
4/2/2017 19:22 – Facebook Post

If you are looking for God as defined by Humanity on this page…
You will Not find it..

But if you are looking for the Truth, The Beautiful Truth, which is the real and true name of God..
Harmony.. on Ode.. of Praise…
A Hue-Man Golden Ration culminating in a Perfect Sphere…
Symmetrical Perfection…
A Song of one Being moved by that very Truth Self Activated by a insistent refusal to live by any other crede or code…
5:11 P.m.

Then you have come to the right place.

Mine is a page of Actuality, Truth Expressed each day for 58-59 months…

It must be 59 months by now because the man who had occupied bed 5-009 was moved to come here, then 28 year old Kenneth the Christian who reads the bible came here… Both live in the Shelter…
I don”t.
I live here on the 5th Dimension and on the See, and the S.EA…and the 5th Dimensional C.E.E…

Rahul is here.. R.. D;Silva…
Silvia Pretty.. S.P… Yes he is my Sacred Portal Home.. it lies not only in the meaning of his name but his embodiment of the play..
A Spy…
He came with a gift of 30 usd which I had asked him, not to test him but because I had use for it, then I no longer had use for it..

He represented the Truth because he gave me the books which perfectly reflected the Truth of the Public as well as the Individuals…
And it was contained in the Book “The Sword of Truth”- The Sorcerers First Lesson…
T.S.F.L…Truth brings Sensational Facts/Feelings Light..Consciousness Pi.. TT…

My new Face Book friend Pinakin Maurya has the letter P as one presented by the Two Doves (The Testers Duality.. Awareness Consciousness… They tested me… and used me to test you..
Using my Journals “Kolo’ which people read, right to my 59 month Face Book Posting and used for their own good while I was left to rot in a Homeless Shelter…
To prove to you that I am representing the Truth…
But then that was the fiction as Rahul represents as his name…
“The Conqueror of the Sum total of Human Suffering and Misery”
The Buddha’s Son…

That was the real play…
The passing through the Illusions, the Maya of Need of pain of “Where is God?” Where is Light…

Emeka means Praise and with Rahul who just came and left..
( I did not take his loan, of 30 usd which is C.O..Consciousness O Perfection P… But I did realize that his carrying the 30 usd and carrying it around and sending me E-mails which I mysteriously did not get…
But which he showed me he had sent meant that the E-Spirit moving him was confirming that which I already knew, that he was but an Avatar used by the E Line for me to pass through his portal representing the Sum Total of Human Suffering which as I proved by being asked to use Rahul as my model, that it does not exist…
That it is all in the illusion of the Mind Though..
But not in the reality of the Brain Linking… B.L..Universal Expression..
The “Pain and Suffering” I acted out- yes yes, I did go through it and it was painful awful but only or a moment before I solved the riddle of it.. Was a test I did not create to see how the public would respond to this non stop expression and Effort Trials which I have been through for 16 years straight and which I documented for 59 months straight…

And the response to it by you…

I was just the Guinea Pig ( There my Indignation and Rage was and is real and so justified… Using me as a Specimen of the E.T Consciousness in This current world “Consciousness”- how cruel can you get or be to give anyone such a role to play…?”
Making a private person play the character I had to play- a person of Boogie forced to live a lie, and momentarily act it out as real, before proving it out of Existence, using money, using shelter, using family friends.. and in this reality…
Playing out the Sword of Truth… here…
The publics response…
It is like being asked to commit ritual Seppuku every moment everyday…
People will eat you for breakfast lunch and dinner… and demand more…
Of course they had no power, especially if you are carrying the Sword of Truth…
Truth is that which manifests..
When you speak it or now, link it… it will manifest…

And God was with the Word and the Word was with God.

I hated this play, and the only true suffering I went through is the Hurt of being given such a Role to play and the people who you can not help but love ( Because you see you them even though they can not see you)… That hurt… and THAT is True Suffering.

So yes.. Emeka Praise Rahul the Fiction Raheem Sarcar Raheem Sarcar in bed 5014..5 14… Sacred Portal Evolution and the portal 76…

( Meaning of Raheem. Raheem is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “merciful”, “kind”, “compassionate”, “tenderhearted”)

Which I have been waiting with a little smile on my face as I watched my number of Face Book Friend Vacillate between 9 73 to 9 75 again and again…
976 would signal the end of the play…9 79 97 6..

Emeka Praise R…? Rahul? Raheem? nope…Robert…
“Famed Bright Shinning of Light Consciousness”

E=P.R… 5…1.6 1 8…
E S P.I..R.I.G.H.T…
1 6.. 1 8…O…33
A Man just came and sat on the seat which Rahul just vacated and asked if the seat was vacant…
He said he though there was a person who was 4:3 here, then he corrected himself 33…

5:56 p.m.

Golden Ratio… 1.6 18 O 33

A F… A.H…O C.C…
P.R O…C C I.H… Infinite Harmony…
6:00 p.m.
A Fact… Awareness is Harmony of the Circle Round Perfect Symmetry Consciousness Creates Two who are One…Individual Infinite Harmony…

5:06 p.m.


Back at 975 Face Book Friends…

And I received the Gift from Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka..

So yes 59… It is the code for the Sum Total of Everything and was represented by Traishon N Sumler.. Trai meaning 3…C,,
6:06 p.m.
Then by a Bosnian claiming to be Bruce Lee ( He wasn’t)
Then By Raheem a Muslim.. he wasn’t, then by Rahul a 31 year Buddhist-Hindu Intellectual and Full Bright Scholar… The by the person occupying that bed an 41 year old orphan called Potter ( Harry Potter) He wasn’t…
Then Kenneth came.. a 28 Christian…. And he left…
And now there is an older gentleman who gave the code 43 33…
Which moves the Golden Ration 1.6…18…O…to 33…98.. 99 if you round it off…

I was on line with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka the whole time..
Recall I met him when He was 33 years old..
Also at The Bean, the same place which Nenad M. Djurdjevic aligned to when he linked my expression and stay there to Mitochondria Dna..
The Older man arrived when our discussion came to its conclusion..
3301 Was the number of the cap I used to wear in Istanbul Turkey when working as a Creative Director and Theater Production Director…

Meaning this Play. so much like a Video Game “Civilization” Grand Theft Auto ( Body Snatchers), Jet Li’s The One, and Highlander” all rolled into one… and more…
Was about me recollecting all aspects of myself.. All Fractals translated even in to this World Time Line and Expression..
I kind of figured this out but did not focus on it…
A Contest and battle to rescue all fractals of myself, so vigorously denied here and in a play which no one in this reality or World was aware of…
And through Reason…

Oh, I know what Evil is…
And that is what I had to prove.. that IT CAN NOT EXIST…
People here called it Darkness but It real name is not Darkness or Forgetting it name is Fact…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic played that out so well and with such pure intention.. ( Despite his enthusiasm and the Contest Consciousness of another invading him… please, it invaded everyone here in this Script and through out the 16 years and through out my life…
Even as we speak my body is driving me literally to the brink of discomfort pain and the “fear”that mu body might be torn into…
“It feels like one is being Drawn and Quartered or on the “Rack” in the Torture Chambers of the Spanish Inquisition…
It comes and goes, the pain and the Flash image disappears when I complete the code…

Jose Roque said today that he was sure that I was being spied upon tested.. “Tortured” by those who wished to know everything I know…
Who want all the knowledge I have…”
Jose is probably the one person with here I have linked to who knows the least about what I am doing..
Infact up to a few years ago he knew nothing..
But he told me today.. I watch I observe.. I like to research and Investigate… as you do…

“Who is this Guy?”… No, I know…
6:54 p.m.
Ah there is the answer to his I.D…
Sixth Sense of Expression Divine of Mother and Father at last dancing in Universal Harmony..
Bed 5-004.. Sacred Portal 54..

Welcome Pinakin Maurya.. P.M.
and Indago Violot… IV…
The End is at 4… I.Vie… ( The Creator is a Living Breathing Being.. just as you.. and nothing at all like you…
That was the Silent Alpha Bet… There is No Creator… No one who is as God….”

And Yonathan Kahn… Whose Code name meaning is
6:56 p.m.
6:57 p.m..
The Creator is Grace and Graciousness;s King.”


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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