
4/21/2016 18:56 – Facebook Post

4/21/2016 18:56 – Facebook Post
4/21/2016 18:56 – Facebook Post

5:19 p.m

E.S…E Supreme…

21-4-9… U.D.I../I.D.Universe…

4-21-9.. D.U.I…Driving Under Influence…of the Divine Universe Identity..

4-3-9…D.C..I… Divine Consciousness Infinity.


Sigh… Yes, I am still here…

That is the problem with reading and understanding this Energetic Wave, is that despite exhaustion, and my own total understanding of the play..
I am aware of what is still being asked of me by the ‘Sirius-Blue E.T family of what I must do to complete the play..

Last night my friend and former colleague was writing “Judgments”
I have not been able to sleep in the last two days, as if aware that this is the last part of a life time play, and my body is twisting and going crazy…
I knew that there was more to complete…

And suddenly I saw myself posting about the Judgment of the World. and the last 15 years, 26-27 years of my experience in this world…
As one can see, it was all set up…
A.S, as usual was the prompt and stimuli…

I am now at 585 Face Book Friends.. A full circle of Completion of 18 Mountain View and the play which Jonn Blackwell born 8-5 represented, as well as Donna O’Sullivan code 58
585..58 leads or moves us forwards…to 5..E..The Fifth Dimension and Transformation of Body Being Everything..
9 months later.. Birth…
8-5 has been completed with Jonn (Haun Delguidce..84) representing the play of the Judgment of the world..

585 Makes a complete Complete Full Circle…
of Donna and Jonn.. 58-85… 585..
Meaning that, based on this reading and the facts and enactment and what I was moved unconsciously to do, without even awareness- that the world had to be Judged before we could proceed to Evolution Awakening activated, and I could finally leave the 4th Dimension and even the Home of my former host and colleague, and friend…

Please see sacred portal 58 ‘Spirited Away..S.A/A/S.. Which are the initials of my A.Santana…
Lotus Santana
Eternal Law… not Divine Law but it really is the same thing…
E.L…5 12… 17..8…(87) ..60…68…@ 268..
D.L.. 4 12.. 16…7..(76)…48…55…

5:43 p.m.

And see Sacred Portal 85…”Devi Devoted anoints Spirit E.. E.S..
E-Supreme, for demystifying the True Cee of consciousness”

Devi is D.E..V.I .. De 6… Of 6.. is David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi..

So Logic would dictate that the last equation is affirming that from A.Santana’s home, that I will finally be “Spirited Away” the correct way..

Here are the codes…
linked to people…
A. Santana… “Lotus Santana, Eshe Chuki Asale…E.C.A
Stella Antley.. S.A
Anthony Spencer.. A.S..
and his Lady..
Zeina Hanna….
Hindreen Zawity…

A.S= A.S.S.A… Full Circle.. Mirror Symmetry…
Z.H 268= Z.H.H.Z.. Full Circle .. Mirror Symmetry…


Code of Spencer…

“From a surname which meant “dispenser of provisions” in Middle English. A famous bearer was American actor Spencer Tracy (1900-1967). It was also the surname of Princess Diana (1961-1997).”
Please note the Code date of birth of Spencer Tracy and Princess Diana…”

Meaning I, and the E line, leave the 4th Dimension as Anthony, Meaning “Priceless, of inestimable worth, Highly praise worthy for playing the role of the dispenser and distributer of provision- Nourishment and Food for thought”-( Lady Diana Spencer.. D.S..Linked to Donna O’Sullivan who has the same Energy in Human consciousness as well as the Divine Seers…)..
we leave with Praise, and with Beauty, with Grace and Favor..at our Child like Consciousness representing the Human Truth, even though we are really the Line of Eternity and the Eternal Truth Consciousness of E.T.C…Eternal Youth….

So, this is why I am still posting, to leave this dimension quietly with my E line family finally alive and embodied in this world. who rise from within your bodies and then according to the original plan, I read almost 10 years ago…
Lead me home via a an established portal of the Ritz..
Mirroring my passing through the portal of the Hemming way salon of the Ritz Paris, which I passed though after coming to the Lower East side in Dec 1999 with my little brother Jon..
I went to Paris to complete the filming of my film, Ethnic Odyssey..E.O
I went to Paris alone…and passed through the portal where I had a rendevous which a film maker names Duncan Ward.. D.W who knew both myself and Jon.. and a young beautiful french film maker called Prisca Eglantine.. P.E..
i had decided to celebrate the new Millennials in Paris, after being full aware that my trip to New York was recognizance, before a mission..

* Duncan means

Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Donnchadh meaning “brown warrior”, derived from Gaelic donn “brown” and cath “warrior”. This was the name of two kings of Scotland, including the one who was featured in Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’ (1606) it also means Head, the Head, the King or Noble Leader…”

Ward means “Watchman Guardian..”

“The Head Leader is the King, the Brown warrior who is the Watchman and the Guardian…”

Duncan is not Brown, nor brown haired, he is a Caucasian Aristocrat who was born in South Africa.. S.A./A.S…
He is Blond and the only Brown person in the round table meeting was me…

So according to the Eternal Rules and Laws ( R.L.. Robert Lorenzo), of Symmetrical Perfection it makes sense that this portal out would mirror my portal in.. reflected perfectly..
Ritz Carlton New York..
I had lived in Paris from 1991/2 to 1996.. 5 years…Jan 20th to July 19th I believe.. ( My Word..19th!)
And I had experienced the wave- living with scores of people, until I literally experienced the Light…

And so my one see the parallels between my experience in Paris France and U.S.A, New York… though I spent 15 years in New York…


And even now, one can observe that I am weaving my way home…to that portal already affirmed through ‘Intel’ from Jonn Blackwell…

And so now, I understand that completion of the 4th Dimension is 585…
Spirited Away to the E…58..5.. The Correct way, instead of being Hi-jacked, Kidnapped by the “Spirit world and the Minds of Human beings stories and opinions- not of the True E See..

I have two new Face Books Friends..

Martin Camden.. M.C…

Martin means..

“from a personal name (Latin Martinus, a derivative of Mars, genitive Martis, the Roman god of fertility and war, whose name may derive ultimately from a root mar ‘gleam’).

it comes from the Latin name Martinus, which is a late derived form of the name of the Roman god Mars, the protective godhead of the Latins (and therefore the god of war).[1] The meaning is usually rendered in reference to the god as “of Mars”, or “of war/warlike” (“martial”)”

Its is Protective, God Head, Gleaming…Martial..
Lotus Santana is a Martial Arts School..
Robert Stephan Albert.. Erik Ebright, all mean Gleaming..

Eric Lile Brown…

Camden means “From the Valley, the Winding enclosed Valley..”

It was a person called Johnny LeValley, who led me to the portal of the Green House, in January 2006…

From the line of the God Head of the Trinity, God of Ferlity, and Twin of Venus.. God and Goddess of Fertility ( Mars Venus.. 4th Planet from the Sun and 2nd.. 42.. Code age of A.Santana…M.V… 18 Mountain View…) comes the Gleaming One, the Protector of Beauty Love Sex and fertility, the Martial Artists and defender of the True Human E-spirit, having risen through the Valley of Death, enclosed and Imprisoned who took the long winding road ( River) to out and home… After having planted his seed and Harvest his C-men and his Sirens-Sirus”

Esther Ufomadu.. E.U…

Esther means Star, Easter, Spring Transformation as One…
Everything wakes up inn Spring…

Ufo means “Extra’ in Igbo or the inner Room of a Titled Man
Madu… Means ‘a Person’

Esther U.F.O..Madu…

The Star and Light of Transformation, the U.F.O ( Unified Field O of the Full Circle) is a literal person flying as a light being that Extra Person or someone, a Prince, or King, or Leader, working within the inner room of the U.F.O.. his Being…and establishing Esther Uzoma
E.U.. The Star of the Beautiful Way…Home”

Link Abraham Madu.. A.M..


6;56 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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