
4/21/2016 0:45 – Facebook Post

4/21/2016 0:45 – Facebook Post
4/21/2016 0:45 – Facebook Post

6:51 p.m

F E I… Fact, E, I…

20-4-9 T.D.I…/ I.D..T.. I.D..Truth.

4-20-9.. D-T.I..Divine Ti! 7th Note…


Yesterday we left of with my sitting at 54 The Bean Cafe, knowing I had to complete the post, and the equation, before I knew that the next step would be… Where I would sleep and unload my bag…

I was aware of the play, I knew in the back of my mind what the play was moving me, to- it did not and does not matter how much I protest, or how exhausted, or even simply fed up with it, each step is painfully ( and serenely played out- the pain only being the understanding of just how far this play of the Awakening through Expression, explanation, embodiment, literal and actual enactment in the present, as it is happening.. is willing to go. Please recall, or simply suspend disbelief for a moment and imagine I am really E.T, undercover here, working with them in what is known as the Unseen realm, to manifest here undercover through and by rising through the Blue prints of Existence, the Map to the treasure.. Human Beings)

And also from 15 years of experience, 27 actually.. I could read that the script had changed, that which I recalled..

Instead, it seeks to convey the process through a Humans point of view, by observing my response to that which I know, and they know I know, was the original plan..

Thus, to manifest the outcome this “Force” was using me to resolve, step by step..
From my awareness of the number 268, flashing by me, as I walked down town.
The code of 582 Face Book friends completing the Exquisitely Symmetrical perfection of the play we were given to play out and recognize right to the day of my departure..

Bravo to Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell.. Truly..
In the 27 years of my undercover work of activating the E consciousness through conversation and enactment “Au Natural”
none had completed the ‘Course’ in such perfection of such a difficult play while living at the same tome in this world.

Yes it was the Highest Consciousness in the Human Story, and of course, one can see that their whole life’s were set up for that play, right to their birthdays, to the car colors and license plates..
But to actually be in the play, to have one such as I in your homes- A literally E.T warrior of Energy, undercover recognizing you instantly of which line of the family you represent, and the role you are playing.. And then proving that you are undercover and are being moved by your True self who has not full risen, but is directing and guiding you..
While battling a war seen in the Energy world, of all the Evil and Beauty in Humanity set in contest of Wills of Supremacy..

There is so much more which took place in that 9 month stay in the idea of the Mother Ship, the Alien Mother, The Great Spider Witches Web..The Holographs central never center of Cause Effect, Justice Balance..
And Balance was restored through that play including all of you who become my Face Book Friends in the last 9 Months…

I received the evidence from Donna and a 50 USD bill code which J.B 26 30 76 88 B.. One can read the code instantly…
Jonn Blackwell gifted me 80 the first day I met him, Donna 50 usd on departure.. It was part of the play and she allowed herself, just as Jonn did to play their role and they themselves determine the balance…

I knew I had to complete the Code of 582 to complete the play of 18 Mountain View…
And when I saw the code of my two new Face Book friends yesterday, Iheme Concilia, I.C..
Firmino Chandele Marcelo Marcelo.. F.C…( Full Circle)..MM.. Manifestation… MM.. M=13..1313.. Zeina Hanna…

So I knew where I was meant to go…

I had said my final good bye to my former Host and colleague and friend..
It had been 9 years, 4 years straight, then on and off for 9 years..
I knew I was in a Literal loop, and it was Hellish, often for both of us..
But he was an intrinsic part of the play…
From the very first day, I left the street after a 61 day quest to find the portal where “They walked the Earth Before Adam”
A place which still had the memory of that frequency of consciousness vibrating through them…
And the predesignated “Finish line” The End of the Universal Supreme Matrix…
That was in August 2006.. the 26…. yes 26 26…
And at 268… and as a sequence of numbers, 2 6 8.. 4 was missing as well as 10-..1O…
Represented in the play by Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan
J.D..104..please observe the sacred portal 104.. Crossing Death as Electric Shock..” which was translated into the consciousness of this realm Fear consciousness, into being constantly shocked that which simply can”t be, until you shock disappointment, and hurt and grief became so great that you do not wish to simply die but will your self out of Existence, because you have really understood that there is no point of being in Existence if such a play could exist of constant shocking you to will yourself out of Existence..
I often compare this to Death Eaters.. as a concept but not in the name but in the action..
You can not eat Death, in this case or my experience. Death Eats you..very, very slowly torturing you in ways, that only one who knows everything about you can..
It was a play which went way too far to incarnate the literal portal of Existential Death…E.D..54…As well as at the same Time.. The Most Exquisite Awakening..

Zeina Hanna and Hindreen Zawity presence have affirmed the code..
8888… 8-4… H.D… the missing 2 4 6 8… 26 8.. increments of 2… 2 2 22.. just as Donna had noted on the film Martian, duration time…

And so, even though I had said my final good bye to Albert Santana of 268, I was quietly indifferent..
I had stated 10 years ago that this was the correct portal out of the Mental, the Material, Spirit and Energetic Matrix and its Energetic Universal Simulation… Awareness…

And for 10 years, I had been in a vicious loop of Death and Destruction challenging my representing Death as Beautiful Transformation as well as Ultimate Destruction..
And hence the Contest and Battle of wills, which I had long since recognized and even posted often, that all of this as a ruse to compel me to break down step by step, and document the consciousness and the E and the literal actual process, taking place in ‘Real Time” of the Evolution Awakening, which had to be merited as well as earned.

If you live in an age of reason ( if if most are in insane), then reason, true reason had to be given as to why should this species evolve..
Which makes sense, and the play then was designed on a clean version of the earth modules, created by the True C and intention of such words as Truth, Love, Justice, God, etc.. versus the actualized version…

Any way, lets skip forwards to the last conclusive evidence..
As most of my older Face Book Friends, I documented the same procedure, I an documented with Jonn and Donna, with Albert..
That phenomena of a person saying two things and the same time, but in different planes of Existence..
The E consciousness which some call Holy E-spirit, but which is
Energy Eternal and Consciousness Creation..
The Eternal C of Truth… and Law…

Most are also aware that I have been proving that, that force is Energy Intelligent.. E.I.. which has been moving all to fulfill a purpose..
And which I have called 6th Sense, the Expression of the Electro Magnetic Field..
And that 10 years actually 9.8 years ago, I had traveled full circle proving how six sense Manifested into FACT..the Twins, Body and Being, Heaven and Earth… Atom Molecule…

A.M..58-85.. 13 13..
Firmino Chandele Marcelo Marcelo… 26..8

I rang the Bell, and I was immediately let in…

The first thing Albert said was a exclamation of amazement and surprise..” I was just napping and I had a dream about you!”

What was the Dream, I asked… That you were arrived and I was surprised to see you.. exactly like I am now”

And then I smiled..

The codes work…

This is evolution when the Sleeping and the Day realms. Ying and Yang reflect each other perfectly….
Perfect Echo…69-96… 9+6=15..Letter O.. through 6th sense.

Then he said, he is now studying Creation and how human beings can literally evolve to become Creators..
Everything he said was as usual his own version, of that which I have been reading and translating…

And then we spoke and conversed for until 5 in the morning, and I marveled once more at the incredible intel he was giving by simply telling and demonstrating what he had evolved to in just 9 months..

Please recall I left for 18 Mountain View from this address, not from the Shelter…
268 is right opposite a Shelter…

I have demonstrated the full circle…

11:22 p.m.

What moved me back to the Original venue I arrived at 10 years ago,
From the Green House Soho, to 4th Street, (Color Green is 4th in the Rainbow Spectrum) then to the Forest of the outskirts, Pelham Park, then to Forte Green, then to Williamsburg Bedford… then to Green point, Green street, Green Ave…But each time I was brought back this address..
And the door was opened, despite the most intense scenes and setting- for my continued work on these equations..

Who can believe that Energy is literally a wave a consciousness intelligence….Energetic Truth which moves through everything..

11:28 p.m.

That it is Will, not the Will of the People, but the very Will which brought everything into Existence and Creation…
I did not chose the portals or the people whom I would live with..
I went through the only portals that were opened for me…
Just as you witnessed with Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan who had never met me before..

And yet once cannot deny the symmetry, the perfection, the evidence and Facts.. From Albert to Jonn (Haun- reflecting the my coming to New York in 1999, Dec with Jon, my friend and brother with memory)

Once can see the pattern, the parameters set the meaning, which is given by what takes place in that set up…
That is what I called the “Play”..

And the play I began documenting 27 years ago, when I realized that I was experiencing the impossible, made possible…

And that I was being to asked, to translate decode,and read, then read the impossible..
That this is First Contact and with E.T, evolved consciousness who were and are a family I recalled and recognized, from beyond this Existence which by the time I was a teen, I knew was not the Real True World…

And if anyone who has been truly paying attention to the facts, the anchors, the face book play, one can understand…that this is Energy is intelligent…
And it wished to be revealed, and by using the codes I had established…
It was able to communicate its intention, which ended up being the affirmation of the Codes.. Energy Codes, God Codes,Source C.O.D.E.S…

12:12 p.m.

And this was all about affirming that the codes work….
Expression then finally Echo affirmation confirmation of it first moving through me, then through you.. A sort of Ying Yang back and forth..

Thus, this is the Truth of Evolution Awakening Sixth Sense.. Moved from A to D.. A-J…And return to origins Full Circle but the Origin just as 1-8.. 1-9, O.. is returns to the same point and yet it is different yet the same..

Just as I met Albert in August 2006, and full circle, in 2016, where he is living in the same space, but everything has evolved and changed while at the same time, the inner representation is the same..
But now it is aligned to his outter realm which reflects perfectly…

Just as he noted the time was 4:20 p.m, then realized that it was also the days date, and I informed him that it was the date, that Joseph Carey J.C.. 103.. was born…

What are the chances of naturally, without intention checking the time at the precise moment all aligned.. Date Time Birth and Code J.C.. 43 7 12 1984.. 103…

This energy is A Wave Waxing and Waning, go outward breaking everything down, then putting everything back together again…
Like a the Opening and closing of a Rose…

Michele Llanos.. M.L…13-12…(25..Y..B.E…G)

Michele means “Gift of God”

Llanos means from the”Flat Plain”

Gift of the Creator from the flat Plain… Unified Field.. Square..Playing Field…

Hërnänï Jöãö…H.J…810…H.A.O

Hernani means

“Bold Audacious Daring,”.. B.A.D Ass…

Joao…Means “Yaweh is Gracious and merciful…”

“Harmony Alpha Omega, is Bold Audacious Daring…
And this is the Graciousness and Mercy of the Creator, the Gift of the Creator who entered the playing field of the Play of What is the reason we are here…
Which was and is,the Free will and our choice to Evolve…
To the Eternal Truth..

12:40 p.m.

This completes the play of the 4th Dimension..
The code 584.. 58-4.. 5 84…

Which Albert mentioned and played the Never Ending Story filmed 1984.. And his comment about the Nothing…
“Call my Name..”
And links to Haun Delguidce, H.D..
To the Bag … etc..
48 switches to the correct sequence from 12x 4= 48
To 8 4.. 12 3… 32.. 5… 35… 8… 15..O…

12:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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