
4/20/2015 20:25 – Facebook Post

7:29 pm.



I am still here, in the Universal Matrix…
I have met Rita, the red headed Siren or Elemental water being whose story I wrote about in my last manuscript.
I went to Spring street after meeting George Skis and having recieved the data that my Truth has been now aceppted as being True.
From 1-7.
I was reeling from this play.
As I walked over, I saw a red umbrella with the code “Pearl Landing”.
I knew that Gode is awake.
He had sent George Akel to affirm my truth from 1-7…
Now, I knew that I was going to see Rita.

Two minutes later she walked tall thin emanciated but obviously a beautiful woman.
She was delirious.
She spoke of being up all night and speaking to two men she knew.
Eugene and Ricky, telling them all about me, which she stated that affirmed everything I said.
She paused to stare at me in amazement..
But then spoke about her being cautious…that there were people like her ex who were dangerous…
That that was a reality.

She was interested in the codes.
All her life she told me, numbers always appeared to her which she felt she had to break down to thier lowest common denominator.

She looked at me…
She wanted to understand the codes.

I smiled, ” Ah you know they are codes but you come to me, to have me tell you what the Universe of numbers mean”
She smiled.

Forget the codes, just be.
How?”..”you told me that I could get a job, find a place get all I required yesterday”

Be in Harmony..
Just be..

She smiled, she understood immediately.
She spoke of going to the C.V.S after I had told her that I have a new Facebook friend named Sara Pires….
I have now Four Saras..
It also means “Soul. .Happy”
Yes that is the pool of reflection children come through as music….
Yes water is imbued with music..
C.V.S. I thought of Nnaemeka Jude Charles and what had stated he would send 45 USD as the code of Nnamdi my brother, he had not sent it.
I shrugged…
She left only to be replaced by her son.
He arrived as I was writing his name.
I had no worries about his Harmony, nor hers for that matter.
But my concern was she would not listen

David texted me that he could see me at 5:OO pm.
I knew I had to speak with him.
I spoke about the place we were in in the play.
David was playing the Alien Council of my story of the family of ten, unity- “The Watchers” as well as Devi, while George was mirroring the one who played Father in my story.
Father O.
It is the 1Oth Day.
Father is Yonathan Yohannes and Father and Devi are the ones who changed the original script without telling me.
Which brought the chaos and the play “Game of Thrones” at which Father allows the play of challenges to prove why I am the first.

But there were other reasons as David Philipe Gil naturally spewed out.
Rita means Pearl.
Akel means Wisdom.

“Pearls of Wisdom” David linked.

Yes Portal 78 Spring Street also 72 star bucks..
272 Facebook Friends…
78 the past
72 the womb of the past..the Sea
The Mermaid.

He then spoke of Chang Wen (Change When?)
Literally translates as “Brother Listen”
He had signed his note with Echo.

It was a message to me, to David from Chang also known as David.
“Brother Listen to the Echo.

Listen to the Echo of your Heart..

Talking to David was as if I were talking directly with Devi.
George had spoken about Mansa Musa the great 13th century Mali King who had given all his countries Gold away- how someone he knew spoke in such a way that it was as if Mansa Musa was here in the room having risen up in his being…
As it happens with me…
And more and more will happen with others…

It is the Awakening and it has been affirmed finally that that which I have been alerting the world to is.. True.

The world needs my 36 month Akashic Records book film conversations. cures on Facebook is what George has expressed for his friend Anthony.
And his Espirit..for the world.

(People have already testified to being healed by the writing. It is because it makes sense what I am saying. Thus, the body does not tense up and because all the knowledge is empathic and literally experienced by me, the vibration bening it, the Espirit as well as the Body recognized it as real.
It regenerates.
Because it is free does not mean that it it not priceless..

I already knew I spoke the truth, yet it felt amazing to have heard David and George affirm it.
David gave me 17 USD which is his Espirits saying one more day..
15 in USD one marked with the code 64 which aligns to my sister bio.
15 is Full Circle
Then suddenly I recalled George Akel is G.A..
And David had given 17 USD
Full Circle (15.AE played out by George in his body mirroring Expression for 76 Anthony…)
B-eau… Ti! (7th note) F. (6) U.L
Water is Sixth Sense and where lady was transformed from the womb of Creation from Man to Woman.
Venus rising from the Sea is really a man…
God Espirit of C…
Consciousness S-EA.. The Supreme 51
Erose….Eros E rising from the C of Consciousness.
Meaning the Awakening begins with the Body seeming to rise with a will of its own, and required an E manual to read and understand what it means.
Emmanuel.. Gode is with us.

The Awakening began with the Body then moves to Consciousness Awareness (“Paying Attention to what is right before you”….to quote George.
I swear it was as if I were listening to my posts!)
Then to Emekas Expression

B A.C.K…E….(EE is E.K)
The Wall.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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