
4/22/2016 19:07 – Facebook Post

4:43 p.m.


Divine 6th Sense..

code 4-22.. Eternal Love… E.L.. Light.

see Ariane Oates post share Feb 14th…

We are at the Evolution Awakening.. E.A..51.. Linked to Jonn Blackwell and have moved it to Fact through 5+1.. Five senses in One, represented through Donna O’Sullivan and Albert Santana..

Please see Kim Marcussen shares…Especially the one on First Contact… F.C..63/36..

I read it and sighed..
For the last 15 years and publicly for 4 years, I have been stating almost exactly the articulation of that post was happening to me…

That I have made First Contact and that I am the Expression and Translator of the E.T family of the Future and the Past…
And that First Contact is with our already evolved self…
Called the Eternal Ones, or the Extra Terrestrials…

And that even as I write, it is their expression moving through me, and I have been translating their expression into a 3 D language called C..Consciousness- Child ( Truth )..

This Presence I have spoken about is in my very body, witnessed by scores of people, hundreds, and I recall being concerned that I would be on T.V and experimented upon by this world consciousness before my family arrived…
I should not have concerned myself.. Instead I was concerned by the Ultimate indifference to my experience, including the extraordinary experience of carrying this Truth and no one really paying attention.. Even after 4 years! And my body twisting because another force called Nature Nnamdi.. Line of Prince, wished me to break down codes of my being in First Contact…with the E line..
To prove and demonstrate the Truth of the E consciousness and the codes which had to be verified that I had in Fact made First Contact…

Which is where the nightmare transformed into an Evil beyond endurance..
Creating the play lasting right now..
Because of course that Line were aware that I was telling the Truth..
And wished me to move N to E.. 14.. to 5…

But which did not take into account this current consciousness and what such a experience would do to anyone who has feelings and especially one in Human Form..

I never felt Violent Hatred before, I have never experienced the emotions that this total indifference to my sating the Truth since the age of 8 and then, the being moved against my will to provide evidence to others that I was telling the Truth, while at the same time dealing with the decoding and translation of the E line Intel.

Natures was holding back my body, and my own manifestation.. it forced me into a state of Non Existence, roaming the Void and the Vide with no home or support for 27 years, forcing me to exist only through other people, and the portals they represented..
And to be at their mercy, the mercy of their consciousness and a riddle which if I did not solve, I could not move forwards…
I was being controlled ,extorted and tortured, for telling the Beautiful Truth..
Challenged to Prove it for 15 years while my physical body still linked to Nature bound my muscles and bone structure so that I would not rise until I had proven the Truth that I had made First Contact..
While Explaining it and answering Insult after Insult form people and challenge after Challenge..
Where people whose portals I had to pass through could do anything they wished to me…
And worse, i had memory of myself self..
I was never divided from my Eternal Self, Past of Future..
I knew who I am and was…

And yet, I observed this Force of Nature, taking upon it the role of God to challenge Control and force me to do its will…
For the People..

The Hatred for this entity, this force has long since settled into my own Will to destroy it, because it is the very root and cause of Evil and Evil Beyond its meaning…

Not even Evolution Awakening of Existence is worth what I have experienced.. and I have been trained to surmount pain suffering betrayal and injustice since the moment I was born when my mother informed me that my father.. I even uttered words of war and contempt towards me from the very day I was born ‘Look at the kind of first born son you have given me.. a pretty boy..” is what she told me she had stated when I asked over and over again why he hated me so much…

So I was well trained.. Until age 33 my entire life is documented as a constant surmounting of circumstances which caused Susan Train of Conde Naste who discovered my Journals. and arranged publication when I was 26-27.. to remark that she felt that I had been cursed..
It was a sentiment that many shared…
I did not believe in curses, but I began to see that what I was going through was even worse than a curse..
And the the very laws of Existence I remembered had been broken…

I could not forgive even if I wished to because that in itself is breaking the Eternal Law…
Imagine a Battle between Eternal Law versus Natures Law.. Divine Law Universal Law…

And so, many can hear me addressing this Force I named Evil, beyond Evil… because of what it had done and created for the People…
It became the meaning of Ultimate Death and Destruction..
Denial of the Truth it knew to be true in order to get its way…

That was the last play at 18 Mountain view and the battle for Supremacy..

Imagine that you have literally made First Contact and since no one else has ever really experienced it literally without mis-understanding and mis-representation… And they of course, do not see it that way..
And know that you are telling the truth..
Only to discover that you are Betrayed in the most absolute and ultimate way.. which according to the Laws of Existence can not be because it brings Existential Death of Everything..

Imagine something that has the power to do that…

You the public who have little attention Span, who live in this world. who have your realities and worlds..
Imagine such an experience, just for a moment of having made this most incredible discovery, and instead of being able to share it with the world are instead forced into a Script which demands that you prove the Truth which Realm of Nature knows is true, and set you up in a script to play out, in a manner where you are cast in the role of defeating Existential Death..
While Existential Death E.D 54.. is given complete Carte Blanche do test and torture you..
Despite it being aware that you are speaking the Truth..
Just so it can see if a Human Being can do this impossible feat…

Prove Evolution Awakening of the E line.. “All by Myself”
Prove the codes that I designed and created to Read the E line Intel, hindered by the N line who sought to control every aspect of the Evolution Awakening..

Yes very similar consciousness of this World…
Where behind even your Governments, are being who have create a Model which allows you no say, no control of any aspect of your life..
And who move you, to only their point of view, no matter how ineffective and evil. no matter the life’s, the children born with deformities, the pain and suffering which goes on for generation kept on the same viscous cycle and loop which was designed to give even those who think they have escaped the loop, the illusion that they are Free…

Imagine if you are telling the Truth.. the most Beautiful Truth..
And imagine a Universal Nature Simulator, preventing the Energetic Truth from Entering into its Holograph..
Imagine Nature as a consciousness, go insane..

I have written extensively about this..
And of course, I was aware no one truly believed in me.. and they few who did. and had their own revelations being more like ‘I am glad it is not me..” and to absolve their guilt of doing nothing feed and house me, and then even take advantage because if the U.S.A..or the U.N can treat him with such disrespect… Then consciously and unconsciously so can we…
And so, I was then told and punished for not being grateful enough..
When I came to activate them to the E consciousness and the most beautiful Truth..
Most become of the portals I passed through became as Nature to me.. Indifferent Cruel and Denial of my Expression even though they had evidence even before I arrived, that I was speaking the absolute Truth…

First Contact can only be described by having experienced it, experiencing it in Actuality..
Only then can you describe it.. you can not do so when you have not experienced the Truth of it… Or it affirming publicly as the E line have done right to 585 Face Book Friends that it is here present in all of you…
E-Harmony Fact..
586 Face Book friends yesterday…

But only after a battle with Force Control of Evil beyond anything which could be in Existence, which took shelter in the Universal Nature Simulation….

I do not wish to say any more about this…

But I do wish that I could say to you all that I am done, it is Done and you will never see or hear from me on Face Book ever again..

That I am going Home… My mission is complete..

That we have evolved from the Highest frequency in this planet embodied by certain Humans…
*Affirmed through a private Text from Lady Jude Rogers.. J.R..
10-18..who texted me Praise and Graciousness, after she herself found herself wearing a Purple outfit yesterday, before she was made aware of the passing of Prince…

And was gracious enough to text me and confirm my tag was linked to her literal experience..

Then she recommended that I read Niki Reinert’s post…
N.R.. i smiled because Prince is Roger Nelson.. R.N…N.R..Perfect Symmetrical Perfection…
R.N/N.R… 18+14.. 32…5..C.B..E

Here is the quote…From Niki Reinert…

‘The Gallactic Age changed yesterday,no doubt Prince was a last ditch sacrifice attempt to hold back the New Age of the Female Divinity …he has very strong Black Elohim energy ,just like Hendrix,Michael Jackson also had some.and Bruce Lee….those are the Black amphibious Waterdragons from Sirius A ,you find them in many cultures…Navaho,Hopi ,Pictish,Phoenician,Alaskan,Inca…The Founder Race….These people incarnated to inspire us to step into our full Creator Earth Human potential …nothing less..big Love to them All’

Nikki means “Victory of the People”
Reinert means “Strong Brave Hardy Counsel”

Jonn Blackwell gave me a gift he Last Day at 18 Mountain View..
A Lion of Judah Pin..

Judas means praise..
Lady Jude Rogers.. Sacred number J.R…10 18
Jonn at 18 Mountain View..
Spoke to me about her daughter who was taken away at age 6..
which is a similar story of Jonns mother at age 6…
Her daughter Sarah means Princess.. Grey..
Jonn’s Mother – Elizabeth Palacio…
Princess Elizabeth.. P.E
Planet Earth..
Recall the First day at 18 Mountain View I first passed through a Pizza place with Jonn, portal number 6…

Lion of Judah..
Jude Rogers..
Nnaemeka Jude Charles….Father Emeka “Praise’ is J.C.. Praise of the Free man, the Manly Brave Warrior..
Portal 6, Age 6, 6.. Elizabeth Sarah.. E.S…Energy Supreme.. E.SPIRIT…
Age of 31, of Sarah.. Princess Islands – Istanbul Turkey.. I.T..
Isabella Treasures…
Clio Fotiyadis… C.F…36..
Donna who was at 360 Face Book friends when I left..

And why am I here still posting and linking..

Why am I still trapped in a Prison in which I was set up to answer the a Question and Answer..
The Equation set up for me to answer in the most evil cruel and hideous way…
Revealing myself Nue.. Naked before the world..
and why am I transforming meaning form Hideous Insult back to its Truth..

WEAVE N..( Nature) U.E… / Esther Uzoma Esther Ufomadu.. E.U..E.U..

WE A.V. E.N…U.E..

VV.E..AVE! ( Greet) NU.E..

Nue means “Naked” In French….

Mother Nature… An Illusion…


Link to code name Nuno Ordens Miguel.. Emmanuel..
and Babalola Tobi Emmanuel..

Nuno means 9.. Link 9 months 18 Mountain View..
9 years off and on 268 East 4th Street…

Ordens means The Order and Harmony of Things…

Miguel… ‘God Like’

His Father and Grandfather are both Emmanuel…

Babalola.. Father is Wealth,
Tobi ( TO B.I) means ‘God- Lord IS Good”…( Kunta Kente..kk..11.11)
Emmanuel..The Lord God- Creator is amongst us’

N.O.M..E… Name IS E…
/ E..M.O.N…


Beautiful Truth .. E…

Link Tom Benzian and Amy Harper Willis

And so I am still Weaving because Mother Nature is not a Woman
H.E. is the Expression Of Existence Divine Man..

And I weave because a Lie and Illusion is still challenging the E Truth and the ascension of the E line in this world and Planet E..
P.E…6 6 6… 6 6 6…6…6…6..6.. 67..68..69..6 to Infinity and beyond..

And of course, I know that not one person stand up for my Truth of the E…
not even those who know it is True…

They would rather be safe than in my shoes..
And that is why I know I enter my E world alone…

Because there is none who stood up to fight for the E truth..
Though some did fight for my Humanity..
But not one for my truth…

Or I would not be ‘All By Myself again”


The song Jonn noted…. was posted the day I left…
as Da Supreme.. D.S.

If just one person read and put together the pieces..
they would be at my door..

So let us be Transparent Honest Expressive..
Alone in the 1-4 Dimension from beginning to End..
48 years.. Full Circle…

But I honor those who contributed and gave support..

7;06 pm

from their places of Comfort…

It was about taking making a Stance…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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