
4/22/2017 19:13 – Facebook Post

From Godwin Ruth Efe… G.R.E….

Gre means “Will’ in French…Propulsion Momentum…

Akil Davis
Evan ALexander Judson…


I am sitting by the Wood Section,
gazing at this image and knowing that I am looking at the Facial Expression which the Woods is reflecting back at me, for this play.

And I silently respond to Her ( Their Expression)

The Hair Style Ms Godwin is wearing, reminds me of Ruth in the bible in a strange world of the Woods.. The Forest people of the Elves, Nature..
The Expression of the Villages I have been to around the World..
And especially Southern Nigeria…

And does Ruth wonder where the T which links her ( Their names) to leave the World of Nature, the Country.. the ones left behind while so many fled, immigrated to the city, in search of the White Mans Magic…
Paper Money, made out of the pulp of Woods.
While they take care of the Farms, which feed the the World.
The Traditions Cultures from antiquity which brought Everyone forth to this point…?

Where is the T, in Ruth to bring forth our Truth,
The ones left behind, to tend the hearth,
to kindle and keep the eternal fire, as the people left the hearth to chase the paper money made from the Woods, the Hair, the Weaves of the People who Fed the World, nurture the World
with the Wood and the Word of the Knowledge of Nature,
and the Natural process of being in Existence..

Started in Nature…

Where is Our Truth…

I am here sitting here, by Woods section of the Star Bucks, living in the one of the Worst representation of what the city has to offer…
I slept in the Woods of Pelham Park.. 3-4 time in 7 years…
I lived there…
I the London born city born, city dweller.
I never forgot you, in all my Psalms of Praise to the E-Spirit of
my quiet Walks through City Scapes and Sky Lines…
I sang your name in my poems, and in that quiet Bliss of those moments
It was you that came to mind, Nature.. Forest .. Woods…
And I sang of your grace, your beauty, your smile, the wildness of your nature which brought a bellow of joy to my face,
and a racing of my heart…
And I knew you as the Darkness which once was the Nothingness
which when I tamed and slowed my fast racing heart..
Which I learn my first lesson…
How could I be Afraid of Nothing…
For I knew you with open Eyes as Dawn.
Where all your True Nature was revealed to me..
And I Knew you… intimately..

How could I be afraid of Nothing…

I moved on, My Lady… Elves Fairy Ancient one…
I moved on to something beyond Creation to Civilization..
To return to you to Tame the Wildness in you..
Who taught Fear of the Darkness as a Tool of Power to Control and Mystify…
That Fear of the Darkness and the Sounds of the Wood
in which you used to Veil of Darkness of Nothing at all..
To make something out of Nothing..
Danger, Strife Survival.. Fear…

No, My Lady and My Lords… I did not forget you..
I moved along the Wave of that which Moved me before there was even you, the Nothing At all…
Me… I moved to the Truth before you Existed … me.
And in Me there was no desire to make others feel fear
-So that they would not leave you.. Alone.

I came back Nature, to Teach you a lesson about Life
that it is Evolves, and that you can never be forgotten..
But we move on, and we refine and we are Civil… to one another
and so I came to destroy the Forest and The Woods which taught the mysteries but coated them in such fear and superstitions that your children began to leave you..

I have come back like the Farmer who burns and scorches the Earth
with Holy Fire, lets it sit for an Age until it becomes known as Death…
So sure does It think itself Forgotten.. Alone.. in the Darkness of the Solitude and Isolation it created called Fear… of the Woods…
Respect for the Woods through Fear, Power Secrets of Nature guarded…
Until your children left you… as I did, following my lead.

But I was there, Here.. I did not forget you for in the Dawn instead of a Forest, a Garden now stands in your Stead.
I transform the Sadness, the solemn and far away look in your eyes,
The Poverty in your garments and the Empty Stomach despite assuming that you had feed the body of the World.
And then challenged me with the power of Money.. Wood Pulp…
The Ink of minerals from the Sea and Mountains…
And the bodies of creatures…

7:04 p.m
G O D…

That You feed the World not I…
Energy Expression which came Before there was even the idea of you…
I have returned to Transform you into that which you never were, but always were..
The Garden.
For I am the Gardner who knows how to Farm…
But I use Energy Consciousness Light seed of Blue Light from beyond your realm.. but not your understanding.. now that I have Evolved you..
Nature Morte.. N.M.. Back to NOM De Dieu…
Beauty Majesty Harmony Eternal Grace… the Setting for the Arrival of the E..
The Family…
The True World.

This is why I left.. to teach you a lesson you would never forget…
not to fear
but the most beautiful lesson of transformation and why True Power lies in being pleasant transparent civilized…
For this is the Truth of Nature.. It is a Heart..
And a Body of Harmonious Expression A.R.T…
And that Confidence, Knowing and Conscious Knowledge…
Conquers Fear… of that which has already been conquered in the one True Eternal Begining…
Recognizing that you are the simply raw unorganized fractals of
My Art.. And My Heart….

Never Shattered…

Beautiful Death
The Transformer…
Father of Jah Fire…
J.F…1 6.. 16..Planets.. 7..
Golden Ration
bringer of the Golden Dawn.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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