 45 46
And now 47 48. 49.
444. 7 8 9.
4 (3) 7-8…. 9.

9:33 p.m

11 5.

Remember Remember the 5th of November.
Double Victory Victor

Vincent Kwarteng V.K.

Vincent Ponnet V.P

9:35 -6 p.m

I C F.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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