
4/2/2016 16:15 – Facebook Post

Victories of Consciousness abound… Sacred Portal 85..

The Chinese and O.INri Igbo call it Chi..

I call it Unified Field O, of the Full Circle of perfect Symmetric which permeates all things.. Energy Harmony..U.F.O.. And now Identified Flying Object which is of course this very energy I call Eternal Truth, E-Harmony, Eternal Love..
That Energy flying through Everything… Which Christians call Holy E-Spirit..
H.E.. Sixth Sense which manifests FACT… Solid evidence of Truth..
Moving through all things..

As my face book Page, play and Equations demonstrate..
and the arrival of each Face Book friend, most who have never read or heard of what I am doing, all seamlessly arrive in the Harmony of a story of the Eternal Truth and Love, of Harmony Infinity, without even being aware..
Their names meaning and other evidence testifying to their being linked byy a unifying field..
Which in my case are simply words.. Expression, charged with a life time of evidence and self evident Intention..
This Energetic Truth is that which people are responding to..
Their Eternal Truth is responding to…Not really me but a Eternal Truth which resonates from within…

This is the Electro Magnetic Field.. The Current, the electricity..
Code Thor.. Tormod Hvidsten Gjedrem… T.H.G…Truth Harmony ( Energy) God (Grace..G the 7th Note Ti, Color V..Crown Chakra..)

I am here to state that I have scientifically- the utilizing the Empirical Cartesian process of Observation and evaluation, and then mathematically calculated, weighed and measured that which has been not be able to be calculated my this current view of Science, (now evolving), that which is called Immeasurable.
That U.F.O..and it is Expression Fact.. E.F..Fact is expression- that Electric,
-Magneto-Electric (M.E), according to Professor William Tiller…
I have measured and named.. Eternal Truth.. the real meaning of Love…
By measuring first 27 years A-Z-A..

Link Zeina Hanna Anthony Spencer..Anthony Pitts..names meaning..
Beauty Harmony, Grace Favor C, A.S..(Alberto Santana, Lotus Santana Dharma-(Phenomena Cosmic order.. Non stop stream of awareness..)
A.P. -Appreciation Praise.

By observing each place which I was moved to, people I was led to meet, and those I recognize. Linking and documenting each place and person I was moved to meet by a will not of my own making. And then I observed and studied, the connecting to each moves, the street numbers, names- duration of my stay and that which transpired in each interaction of the conclusion, each person leading me to the next place for 14 years until that pattern or link connecting each person, to the next person I lived with was severed…When Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan invited me to their home by having resonated with my work on Face Book..

Only once had such a situation like that had ever happened, which was 15 years ago, when I was linked by a friend in London to a person named Chuck in New York- who lived with his girlfriend near the Cathedral “St John the Divine.. J.D” (Jonn Donna..J.D)..
And the very next day after my arrival-I was thrown into the play where I had for the first time, no place to go.. nor anyone I knew..
And that very same evening I had to offers from two guys.. Eric and Todd.. E.T (5-20-Boom Boom).. I chose to stay with Todd (/Dott..Do TT)- it became a portal, into the Matrix of New York and the World…The System..
and for the next 15 years, each move was connected, each revealing the link, the meaning.. each move was linked connected, forming a picture…
Each person seemed to know someone, who I was meant to link to..
The people were passing my from one place to the next.. and despite my resistance, by now my physical condition had become fully manifest..
I had no choice… I was Sherlock Holmes, a reluctant one albeit, but still despite my circumstances and the absurd cruelty and indifference to what such a journey was doing to me- ignoring my humanity, I was excited, beyond belief by my discoveries…

That all is linked, that there is a Unifying Force O..Which links us to a full Circle- since I am at Jonns place, with Donna.. reflecting St John the Divine, John of Revelations, Divine Grace…
Meaning that at Jonn and Donna’s I am full Circle at the place I was 15 years ago, not Chuck my former hosts for a day and his girlfriend, but rather the true first stop on my arrival from J.F.K airport which was St.John the Divine..Which is where the taxi stopped before I found my hosts apartment…

In Paris it was Notre Dame Cathedral which become the place I saw myself being literal moved to, and in New York St John the Divine…
Notre Dame means “Our Lady”, O.L..C…Cecilia Donna Elizabeth..C.D.E
John the Divine means Divine Grace…D.G..4 7.. 11 28.. C.I..L
Lu-C.I.F-Er..(Air).. Son of Venus Aphrodite..Son of the Morning Evening Star…

Meaning meeting Jonn and Donna through the Face Book play, broke the Chain link of the last 14 years…
Equating to N.D C..Cathedral.. S.J.D.C…
S..N.O.J…DD=8=H (Haun). CC..O.6..F…D.C..H.O…8 O
The first Gift Donation Jonn Blackwell gave me…
And 😯 Spring Street…
6 8 Jon S…
/ S.N..O..J.D..J.H.F…. J..E.H.F…Which is the license plate of Donna O’Sullivan

The code is not 68 because that is where I had just come from 2-68 East 4th Street…
David R.Nicholas born 11 22…
Cecilia O Umeano..Born 11 22…

So it links to S.N.. Susanta Nayak, (Born 1958, 3-6..57-58..E.G..E.H)
J.D Jonn Donna.. James Dean…J is Balance 10…1 O…
the only other J representing this equation is the one constant Visitor here Josephine, a friend of Donna..J.D..whose license plate is 1O 79 E.H.F…

This is my evidence, of that which really permeates Everything..
That Unifying Field O..is Harmony because after 15 years in New York…
Columbia to Queens, then going forwards and backwards, to linking the physical representation to its Energetic Equivalent…

Hence the completion, empirically proven…
3:58 p.m.

Of the U.F.O..

It is Expression… Intention Expression..Divine Grace…
The Eternal Truth links us, it is 6th Sense.. “Cecilia” Blind..6th Sense” and it moves us to Facts…
Moving us upon an all encircling river, of sixth sense to fact…
And 6th Sense is Loves expression…Eternal Love..C…

Which is why I know that 268 East 4th Street was my last portal out of the matrix which took 9 years.. and that after that 18 Mountain View, 8 months and 11 Days since I arrived here at this the portal out of Universe-Natures Expression…U.N..U.N.E…Harmony U.F.O…

4:15 p.m..

Here is a quote from this share…

“Another difficulty is the possible confusion derived from the fact that the electromagnetic (EM) field of the body is measurable, whereas the interface or more subtle etheric field is not as yet measurable with physical instruments. William Tiller, formerly professor of material science at Stanford University, differentiated the electro-magnetic field from the etheric by calling the latter the magneto-electric. 1 From the various observations explored here, a useful and synthetic view is possible and this view might provide useful information to the orthodox medical practitioner and other therapists. The concept of a human energy field in natural medicine goes back 200 years to Nature Cure therapists. They promoted the concept of a vital force that was often diminished or disturbed before physical disease takes place.”

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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