
4/22/2015 0:22 – Facebook Post

12:O5 P.M.


I just saw Gabriel…

You know the guy I met last night who asked me about the Nothingness..

I did not mention that at the very moment that he asked the question, he saw a flash in the sky and shouted out..

“Whoa did you see that?”

I hadn’t.

Well I just saw him now and he was staring at me strangely,
I could make out why he was staring at me like that.

Finally, as we said good night, he blurted out that something he had a story to tell me, something so out of the ordinary that I could see he was rattled.
He said that something happened to him last night…Something had happened and it was concerning what we had been speaking the night before.

Perhaps if I see you again I here I will tell you.

I smiled as he walked away,
Yes I wrote about last night too.

I still have this Beautificly Devilish Smirk on my Face…

I don’t lie about the Truth.

I am always True.

That is why I am here now, walking the Streets one more night..
But with a smile…

I can not ever deny the Beautiful Truth and believe me the Unseen world and this world can torture a being, human or Devine in ways which no physical torture can.
Physical torture at least at one point you pass out.
And you see your tormentors.
But the Unseen…
No, unforgivable use and abuse of power

But I will not deny the Truth nor the Truth..
And definetly not my personal Truth which just happens to be…
I gave birth to the Existence and the Nothingness..
Cause the somethingess was me…

The Truth
12;17 pm
12;18 pm.

Completion of A-G..Q

12: 1+8=9

12 78..
12 89

Completion of AI.
12;2O pm.

Completion (12-1+3=3 C) of the Truth.
3 RD and 2nd The Bean.

Reflection in Perfect Symmetry in two Dimensions now 1.

12:22 pm


Completion of
Beateous BE A.M
Beateaus BE A.O

BEing Conscious

Completion of X.
The Being of Dimensions.

Emeka Kolo.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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