
4/23/2015 21:06 – Facebook Post

8:58 p.

See sacred portal 58…I am taken home on a Unicorn…
But of course we have to translate it into code of Fantasy to this Actuality..

A Unicorn
9:OO pm


A One I.C (I Consciousness) full Circle R (Robert 18- AH!! light) See the same way Naturally…
That would be the Unicorn the Espirit Line rather than the Horses (Phillip) who represent the Spirits and the friends of Children of Man…
So this would be the friend of the E.T.C..
Who see the same way..

Oh yes, I am meant to be passing through a portal 1-58 at 1O:OO p.m..

So, despite my exhaustion I seem to be non stop solving riddles…

Aligning it all into Existence…
Despite my being aware that this has gone way too far….
No doubt of the Truth of it but the demands imposed…

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