
4/2/2018 20:51 – Facebook Post

4/2/2018 20:51 – Facebook Post

6:04 p.m.


Still waiting for Peter Nyarkô, I am already aware of the play “Afterthought waiting for the one playing Forethought” One played by an Avatar simulation whose enactment of it is not at all as it Is…
They are centered in Thoughts Reflected outward in Radiance, Bright Brilliant Shinning Lines of Direction, Intention Purpose moving through the Point.
Hindsight and Foresight are centered in the Center, it is the One Constant “Standing on the Rock Solid Truth of his Point of View.
He looks Backwards Forwards, Forwards-Backwards ( B F/ F B…
Best Friend/ Face Book… 8 8… 16.. P.. Peter the Rock…
He can not be for Afterthought and Forethought are in One Harmony.
The move from the Center without having moved and return without really have gone anywhere. They are not separate perfectly aligned in the point in the present… 3 8 Harmonies .
Left Right… Two more…
6:58 p.m right now…

5 Harmonies emerging from one point. The One Standing, radiating Full Circle the Waves of the point…
It is a Circle of Symmetrical Perfection, radiating outwards from an inner completion of that intent and purpose…
And the Circle has lines which can form the Point in the Past Future and Left Right…
The Human Head can not turn full circle, nor can it physically embody looking at the Backwards Forwards at the same time..
We can physically look forward, and side to side at the same time… but to turn backwards we must turn our entire bodies which created 96.. 69.. And inversion of the View.

No, it can only be done from within by seeing full circle of the picture, the Intent and purpose created and made solid and complete from within..

That is why I know this is a set up…
A Ruse to get me here…..
Using Need and yet proving that I had been set up and Lack and Need has been used constantly by the 4 points…represented by Nature.

I am perfectly aware, that I am currently in the play…Peter Nyarkô was a used as a ruse to bring me here…
“I have some work for you Emeka, despite my saying that the work is complete.
Knr Kuchi has 26 Face Book Friends Z.
Unless it is Sacred Portal 26..Something is in the air, apart from Snow Flakes, Raining Unique Individuals… Perfume..The cologne I wear is Caroline Herrera ( C.H.. 3 8… Given to me as a gift- or the one I chose from a Gift of Wolf his friend in the Psych Ward gave him, when he stayed there and I had to do the Work so as to ensure that he himself knew that he had the power himself, to never have to be placed there by anyone. He always had that power, he just forgot. The play with Jimmy his father who placed him there. Build a Bridge with Sound and Language using the adults on Reason against them, but by taking away the corruption of the view and meaning contaminated by fear.
Yes Erik Ebright… E Bright… Eternal Sunshine State..
Robert Vlaun coming to sit in front of me after the play with Rahul and Randal..and which is the true reflection of I Emeka.
Randal is-Prometheus.. actually Epimetheus…
I am Afterthought Hindsight.. Forethought brought the Fire, the Light of Clarity.. The Eternal Flame from hence the Son of the Morning and Evening Star emerged… M.E…S..
Not a messengers.. M.E.. Splendor… Son of Venus Aphrodite.. and her Spirit and her Father.. Mother Energy Source… Love. Creation Nature..M.E..S O . L..C.N… 12..3.14..15.. Is currently on the World Icon on my page….
( Brothers; Atlas Menoetius.. A.M.. Epimetheus…
A.M…E.. P… Planet…? Energetic Play… Emeka;s Plan-E.T.. To link the Extra Terrestrials to the Naturals through Sixth Sense to Fact.. Made Solid.
Dreams .. not Dreams when in Color… to Awaken from that Vision within to see it Manifest as Solid Real.. Outside.)

I really have patience for this :play any longer…
I am here because I no longer have any tobacco, which coincided perfectly two days ago when Peter Nyarkô stated that he had work for me- despite my saying our work was done.
But it would seem my word and authority have been made to be ignored, usurped.
And then observing that I have two more Facebook requests bring my number of Facebook friends to its highest number so far.. 1097..
TEN.. 97…
Please see sacred Portal 97…”The True One Mind “c i” Brain Cranium, The True Beautiful, True Challenger of Victorious Existence, Himself His Self.. 8230…Same & Forever Mother, Father Guide.. Hide”
Light Of The World Existence…
WE Qui C…
L.O.T.W.E… Yes Lot We in story form but really L.O.T… 12 O 20… 32… E..W..E…
Not a female lamb… F.L…
Or the Rachel in a story..
But which can be translated from Story Fact by the Lambs wool of purity of intent, Transparency Clarity of the Weaving to the Point.
Song Lines.. Energies…
E W E…
E V V E… E E E E.. 5 4.. 20 S.P 20 CT..Lady E c h o.. T Truth.
E V E …
E Victor Full Circle Everywhere…
EVE ..

*The Prometheus myth first appeared in the late 8th-century BCE Greek epic poet Hesiod’s Theogony (507–616). He was a son of the Titan Iapetus by Clymene, one of the Oceanids. He was brother to Menoetius, Atlas, and Epimetheus. Hesiod, in Theogony, introduces Prometheus as a lowly challenger to Zeus’s omniscience and omnipotence.

In the trick at Mekone (535–544), a sacrificial meal marking the “settling of accounts” between mortals and immortals, Prometheus played a trick against Zeus. He placed two sacrificial offerings before the Olympian: a selection of beef hidden inside an ox’s stomach (nourishment hidden inside a displeasing exterior), and the bull’s bones wrapped completely in “glistening fat” (something inedible hidden inside a pleasing exterior). Zeus chose the latter, setting a precedent for future sacrifices (556-557). Henceforth, humans would keep that meat for themselves and burn the bones wrapped in fat as an offering to the gods. This angered Zeus, who hid fire from humans in retribution. In this version of the myth, the use of fire was already known to humans, but withdrawn by Zeus.[9] Prometheus, however, stole fire back in a giant fennel-stalk and restored it to humanity (565-566). This further enraged Zeus, who sent the first woman to live with humanity (Pandora, not explicitly mentioned). The woman, a “shy maiden”, was fashioned by Hephaestus out of clay and Athena helped to adorned her properly (571-574). Hesiod writes, “From her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmeets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth” (590-594).

Prometheus Brings Fire by Heinrich Friedrich Füger. Prometheus brings fire to mankind as told by Hesiod, with its having been hidden as revenge for the trick at Mecone.
Prometheus is chained to a rock in the Caucasus for eternity, where his liver is eaten daily by an eagle,[10] only to be regenerated by night, due to his immortality. The eagle is a symbol of Zeus himself. Years later, the Greek hero Heracles (Hercules) slays the eagle and frees Prometheus from the eagle’s torment (520–528).”

See the numbers as anchors of translation of the story to fact through its corresponding alignment in my personal script, and the Public Records, or script on my page.

535-544…. M E K O N E…. M… EK… ONE..

In the human context, the signals carried by the large-diameter, myelinated neurons that link the spinal cord to the muscles can travel at speeds ranging from 70-120 meters per second (m/s) (156-270 miles per hour[mph]), while signals traveling along the same paths carried by the small-diameter, unmyelinated fibers of

My Peter Nyarkô is 2 hours late….
I made it very clear the importance and relevant of the play,
I called him and he was on his way.. then something came up and the last thing I heard was Mirror.
I immediatly went to the play of the Two portals really one…
A Force field made on Energy at which you can pass through your reflections…
Or a Mirror which reflects, but also does not let you pass through, it becomes a barrier…not a frontier..
Leo the 17 year old is here, Rahul was here and I am sitting where he sat.

No matter how you look at it, the Expression Peter has been representing or been using him set this meeting up. and has shown ultimate disrespect, and it did test me as Peter in the Shelter did that night…
And it was at the larder.. and spying on me as I rested.. Food and Rest, used against me..
And then to Jacqui who is 25, letter Y.. Which with my support he passed through. He gave me a gift of a small bottle of New Amsterdam ( NA.. :Na” means “And” in OINRi Igbo..14 1…) Pineapple Vodka… P.V… 14 1= 15… O… Pi 3.1415…)

Thus, that was the day I told him that he is Testing me.. then that is what manifested Inside with a Peter at Delta Manor…
And then my conveniently running out of my last 3 usd from 9..and tobacco last night, so I would agree to the work with the established agreement between us that it being invaluable intel ad thus should be compensated.
This also links to Yuen Yuin, Yuan…of which one of the meanings is Unit of Currency…

1 Chinese Yuan equals
0.16 US Dollar”

“Extortion for Freedom .. Bail Bonds…”
16 is P…
It is not me who imprisoned in the Cell Matrix Mind…
But Peter Nyarkô whose line recognizes the value of the information but does not respect the source of it and the circumstances at which it has come to him.

No matter what, being late, not coming, coming it all equates to the same thing… Use Abuse Extortion by the Planet…
The only saving grace for Peter, is his telling letting me feel that something unexpected had happened, because he does not keep waiting by habit, and he usually sends me a message or a text…
So something is obvious not correct, meddling perhaps…
But it is not I who is not free, it is about the People.

15 is on my world Icon.. it is the Tarot of the Devil as XV..
In my Sacred Portal it is the Jolly green giant as the Lord of Nature.. Universal Sensie ( N.U.S/ S U N…) coming into Creation of the dimension of Amazons – as the true Source of Life..
*My Vision .. Lucid Vision astral projection, the 3rd one, yesterday where I traveled to a dimension and saw the ladies.. Uncle John…
And how I disciplined them in the vision and they then planted seeds… As I sat in the Manor with the Uncle John and others of the Family…

Thus Source of Abundance…
15=Letter O.. Perfection..

Being insulted to the point of his own gifts given denied him and used against him.. Food Shelter Wealth .. Everything used against him that he gave to do Their Will… Unbelievable…

But what I have observed as a “Spell created” for me to live as Nightmare…

I just got through to Peter Nyarkô… He said he was sick, forgot and on his way…
Now let us observe what happened duriing that gap…

I wrote this post…

????? ???????…3A.M..Fort Frontier.. Post… Meaning a Stronghold.. where one takes a stance…
Yesterday night I had 3 Usd when I did this equation I realized after and I wondered ( bit not too deeply) which was the Forte ( Delta Manor. Frontier.. ( The last Frontier Space.. the Ocean depths..) or.. Post…

My Posts…That is how I am moving through Space… on and through my post.. Moving the Universe through a Video Game…

Peter Nyarkô just arrived, my mouth is open….

I am just starring at him my mouth open…

I had received a coffee at the Arab Bodega.. 14…
And then I received a Coffee from Chris… the number is also 14…
N N… and then there was a girl with the bag no N in front of me when i arrived.
N N= 28..

Diop made my coffee at the Arab Place.. Ali handed it to me and now Chris… D A C…
I even had to wait for the Bathroom first Chris and then Kyle…
Yes last facebook friend was Marty Kyle 3 Fingers…
E K..C…The mirror.

8:48 p.m.

What an insult.. is it not unforgivable.. Peter… no he is just remarkable in that he can allow himself to be used and thus, only partially responsible…He is being used .. I see that he was sick…

So you you see, how I was used, my own energy…
Extortion for Freedom… in my own Creation…
Through a Video Game on my Facebook Page.. through my posts.

8:51 P.M


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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