
4/22/2016 14:51 – Facebook Post

Via Deanne Earl

12:10 p.m.

There is so much more going on inn this world that people are not aware of..
But I do wish to state that No one can be be killed or Die, without the Universal Field Of Awareness allowing it..

Humans simply do not have that power over Death,
though they assume they do by the rate they kill each other….

But underneath, all the illusion and even the circumstances of those who die,
especially in mysterious circumstances, there is a logic, meaning and order..
A perfect Harmony of Entering the world and leaving the world..
And the Statement being made which this Energy wishes us to understand…

I am saying that Everything is in Harmony and all have or had a purpose to fulfill in this Play the Universal Simulation of Awareness and responsibility..
A Prep School. and University to prepare us for entering True Life..

It is for this reason I have been posting the codes of of his Birth date and his Death…

Which align to the codes I have been reading decoding and the equations I have been solving by being placed in scenes and scenario’s, alien to my Nature, to understand the meaning.

To surrender to “Existence or Energy God- the wave, which I have been demonstrating is moving through all of us, revealing a Eternal Will…
We as a specie exert control over our realities, more and more…
We control all aspects of our life’s and existences because we are afraid of the Unknown, we are afraid that we will be used, abused, hurt and that we can not trust.. Energy-God…
That we can not trust anything, apart from that which we control..

I recognized quite early in my life that I was in a movie, because I of the constant anomalies occurring in my life, reminders of a destiny, a Fate, and a Mission…
I have always had a vivid memory of what life is, and understood that this world was not true Life…
That True life can not be read, nor is their Fate, Destiny in true life…

And yet in this Idea of Life, I observed that my own personal experience of it was already mapped out and planned for me..
Made more obvious by the non stop people entering my life, to remind me of my Mission..
How can true Life have a mission.. or purpose other than to Be, and Enjoy and Celebrate what is..

It is for this reason that the first 33 years of my Life was a constant struggle, and battle against that which I knew was True Life, and this Life I was leading which so obviously has other plans for me…
The idea outraged me that another force had set up ones life, ridding a person of Free Will, Choice, Freedom and Liberty…

I fought so hard… really truly, to live as life was meant to be lived, naturally as a wonderful adventure and experience of Boogey and Celebration..I fought…
I never set out to create my Log book of Life, called my Journals Talking to the Silence,
I had no plan to spend my life in Isolation, or that I play this or that role dictated by others..

And I have posted my evidence of my fight, and even my refusal to come to New York when I was literally summoned…
But I could not fight this force, I could not fight it with my own will and desire to create an be..
Instead my life, revealed as an Orchestrated plan…
In which a purpose had been set for me..

Yes I fought.. and I managed to retrieve my memories of before I was born in this world..
But even that, I found was orchestrated…

And suddenly my entire existence, was moving towards this purpose…
Yogi’s and Guru’s, Messengers told me of my destiny in my twenties which to me seemed ridiculous…
How did they know and how could they know, and so I was dismissive, and though I listened I did not wish to be influenced or moved, by others, not even Energy God…
Life is Freedom and if I had landed in a realm that was not True Life, then I wanted out..
For what the Devil was I doing here… in something which was more like a school,
all I found myself being allowed to do, was pass lesson and test, nonstop lessons..
I had no real time to Be, and even those moments I sought to celebrate my existence and life, even those moments I found were controlled…

In 1986-87, I had met a Prince Look a like, in Nigeria, who was from Yale.. He was a literal bonafide Prince.. and had the same name as myself..
I had just come out of a most harrowing experience in 1985.. and had withdrawn deeply back into the familiar world of Silence, and Solitude when I met him..

I recall the first time meeting him and telling myself to run..
But I could not my legs could not move and I felt I was under some sort of spell..
But it was not a spell, more like recognition…
And he informed me that he was here to prepare me for my mission…
I was about 19 years old at the time, and everything in my Being told me to flee, that he represented that Energy within me which was aware of a purpose a mission…

But I stayed..
I used to wear frilly shirts and long jackets very much in the style of Prince, and the first costume ball I went to I went dressed as Prince.. I really admired Micheal Jackson, but Prince was my Man…
And so when this Prince, from the Royal house of Onistha, began grooming me, making me visit him twice a week while he began training me, in other realms of consciousness not of this physical reality, but linked by Philosophy of the west, I found that he was opening my subconsciousness mind to things I had fought with all my might to not access..
He opened doors to my mind that I knew, would never allow me the joy of simply being…

How can there be a script to life..
And how is it, I wondered did I not only know and recognize things he was saying, but remembered and was proficient to the point that he would stop and stare and me, smiling so much that devilish smile of Prince…
He knew he looked like Prince and would look at me often with impatience at my refusing to acknowledge that which was obvious but which to me.. was just to dangerous..
But I could hear myself speak, and I was amazed and often scared of what was coming form my mouth…
I would shake uncontrollablly after each encounter..

This was not happening I would repeat to myself over and over again..
Yet my body in recognition would rise up and do battle with me, to acknowledge each encounter and what had taken place…

This Prince kept of challenging me, pushing me, opening up portals..
He knew me better than I did and worse of all he knew me from another world and the effect this had on me was instant and permenant..

You must go to the United States… I made a point of establishing that I will not ever live in the United States..
What was I so afraid of..

The Year was 1986-7…
I was not afraid, but rather I had no trust in this Life which took away the meaning of life…
took away Freedom…

Many of my older Face Book friends will recall, how I described how I was summoned here, to come to New York… and how I refused, until I had no choice…

And many will note the code of Princes Birth..7-6-58.. and how it aligns to the equations I have been solving, deciphering…

Everything Is scripted, this is what my journeying on this E-God Wave, showed me, and the codes I created to anchor myself, in this play which was so beyond what I knew was possible, which had defied the Eternal Laws of Existence which I had stamped in my being since I can remember…

76 is my Sacred portal Awakening of the World…
7 is the color Purple… the 7th Chakra the Crown Chakra…
6 is the 6th Sense and third eye.. it is eye which exists beyond the Darkness as BamBamm Vega’s post affirmed…
6th is the Letter F.. which the equation linked to Fact..

58 is the code of E-Harmony, the consciousness I have been made to prove exists as the one True Consciousness of Existence…

57-58.. 55 78..87.. The very year I was training with Prince Emeka Ejikeme in Enugu Nigeria…

April 21 2016.. 4-21-16.. 4-3-9 (7)…
9 Months chez Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan passing through Death as Destruction and The Womb as Creation..and the great battle which took place there to move from Destruction to Creation.. D.C… 4 3.. I went there in July the 7 month and left the 4th month..

7-4.. 11 28.. my birthday…

There is no coincidence when the Facts and the Anchors line up…

1:13 a,m.

I once told Donna that I was brought to their home to either Die, or prove my Truth of the E-Harmony…
My body became even more twisted.. I could not leave the compound except when Jonn and Donna invited me, which they did.. Until the intensity of the twisting of my body became so intense, that I look in the mirror to see my body deformed to a point that I stare in horror…
I was meant to be morphing into beauty but when I look at my body, I could see that it was instead morphing into destruction…
My front teeth fell out, my skin my hair my feet,, all I could do and all I did night and say was work on the Energetic play going on with all of us, as well a working night and day on the Posts…
It is the only way to heal my body, regain my Freedom..
I saw that all I could do was post and so for almost 8 months I stayed almost the entire time in Isolation except for Jonn and Donna.. I spoke to no one, telephoned no one…
I hated every moment of it but of course, I had to rise above my own personal feelings…
and had the luxury of at least being able to talk to someone about it…

The Tarot that Reyna read for Jonn.. on the day I left..the 19th… was of 8 5 3.. Death, Alchemist Cups… D.A…C
Da Enlightens D.A
DA Elightens Organization..D.A.O
Deborah Omolola Adekunle D.O.A.


Right here at 268 I noticed a B on the wall..

DO A.B.C..A.C..B..

Why was Prince Killed is a Good Question…
But why did Prince leave the world 2 days ( Two Men)
after I left 18 Mountain View, where Donna Sullivans reflected perfectly the codes 57-58 and Prince 58-57 Perfectly, right to the Equation of month an year of birth… 76 58..
and Donna 8-28…

That gives us the true meaning…

In the Matrix of sound yes he was Killed..
(Micheall Jackson born 1958.. dies age 50… Prince 1958…Whitney Houston born August 9 ..8-9..H.I.. Age 48.. Amy Wine house age 27…(Easter)
David Bowie, Alan Rickman…each 69…

Of course many others have died, but there is something else going on…

and in Death.. the date the Time there is meaning..
Prince was pronounced dead at 10;07 a.m…1O O7..
Deputies responded to the emergency call at 9:43 p.m.

They were not Killed but had completed their mission..
This is How one can read the Harmony of Death..8..
And since this is not the realm of True Life..Then it is the realm of Death..
Born to Die…
And in Death there is Harmony.. which makes it the twin of True Life..
Death has Meaning, Life has meaning..
and they are twins.. Doppelgangers…
The Same thing..
Because as as sacred Portal 48 “Beautiful Death” and 84 “Star Man and Pollination-Life”
484..Align to 16..This year and 16/61.. P.F.A..Plant Fa.. the 4th note.. I am presently at 4th Street..
16-7…Purple.. Violet…I represent Violet..
7 Is G…

I am at 585 Face Book Friends… 18… R..add 9…R.I…1 8 a Full Circle..Do re me fa so la ti do…
R.O.Y-G, G. B.I V R…
Sound and Sight…. 18 Mountain View… Robert.. Roger.. Neil,, Nelson…I..
Eon Rivers ..State…

484… 7..
585… 9..

See sacred portal 79…97… 16 16.. P.P…32..5…5 is 8… 63 63 (F.C) 99.. I I..

… 89 98…17 17…34..C.D..7 12..1984 103..13..4..17..Q

I left Stone Ridge with 170 U.S.D. and 2 Dollars… 172.. Q.B…See Sacred portal 18.. “Queen Bee”

x89..H.I..Is 72… 17..72.. 99…See Sacred portal 99..”Victory”

I And I= I.Violet… I.V..I Purple… I.P..Mann…

I.V..4..D Do-NNA…V=5… 4 5.. Deanne Earl.. D.E
I.P address….

And so Life and Death are Twins..
Both Life..LL…1212…24.. X.. I am overlooking Generation X Gardens right now.. 24=6…8…68
both are Death- DD..44.. H. 8…16..7…87…

14…15…N. O…
12..11….L. K…(See yesterday post K.O.LO.).. L.OO.K
3..1…… C…. A.

Its a Code… 68 represents Nature….87 represents the World…

68 is inversed (69 Ying Yang) to 89-98…

Meaning Violet represents the…V..5…E…Expression.. World Body…
Purple… Represents the Planet… Earth…P..p=16..7..G..
E.G… 57… 12.. 35…(47…11 28..39)…3.8…C.H.I..11..24…A.X…25…Y…B…E.G

Being Example….Being E.G…ode…Song.

World Earth Being Body… W.E.B.B…WE 22… WE V… W.E..5th Dimension..
Double VV E.A (51)..V.E

W.E.A.V..E. N..U.E…

2:45 p.m

We Ave! N.UE…

The Weave..NUE… Body….

2:51 p.m

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