
4/2/2017 0:17 – Facebook Post

10:57 pm

J B. E G


I just had a text from Dee Marie
And I thought it was from Dawn Marie code 56.
But the codes are all the same she used
as Dawns until I figured that it was the same Line so that is why..
It ended at 10:56 am

Delta Manor
And a story about Red
A guy who works at the Star Bucks
I met Dawn Marie at Lisa Levine’s
Space 97 Green Street Green Point
And on May 6th. 5-6 she picked me up and helped me move out of 268 East 4th Street.
And to The Bean Cafe were I met George Phillip Roc who contacted me after 8-9 months out of the Blue yesterday
I met him May 8th at The Bean
And lived with him at 58 3td St…
He became my 58 Face Book friend
My 57th who I met as I wandered in the Rain was a Tailor

All this is recorded here.
On face book in Actual Time.

Just go back and read.

Time Travel?
A Sphere an Orb with Energy

I saw Nenad M. Djurdjevic comment about the Olemec
“I am Olemec”… And yes it is true now..

But I did that play with Michael Frazer M F
In 2006-8..
And passed through his portal first in 2005
When I left Augusta Georgia ( Emeka Augusta Georgia E G A. L A X Y..)
The day Pope John died April 2nd 2005

He became Olemec and the person he became was a Prince of Atlantis who not only remembered me, but spoke to me as if we were undercover and he was a messenger from my Story with him as my beloved brother who so loved me and came to give me a message through Micheal

See Sacred Portal 113 ” A M Blood on his hands” he is wearing an Olemec Helmet

George P Roc led me to 113 Street in Kew Gardens where I used to have my Apartment sponsored by Billy Hung.

Micheal calls me Mec
Orien Laplante E
Ole mec

See sacred portal 86
What is under the Helmet
(Answer: Sacred Portal 97
Light of World Existence)

11:22 pm

Atlantis station is where I pick up my Western Union

Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis

Starbucks “Siren” is where I pick work
13 85 M W

I always wear a Hat…

I know what took place with Dee Marie
Was a set up-
Because I expressed things in a way I had not before in response to a text to me which she later explained, she had written while “Out of her Mind” – thus, she was impulsed Stimulated to create a response with out knowing she was being used as an Avatar..
To and from The W A V E S
Of the SEA still testing or stimulating my see to provoke my Expression use my Energy to explain more and consequently Weave.. Create.

I will share it later.. The relevant parts
There was a “Scene” in this Movie with David Phillip Gill and I on 17th Street
In 2014-15 while I lived in the Woods after meeting Dawn and then George
See my Trail… My secretion on the Magic Mirror called the Real World.
Regina Williams
Rushane Williams

While cleaning up

Rosario Mari is in Bed 5-008 (5 8)
Right next to me
Dee Marie D M
Dawn Marie D M
Delta Manor
Divine Manifestation
D 4. M 13
4 + 13 = 17
17 is Q
Eva Marie M E


But I also recognized how I am Darkin Rahl
In the book “Sword of Truth”
Which I finally finished.

(1076-1077 pges read it in French)

He says way ‘I rule the World of Stupid People or I destroy the World”

My version which is what my text to Dee M ended 10:56 pm states

“I will have Humanity as their Beautiful Truth- the one I saw in every person I met.
Only that One is Real and I proved It
And so I will have that or None At All
And Exquisite Eternal Expression Harmony…
For is the only one inclusive of All
Aryana Luna Leone A L L
There Is Nothing else.

Man talk about twisting my Words Meaning W M ..

I am Will
Will Hunnitpercent Real

Will means “Desire Will Helmet Protection”
D W. H P
Plan.E T Harmony W OO. O.D.E

I am now reading
Isaac Asimov-E

“He who Laughs AS I. M.O V. E”

Water waves Grace
Water Running Brook
( Brooke Elizabeth Banwer)


I read the Fountain Head first

My French publisher Rober Lafont
And my guide waa his son
Laurent Lafont.

11:58 pm

Kerwyn Vincent rose one day here and called me publicly The Blue Print of Existence

Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna N i E
Sent me 79 usd which I was not “allowed”
To pick up today

See sacred portal 79

Dee commented
You Count Emeka

I was incredulous
Of course, I know I count
I am the Blue Print
It is not my Sum Total of Misery and Suffering I am living and have been transforming back to The Beautiful Truth
Its Yours..

Give credit where credit is due
First the Author Founder Alpha H O
Phi. A F A H O. CC
Afa in IOINRi gbo means
Name.. Your name

CC 3 3
My reflection is Nnaemeka I Ezeufonna age 33 at The Bean cafe while sitting with David Phillip Gils
A sign on the bathroom

Nenad as my reflection at 66
Year 1966

And my E Mail Hot mail
The Nomad 19 99

3 33. 6. F Fact Francis Frick Facts
6 66 18 Rober Raheem (new in rm 5A)
9 99. 27. Silvia Pretty

F.R. EE.
12:15 am
12:16 am


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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