
4/21/2019 18:39 – Facebook Post

5:20 ..5: 21 p.m.

E.T. Eternal Truth Huemans are Extra Terrestrial from the 5th Dimension.
( Throat Chakra Blue 5th merging and interfacing in a

Captains Log.
Starship Enterprise Evolution Awakening.

S.E E…

Happy Ishtar…

That is how McKayla Rays greeted me when I got up from a very troubled sleep, fighting the echo of voices of demons which posses Humanity spirited away by their illusions and expressions, when in Truth that is not really then.

I.have been cleaning and fighting illusions…The Nothing is wrong for the last 29 years on the Holograms Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix consciously for 29 years.

5:29 p.m

She hastened to explain what it’s original meaning was the celebration of Sex and Fertility.. Grace… and that the Easter Egg tradition came from the product of Sex and Fertility.. The Cosmic Egg.

S A F. E
S A G E.

See sacred portal 149 (19)
Alien Father Alpha taking the Cosmic Egg away as in Humpty Dumpty restored.


I was just about to call my Mother, when Mikki walked in, I had already noticed her Harminy aligning to that of my sister and mothers true eternal nature and frequency.

I was aware that as I observed Mckayla, that I was aware that I was also observing the ascension of the lines of my mother as hee highest self, my little sister Harmony evolved through Dark Matter and Earth back to her original Eternal Harmony.

I tried to call her, but I was not surprised and yet I was, when I discovered that it had expired.

But now she had become Woman -Wu Man, the 5th Dimensional being finally full invaenared as New Woman line here on Earth
E.C.H.O Narcissisus Adonis
Present and witness as E Rose
Eros Aphrodite
Sacred Portal 26.

Arrival of the Spacehip Afro-Aphrodite-beautiful Pride
Sacred Portal 87.

The E.M.F Field had to be perfectly restored cleaned washed and perfumed before Lady Beautiful and Loveiliness landed in this planet and gave birth to J.O.Y. E.
Elohim Adonai

Sacred Portal 51.

So this is real Ishtar Esthers-Eros Adonis day is the ascension from the Pit and Darkness of your non knowing transformed into the Dawning Comprehension of fill knowing and recollections of knowing exactly what’s going on.
Memory restored through the Akashic Records contained in the Blood Water, D na and Muscle Memory..

5:51 p.m.

Forgetting aka Terrible Death as Rage Anger Vengeful Explosions has at last transformed into a R A V E ..and Boogie all over the E.M.F.

This is not a continuation of the perverted version of the Christ Story
Temuz Christ but is alignment from here to Eternity.

5:55 p.m.

*Time Code are Time Locks part of “Wonder Of Man- W O M B M A.N. navigational guidance system of her vessel in Space.

I had told the World for years, over a decade to be precise that they were being moved by illusions as well as being meddled with by their ancestors.
The first for evil reason and the latter, with Good intentions but both brought Evil with a power beyond belief haunting powering the E.M Field exerting an unimaginable power to force it’s way, finds its way into the 5th Dimension

Recall Dr Ashua image of me he saw with an Evil attached to me up to the portal of Eternity.

A Terrible Voodoo war – Voodun was first a Science before it became the World first religion.

I had bought a burgundy wine red scented candle and placed it on my Altar about 5 6 days ago.
It’s the same color as the Blanket in my room over the Wolf coverlet.
I had placed it on the Two Hu chocolate bars from John Mack and Stephen Filgueria.
J S.
And on it Mikki’s great grandmothers black Horse with a Sake bottle cap with Laurels of Victory on it, on the right side ( Benjamin C. Krajewski Benjamin Joshua Melendez
See the meaning of Benjamin.)
And to my left, the Captain America with the John Doe Epic venison gift from John.

Mackayla and John.

Yesteday day, in the evening when John returned, I noticed that he was wearing a burgundy wine red T shirt.
And the very moment I was about to call it out linking it to the room Mckayla painted which they both share, Mackayla walked in, just as John later revealed that at the same moment he had been about to text her…
She too was wearing the exact same color Burgundy Wine Red Top.

I pointed it out and both looked up in surprise and delighted laughter…
Turning Water into Wine
Not bloodshed shed for being as Water..

AH, I have a new Facebook Friend who just arrived
I had one already moving us out of the Pit of Humanities Ages of Hurt and Dissapointment… and fear of the “Unknow -Known”
And loss of Memory.
Which as you can see we have risen from this Easter Day ..
Recovering Peace Olivia Burgos Mckayla Burgos..Harmony Diana Athena Harmony Clarity.

The Cosmic Egg is
The First and only True
Universe called Universe Supreme
U.S….Alpha Omega Aloha
I Harmony Infinity.

Voodoo play ?
Me Baba Samedi S.A.M E .D.I
/ I.D M A S S
Holy Communion Conversation
One on One.

War of the Woods
Phallic Erection
Woods of Fear.
6:31 p.m
Dr Patrick Okolo

Eugene Okorocha Okorocha.

E.O O.

Eugene means “Well Born, Noble Good Genes” Blue Genes and means the same as Alice.

Okoro is the same as Okolo

Prince and Manly Warrior
Kolo means of the Full Circle Round
In Slav. (Lav means to wash clean )

Ocha means “Clean White…Light”

Mba Afor Ocha.. my great grandmothers name the female form of me.
Met her 1977.

6:39 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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