
4/2/2019 18:59 – Facebook Post

5:57 p.m


5 57 represent the planet Earth
5 Seas and 7 Continents
And also links to how creation was said to have manifested in the Bible
*Note the word Bible literally means Book.

And through sixth sense Silence came Sound which came through Expression of the 5th Chakra- Throat Sound Talk Expression through Air Wind passing through a Narrow Passage
Tunnel of Love.
Expression linked to the Crown Chakra
Notes Sol and To.
S T.
T S.
Tree Sage

Who I read had a dream in which he was in the Woods..
*Holly Wood”
( McKayla Rays)

And so after the play of which my two 1242 Facebook Friends Thomas Lang and Ian Stewart both whom I have met and recognized
And Sacred Portal 42 linked to OHM
Which links through Isabelle Ilic play to Nathaniel Thomas Bywater wearing the OHM hat to Ian and his OHM post I shared of the 8 Rocks which formed a Star.
8 Chakra and in the backdrop the word OHM
J..O H M.

N M. New Mexico… Rose-Well Area 51
E A.
Andrey Klebanov is off to New Mexico
N M. 14 13. 27
Sacred Portal 27
And 127
Linked to John and Stephen ( Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M.F with Heart E.M.P.. ( Pulse) in the center.
Ian Stewart
Impulse Stimuli.

So once that was completed, I am not surprised of now being at 1240 Facebook Friends
A B D O…

Which means Aware Being Do O the Full Circle of their l ifes in perfect timing to The Script

Sacred Portal 40 Links to the cleaning up of the past and the Africa Pangea story..

See Busayo Alonge posts I shared…
Christ Story
Africa Story Pangea – Thoth Osiris..
See how we are taken back to the past.

Tree represents that beautiful truth of the past..
His dream of the Woods confirms Holly Wood.
Holy Woods

“He Sings!”
Jeron Satya S Lang.
The Tall one Sings the Truth to to Forest
People ..Elves and Fairies.

He also mentioned how he experienced instant mabifestation- something which the O.Inri Igbo priest could do and are the the only people to have ever ruled an empire with out an army.

My Mother spoke of that, how she used to have the gift of Instant Manifestation.

6:18 p.m
I.link to Sarah Kaizer – her car.

And 6:19 p.m
First Student
Feeling Sensational
Stephen Filgueria

6.18. F R. Add 55. And Dom cafe

It makes sense, I am being forced to post ( but no longer decode) the last equation of the planet’s Evolution through E.T…I.Q in a Human vessel.

Ian arrived
John Mack and his 5:28 Hrtz gift from Ian..
The Altar where he and Mackayla represent the Earth Evolution as King Stag.
And she evolution of the children

I am still linking and absorbing collecting and then converging converting all outside events and stimuli to form.a picture which aligns to the 5 7. Moving back to 58
Expression of the Crowned Vision aligned to the actual Truth behind the Viel of Eternal H.O M E. Homme. MAN
Home of Eternal Man…and now SHE.

6:27 p.m

Esteban Steven just text me at 6 27
It’s relevance is that I received a scam tel call whose code numbers link Stephen to the line of the One Supreme 6th Sense in all Existence and his Twin and younger aspect
Christopher as its Cee as Perfect Timing.
Tree is on the 2

This play is the Evolution of the 5:57 story of Existence E.G
It’s evolved from The Word and Sound which manifested all Creation, to the Original Truth of there being one beyond G O D.
Or even Time.. 13.8 Billion yrs.
That before there was Sound there was Silence the Father of God and Harmony
And it was through Silense and Sixth Sense which manifested all Creation
Natural with out awareness of what he was creating but recognizing Itself as it Created and where the Creation came from .. Him.

And so 5 6.. the 5 7 5 8.
5 6 8../ 8 6 E.
See Sacred Portal 86 “E Victor ”

6 was the missing representation and portal unproven – how The Creator manifested Everything in Silence, moving Every Thing, Every Where, in Every One
On to the Plan E.T without them knowing unless they became self aware by noticing that in that Natural State of Being manifest Doing which leaves a Trail which if you look.back and front as to where you are going in your life, you can easily break down into codes link them and soon not only read them but see how that which was so Silent Quiet Serene actually can create the loudest most incredible sound

Mba Afor Mocha!
My Great Grandmother

From the Invisible, Transparency, some later called Darkness came the Orgasm which brought Consciousness of Creation
Feelings Sensational
Bright Luminous Light
From out of the Blue Transparent
Notice how the Lightest blue can transform into deepest blackest night..
And then Dawn bursts through…


I Conscious

Only now am I awake!”

Recall how I recounted how Thomas had spoken about witnessing the Darkness and how I had said to him before lady Liberty C Liscomb, that before there was Darkness (Father as Desire. 5 senses) that I came before that because I recalled why the Transparent Light turned into Darkness Blue-lack Darkness
And how it was when Dawn Rose… that the Story of Time Creation Life began as White Light
Black and White are twins
But both emerged from out of the Blue..
So light that is transparent
And my proof.
Look up at the Sky in Day Light ..it is Light Blue
Sky Blue
B S. 2 19 South Whitney

And see the Space Between.. the Source of the Red Brown Green Earth and the Light Blue Skies…
The Space In between is Transparent
Breath Air.
B A .

And at Night in transform to blue black.

So as it was on the B egining of Time so shall it be in the End..
All that appears vieled in the Darkness of forgetting will be revealed in full awakened memory as light of Dawn rises as the sign of Completion helping all to see clearly in the Mind Brain Heart room E M F

The Tel call confirmed the One Supreme reflection of 6th sense..
Stephen Filgueria

And Christoper as P erfect Timing.
Which is the same thing as Sixth Sense but P.T.
Is the Point to get to and then one is called Supreme.
And that perfect timing can only be grasped by that which knows the entire story and plan even if the Avatar Descendants are totally unaware.

6:57 p.m

The World and Voice and all sound is made out of Nothing -Light is made up of Nothing, Nothing but 6th Sense.

6:58 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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