
4/23/2016 5:06 – Facebook Post

3:34 p.m.





I have a new Face Book Friend…

Welcome, Skylovelight Angelheart…

S.A… S.L.L… A.H! 19..1212… 1O..24…A.O..X…34..C.D…A.H.

Supreme Love and Light.. A.H..1-8…Do re mi… R.O.Y-G..

Sky is filled with Love and Light Angel Heart….
See sacred portal 26..”Aphrodite Eros”

We are back at 586 Face Book Friends..

E Harmony 6th Sense…Fact…

This is the second time…


The more I receive private texts, the more I realize just how few realize what I am literally doing and saying, after saying, it demonstrating it, explaining it.. Exemplifying and Embodying it..

Good grief, I I can understand those who chose not to believe, but it is asking a bit much of me, to repeat myself in texts…
People either deliberately do not read what I am saying or simply ignore it to speak to me of things which they wish to convey.. or an understanding which reveals that their ignorance of what I am saying..

Most I noticed are not even aware of my Existence. they seem to be speaking not to me, but their need.

It would have been nice if someone addressed me, viza viz what I am saying and doing… and experiencing…
My body morphing, stretching, the flow of words, the posts, the Eternal Dharma… The Eternal Truth…Evolution..


Though some write to affirm the play…
Bless you Ariane and others…

3;43 p.m

Everything is so clear, from numbers, name, Perfect Timing…

It is almost as if people are O.K with some one living and existing this way solely to write to them for free while they live their life’s of comfort or from their safety nets, comfort Zones…

Just watched the Emperors New Cloths by Russel BRAND..

It leaves me speechless, and incredulous, that people really literally believe that this my “Penible-“Painful Existence and life is all for their benefit…

A Insane but Romantic idea.. and dangerous to expect this of anyone, and accept it… and even then be mostly Judges Critics of quiet spectators of The Suffer of Another for the Benefit of you..

Without intending to be rude… Why would anyone be stupid enough to do such a thing?

I have been weaving my Family into Existence, while transparently demonstrating that Everyone is in a play…
The Eternal Love is for my Family.. the Namaste within you all..

I respect each “Avatars” or Human Being’s right to see and discern what this is for themselves..

4:03 pm

But to twist my meaning, ignore the expression…

This is why its is the End of the World..
People do not realize how sick they are…their consciousness..

Their Focus… How they speak not to me but to their hurts.. their fears.. they mainly want their riddles solved…

But Whoa… they can’t see me…
I do not require for them to See me, but if you wish to address me at least read the posts, witness the play the equation…
Talk to that..

I speak in every possible language of consciousness even to names, colors numbers…
And still..
If you can not read or understand or Investigate, why would you wish to even text me…?
What is there to talk to me about..

I find myself being asked to repeat myself even after the posts are over 3000 and all say the same thing…

If you are not interested fine, do not have time.. shrug…suit yourself..

As for those sitting back to critic judge.. I am incredulous.
I am educating the World about the E consciousness while manifesting it through linking and a weave…
I am living in…

Moving through Time and Space to link my family who should have arisen by not if it had not been for this God Evil play…
In which the codes were put inside of each of you and your expression..

Believe me, I am not offended by none paying attention to the play, instead each focusing on their needs…

A few honest ones have expressed the Truth, I am obviously aware that my posts have changed their life’s…

I already know this, even as a Boy, I was made constantly aware of the true value of the Consciousness and C, I represent..
I have lived in 7 countries and portals always open for me…
And I have had experiences with hundreds of people which this consciousness cured them.. even of Cancer..

I am fully aware of its value.. and the cost…

See the meaning of Iheme Concilia…
Meaning I have seen what you have done, given council and aid and how it was Concealed”

If people are not following or reading, at least I am..
Which is why I am sure, which is why I am here at 268, just for the briefest of moments to complete the last part of yet another Extension of the Play.. of manifestation…
Extortion by N… Father Mother Nature to complete these codes and weave before I can be free of this Loop and rendevous with the E Line Originals…

I am glad that people are reaping the benefits of this play.. in which I appear as the willingly sacrifice for Humanity…
Again not to be rude, but please do not flatter yourselves..
This has nothing to do with you..in this consciousness…

It is all about the Evolved Beings…
And that is the reason I am still expressing, to each the E..
which is where we are now E.H.F.. Link Donna O’Sullivan
D.S..April 19th.. April means Open… 19 is S


I am simply competing the Weave and quietly stifling my quiet rage at the continued tactics of delay…

586 Face Book friends..

As you can see E.H.F… 79 10….1O…

Eternity Harmony Fact 7 9 ( July 19th I went to 18 Mountain View and stayed for 9 months.. 79 representing the Blue Print of Existence.. Yes The Bean and the last 2 years play of DNA reprogramming and activating…
10..Jonn Blackwell…64…51.. had to be moved from 1 Zero.. to 1 Full Circle…of 5+1=6th Sense.. perfectly exemplified by Jonn…And the Play of Facts by Donna…

And has it occurred to everyone, that one I have done on face Book. a public forum, very corrupted by the most crudest of conscious expressions..
Is literal scientifically impossible…

After all I am talking to my Family in and outside of you, on a public forum where numbers, names, date meaning have produced the solid fact that I am having a conversation with that which moves you within…

How is it that my Face Book friends aligns with Donna’s car birth age, codes, life and 9 months to the date, she has 360 Face Book friends,, And I reach the same number of face book friends aligned to he car license plate.. And to the play…

How is it that people are that blind deaf and jaded…
And not even for a moment wonder how this symmetrical perfection of Everything is possible..
Done on the run, by a person simply Expressing and Energy Atom Molecules, Elemental Ethereal..

People who have not read the posts, or judged them by their own not understanding is the template and measuring rod which defines if this expression is True…
People who do not have the facts, do not have time to read, to respect the enormous work…

The complete insanity in thinking that their “Judgments.,, silent or loud.. has any viable effect on what everything else in Existence is affirming as Eternal Truth…

There is only one reason that someone (me) would go so far.. Its only logical reason, confirmed by this play that I am obviously speaking
the truth, and this was my Father Mothers gift to you…Having access to the Eternal Truth Santana Dharma.. S.D/D.S..April 19…9 months.. One Full Circle…

To expect anyone to go through this just so others can sit back, fed off the Suffering of another, to raise the Beautiful Truth for the sole purpose of this idea ‘That you are Worth it?” is insanity…

But again that is the insanity..
The choosing to see only that which you wish to see, and not the facts, the Evidence and the Truth…

Just because it is expressed in a manner that your not used to (Elementary my dear Watt Son..), does not mean that this is exactly it is..

And when all this manifests…

Shocks you.. which it really should not..
Do people really for one second believe the E,O will come back and explain or save or help you..?

That is crazy…
This is why this current consciousness must be destroyed..

It is insane….

4:59 p.m.

Please chose whatever you wish to believe
My feelings are not hurt in the slightest..
I already saw this play…

5:00 p.m

I am manifesting the Awakening of the World to this being a Fact…

That is why I was forced to sole equations as a man…
And use Reason and Logic..
Robert Lorenzo… Emeka Odiamma..E.O

R.O.L.E… In a Movie Script…


From Middle French drolle (“a merry fellow, pleasant rascal) -(“one who lives luxuriously”)

E.. L.O.R.D…

5:06 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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