
4/22/2018 21:30 – Facebook Post

4/22/2018 21:30 – Facebook Post

The True Tragedy of Human Existence,
is not Your Unwillingness to accept that I Emeka Kolo have solved the Riddles of Existence, and evolved Consciousness to Eternal Harmony, the Original Intention and Manifest Destiny of All Creations Expression, or the absolute Horror and Abomination of the Test I was put through to Prove This..

It is instead, the Unwillingness to Acknowledge and Appreciate
Their Full Potential.

And just how far People, Passed and Present will go to Negate that Beautiful Truth Reflected Universally Expressed as T R U.E,
Transparency Radiantly Understood Translated Harmoniously Explained By My Self. Emeka Kolo.. Awareness Harmony Infinity…
T R U T H… B M. E S… E K . A.H. i.

Truth is the Beautiful Manifestation of Energy Supreme as Expressly Knowing
AH.. I Exist.

You look look to everything else, apart from the Truth which is right before your eyes, everywhere in Nature Creation Existence…
Anything rather than face the Responsibility of being You, and in truly seeing me, as the I.D… Infinite Definition of Mann,
because that would force you to look in the Mirror and face the facts of your not being True to yourself.

And that means that you can not blame, a God, or Aliens, or anyone for the choices you made, at what you chose to do with your Life, your Role in this Script of being in Existence, Alive
in Life…

I celebrate being HUE MANN… Life… even in this controlled script.
I raise up, I sing your praises acknowledging only your Beautiful Truth as being real… and sing, sing the most truly Heroic Freedom song of Happy Feet and a Happy Feat.
That the meaning of Existence, is not the pursuit of Happiness
but is Happiness itself…
In being Alive..

While you negate, destroy, refute.. your beautiful truth, and consequently the Beautiful Truth of everyone around you.

Rashim Sidecar whom I introduced Rahul D’Silva to, both part of this Script, here in Star Bucks once listened to what I described my work as- I do not believe he had ever heard such an expression of Doing- Being and even such a concept…
He paused for a moment and said that if what you say is true, then that would make you the Greatest Human- Artist or Scientist who ever existed…
Or a Mad Man…

He began avoiding me, and I am in Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter.
Never mind that I was sent here in the pursuit of the resolution of this equation challenge which has been affecting my body since I arrived in New York, 17 years ago.

He chose to believe that which he wished to believe without even investigating my codes.
Or the possibility, that perhaps I am the greatest man, artist and scientist who every existed.
And yet, he profited from my work when I spoke to him about how he and Rahul D’Silva are in my script and codes aligned and linked.

They had formed a Friendship, I do not speak to Rahul D;Silva, not because he refused to get me a refill with my card but because despite all the knowledge shared, despite all the words and information I gave him from heart and from seeing…
Battling for him to see beyond his material point of view and hypocrisy, right to his trip to Norway to follow his Heart…
And his acknowledgment as to why it did not work, why he was sent away, rejected on Christmas Day and how he came back here heartbroken and straight to me…
In that he was once again desirous of connecting and speaking with me because he had been humbled.
And that I was correct.. once again.

Our first play conflict what symbolized by a scene with a a cup of Coffee, and the last, fittingly was symbolized by that coffee and the contempt which he had seek to impose upon me, full circle for not being able to buy a cup of coffee…and asking him to get me a refill.

This has been the one Constant Experience I have had with Humanity my entire 17 years, an experience which never surprised me because I had already understood this as a young man when I began to talk to the Silence about this unreasonable cruelty in this species and sought to find out what was wrong..
why did they act this way when there was a much better way to be..
And so I learned to be wary around them and shun their intimate company once I learned that there was Nothing Wrong with them.
And that they had each chosen to See and Perceive this way, even after a much better view.. a Beautiful View was pointed out to them and proven true.

This is the once constant I have experienced in Human Existence below my Wave Length.. Below the Wave Length of the Beautiful True Wave of Being in Existence..
And the Truth of the Universe.

This is the sum total of my experience of existing on your Wave Length…
That expression so manifested in my body, physically of seeking any means, and at cost to tear down..
But still I Rose…
Still W.E… E.. RISE…
D E S I R… E.

9;06 p.m.
96.. Dark Matter.. Dark Energy 5th Dimension Expression called E.I..
1O1.. @ Delta Quadrant in the setting of Delta Manor undercover after 17 years in the Universe of Truly, Truly Bad cruel, malicious, vindictive.. Disgusting Manners of Being in the Universal Simulation Awareness of Manifesto..Manifestation of the Zombies ..E N D…
9:09 p.m.

C O D E S… S.P 104…14… 5…5 41…D A.
Da Enlightens

7:28 p.m.

4-22- 2018.

660 Coffee from Chris

2.67 usd…

7 On My Face book Icon.

Last Face Book Friend Quanma’e Lewis…

Current Temperature in New York City.. 53 Degree;s Fahrenheit


7-28-64… Link Nonyelum Ijeamaca Okolo .. N O I.. JOY..

Meaning, “Stay near to me, beautiful motion of the energy – the Prince is the Manly Warrior of the Round Circle..”

M U S I C… W A V E S… MW69

Manifest Universal Sound Infinite Consciousness
Words Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme…

Meaning of the Name CHRIST.
C 3… H 8…R 18, I 9 T..20…. Total numerical= 58.
E.H.. Eternal Harmony… 13 M.. 4.. D…
Delta… D.M…
Divine Manifestation.
13 +4= 17…Letter Q…
Quantum Mechanics 666 Proton Electron Neutron..
18… My bed Number… 1 8= A.H… Full Circle Sound Color Chakras.. O..Symbol of Perfection.. 1+8= 9…I.
Link 1125 Facebook friend Quanma Lewis. Quantum Leap..
Q L.. 17 12… Completion of 1 Year. 29…
29 Leap year.. 2016.. 20 16..P.T
Perfect Timing moved to Delta..
QL was in bed 26… and is now in bed 3-009…

Q L is the True Reflection of the Beautiful Truth of my Expression Moving Everything Knowingly Aware, into the Equation which for some perplexing and ultimately tragic reason has been allowed to be set up to test and explain my Science…
All designed to make me fail….

8:05 p.m
It is finally Spring in New York the 11th state…
It finally arrived

Face Book Link
Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon
Kevin G Gordon born 7-28.

K Waves God Sunny G G.
K G G… 11 7 7… Link Keith Grant bed 53 BRC… and the gift code of the M.D Hand sanitizer.. Clean your Hands”
*My Bed was 49… 49+ 4 “Delta” =53..
Eternal Clarity.
Emeka’s Consciousness… 53= 8…
Emeka;s Equation for Infinite Energy E=CMe4/3….
8 is code for Infinity…
8=8th Letter… H Harmony. Symbol Two Lines with a Third which forms a Bridge linking the Two See;s Cee’s Parallel Universes…
I I I= Become I…
Spirit and Physical… Mental and Material… S P… M M…

* See Sacred Portal 113.. A.M.. “Blood on His Hands”

7:39 p.m.

* Q Lewis is bed 3-009…

Flip… 7 11…Alway Open …

11 7 7… New York 11th State.. Starbucks code… 7 7 is 1
Two lines of Spectrum aligned to 1…. 77 …1
7 notes “Solfeggio” in One.
77… 49…. 77 14… 5… 49… 13 4…
14 5.. N.E…19.. S… 10…Balance
J A O B… J A Y E. B…
Stephen Filgueira Stephen Popiotek Steve Cannon Steve Woods

N E S… Alpha Omega E JAY B.. Present.

13 4.. 17.. Q.. Quantum Easter Transform of the Past..

April means “Open”… O P E N… O “666- 18…9..I.”
O I… O 9…/ S P 9 O… Spirit E…S E… South East Turkey ?
( S E T..Isis Osiris?)
No, Seth…
Link Facebook friend Seth McBean S M Whom I met at the Bean Cafe 2nd and 3rd/ 3rd and 2nd…
Link Bean at Delta Manor…

9;19 p.m.

Date… 4-22- 2018… D V.. T R…
Double V…. V VV..

660.. F F O… Fact Fact…
Fiction of Mental and Material.. Spirit and Physical Realm aligned to Fact…

6 is 8..
86/68… 1414… NN 28 10 TEN 68 48 12

8/8= 1.. O N E.. 16 7

Second coffee..642-6 is 8 842…

642… F D B 66.. 12 3 L C
H D B…

Tiffany Dawn Haynie…Be…
Harmony Delta Being…
Room 4 B.. E D… 4-0018.

Codes complete..

26 7…
16.. 7.

1984…Big Brother was Observing YOU.

The Watch Man…

Mr Manhattan.

9:30 p.m

I C.. O ES

642… Yes the 40 20 usd code from Jace K Hortsford.
Sacred Portal 42..
Yes just as I suspected this Script was not about Evolution Awakening and ending misery pain and suffering..
but about Sacred Portal 42 Ohm.
Power and Control.

P A C.. Easter.. Transformation.
the C AP

642.. 66..
66/66…1. One

6666…24…X the Passed.

70 45…6..


My coffee at the Arab Bodega today was 47..

correct alignment
7O 456..
7 O is 15th Letter…6..

76 4 56…

Awakening begins at Delta Qudrant..
DQ H..
D H..
Rep Micheal Belle ..V U E… 22. 21… 43…E..
43. .48..

7 is 8…
78..15.. O a full Circle..
6..F.. Fact.

78x 56..
bed 5-006 56…X is the Past.

Add.. Is the Present .

76 D Eternity is a FACT

22:50 pm

V E O…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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