
4/19/2019 16:48 – Facebook Post

From Pamela Stefaniotis.

1:44 p.m


D.S.T S.

Dharma Santana The Script.

Devil Santan
Devi Santana

Dharma Santana
Donna Sullivan
Dewight Smith
Dina Singh

Bed 4-018/19.

Eternal Law.

The code and initials D.S have been a constant for the last 13 years of the Script.
Meaning that Eternal Law is the Basis of the E Manual and Script I was made to r igjt and create the T.EN. books on my page for 7.4 years.

I have been confirmed by the Script that I am representing and represented money and New Money, Mann I D and New Mans I.D.

Money Is Energy and it’s Source is Beautiful express the desire for Equality and Harmony
What is Fair and what is Balanced.

How we treat others.
Does it tempt you to use as a tool of Power and resentment, does it tempt you to corrupt your original intention.
Those who have it, and those who don’t what does it mean to you and how do you behave to those who have it and those who don’t.

But if money is Energy, limitless every and energy is Love, the ability to see others clearly to respect the God in you, you see in people.
If money is as this Script, so hateful to me, in that I have been constantly placed in the position where it was either money fame and independence from having to rely on others sponsor work on a project which will benefit the World.
Or to refuse tainted money, money which has invisible strings attached.

And endure, the truly unendurable, the contempt, the insults to people of beautiful pride.
I know why most people make the compromise to chose money tainted rather than walk the World forced reject the money to which you can build a “Secure Life” pay for all the expenses of having a half decent life

And reject a mission in which you have the total recollections of the Origins of Man and literal solve the Script of Existence Evolution Awakening, ending forever this hideous reality of Inequality Domination Selfishness.

I chose to make money because I was very aware of what people do to those who have no money.
Money they said is Power.

But I chose money because I knew that it would not corrupt me, because I knew and had witnessed and read about people who achieved this.
Used Money to support artists, inventors people they believed in..

That is hardly the case now, without money you will be dominated, imposed upon, beaten down and eventually money will be brought up and used to black mail, extortion to do as what these people who have the money say.

I refused to do the journey or mission without money, earned by me and thus no strings attached.

But as most of you know through your own personal experience how Need and Lack.. and finally Fear and Security can drive people to inhumanities inflicting on you with out relieve.

And if your work is of value, and it’s purity and integrity are is value… which you do not compromise because it would destroy the essential transformative powers of the Work.

2:19 p.m

Money is not a tool of love or seeking to balance an inequality.
Only very rare and few people can do this..
What was 5th at quote from Jesus, that it is more difficult for a rich too pass through the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a Needle..
( a riddle “Fil” means thread… Camels carry water)

I was incredulous with the play and Script In was told I must enter, in 1993, to reject unclean money with conditions on it, for 25 ..26 years.

A script asking me to walk through this World with only Trust that I would be taken care of..
And I was, at least to complete the play.

Never discovered anyone who truly believes in me and the work I was doing,
Or saw its importance and relevance to the world.
Instead there was mostly challenges and battles of Ego, competitions to prove my work and my value.
And others were more interested in the bottom line.
Quick results.

Of course, I refused … walk through this World with no money to safe guard an equation which would end up taking 29 yrs.
And faced with hardships, mostly punishment from people seeing your talents and what they could so with it, and their resentment of my following the path which did not allow tainted money in my orbit

Setting me up in cruel cruel test and choice Money but at the Expense of the integrity of my work…
29 years
25 of punishment so savage for refusing to give up on the Beautiful Truth.
And that admiration and resentment which made most desire to bring down to their level where they had compromised.
Having given up on their revelations.
People did not believe I would succeed.

And punished me severely, when I refused their conditions of providing a way out.
25-6 years and 18 in New York with this body Condition and no Identification..
This was the path, I was demanded to walk..?

Punished for not giving up on the Beautiful Truth and that we are at stage of the Evolution Awakening of Humanity.

Forced onto the streets, people’s homes all because I trusted the Beautiful manifesting with my memory and equations but only to me.
Few paid attention accept to try and point me in another direction.

I understood their fear and rational, and I was in their homes and everything I contributed was eventually undermined and eventually negates, ( that which they had witnessed experienced with awe) and ‘re translate everything they heard clearly, into something which linked to their quiet resentments at this tall arrogant man..

2:42 p.m

In their homes, with no body, a being in me rising and 24/7 solving riddles and codes which were transforming all their lives for the better which they later deny came from you.

Confined to the Title which made them more comfortable that we are helping an elegant noble person.. who is a fool for going so far following a Script which truly truly has cast him ( me) in a role which will bring him, me so much suffering pain hurt anger and betrayal which he sees at first glance, first contact because I have been through all this before and then document everything 24/7

It’s True..

I could not accept such a thing would be possible, knowing in my heart that the Truth will prevail, but wondering as each day month year passed and the people all 57 portals each in the end rejecting you and then begin to treat you with such disrespect, either to get rid of you, or tonforve you to abandon the mission to pursue something else.

How could it have gone so far, controlling every place you go, forcing you to document the most awful encounters, and transform them into Beauty.
All to prove an Evolution Awakening truth which was in every One but most chose to abandon, deny or Forget instead, choosing something which fit their agenda
Changing the meaning of Their mission to something convenient

29 Years of this to reach Stephen Filgueira portal.
And to hear still, the World Expresion of doubt and fear…
That it will not manifest give up.

Even after all the evidence.
Why am I alone in 219 still reporting the News as I resolve riddles which most do not even bother to fix enough attention to read or ask me questions of each posts to clarify.

Books written on Facebook which it is said and is seen, that it will provide New Money for the world in circulation laundered through a journey of crucifying the Holy Espirit.

No Human did this to me, no one person.
No one of you forced me to do this Script, do the work on you.
I was invited into 58 Homes, every one had a wish a desire something which they had prayed for and I solved those riddles with Energy Love.
Expression of Light.

Why had the Truth betrayed me?
The Human response I was not surprised, there is a reason that I was bound and “possessed”

I started out so sure that the Beautiful Truth would rise and fight with.me..
Literally have my back, but it didn’t and that is the Truth.

By then I could not accept and went further and further down the rabbit hole, knowing that the Truth.does set you free..
But in this Script I began to question.
I had encountered evil before in other incarnations but this.. this ..

I no longer believed in Evolution or Awakening not at such a price.
No species was worth enduring this.
There is no power which can force someone into such a role..
So I was sure..
But this I realized was a Script of Evil and Gate, a loathing so great and profound of the Human Race…
A play of their Extinction – and my experiences gave me the evidence that it is so well deserved but that did not include all.
And that.this script on my page, was set up to represent the worst representation of the Human Species not their best.

You have no idea what I have really endured and surmounted being here as a multi dimensional being.

Oh, I understand The Scripts point- but 29 yrs of this..
To move money to Fair Exchange. Equitable and balanced.

To become Energy Love. Limiltlessness..?

Expression Clarity Truth
Infinite Creation.

E L E C T R I C…

I knew it was a set up.
Electric Shock Treatment
Torture Torment
Guantamo Bay
2 7.

Jesus Christ

M O N.E Y ..
Y . E. NOM.
Man Eternal Name.
Mon E. Y.

Link the last two here
Emeka Mckayla

And John line all around us

The Tester was Energy Money
Your Truth.

Tomorrow is Easter.
But the True meaning…
4:20 Easter

I.am sitting here with 1.31 u sd in change in my pocket.
I sit here and wait for Stephen who has been sponsoring my living for 5 months.

Is the value of money really in the amount you have or in the meaning of the amount you have in your Wallet and bank account?

3:20 p.m.

Which is Secrutity, which is power..

Why would a Script move me in the very end, after confirming that the last portal be the Ritz out of this Material World which in Truth materialized from a Expression l, Tissue, Weave…Cell.

Why would it leave me with 1:31 u sd
To prove a point of Perfect Timing even aligned to the 31st State..
The Gold State.

And have Stephen not make contact so as to move me to an expression of rage, instead of Harmony?

To create a meaning which could easily create conflict after such exhausting work and effort of explaining, pointing out Eternal Law, then have the balls to equate my Expression Energy to True Money…
Does it seek to make me feel confusion rage with Stephen and thus, hammer out once more the illusion acted out of lack of respect for all my contribution by me sitting isolated seenlmingly waiting for acknowledgment by him or anyone.

3:29 p.m
I.have no intention of entering that play of Conflict and then resolution.
There’s no resolution to this
Stephen has materially and financially been elegant and constant..
Others have provided much more in the way of money or material things, but I wrote even yesterday. How I never had any true conflict with Stephan over Money so why now and the last two weeks.
And on his return from California the Golden State
It’s a set up.

Something, a Horror so foul, is seeking to create conflict… Rage rise in me.

Communication Manners Etiquette
That is the way of Infinity.
Energy Exchange Equality…

I am tired of money housing my Body used against me.
I am tired of not sleeping at night because of the writing of my Body.
I am tired of the Play of the Illusion saying no one cares, about what you have created.

In am tired of the Material realm trying to prove to me the worth people have attributed to me being made to appear as a constant civil disrespect and ingratitude.

I.am not looking at the people or the experiences of 29 years or that the past is all evil.

All of this is a Lie, Stephen and the Chris John John Mackayla Stephen .

3:43 p.m
Are Beloved to me, nor will I allow this Script to Humiliate and Humble as it has sought to do all my life because I do not Us or see money as most where forced to, that money makes the World go around.

This is a moment .

And I will not be overwhelmed by this force of Evil Hatred Beyond reason..

Tis not the people around me who did this to me.
No, I could have easily walked away.
I know how to make money, seduce people with True Love.
But I have been physically bound giving the illusion that because of money and physical impediments that I am people’s slave.
But no one has enslaved me, no one sought to use me as a Slave, they just were filled with the desperate need that They were not enough and really desired the proof of that Gap filled with Brotherly Love.

3:51 p.m.

No one here really betrayed me, since I already saw each and remembered.

No one put me in this situation apart from myself and my Trust in The Truth Manifest.
That is what betrayed me….
And a Script of a World devoid of the Eternal Law and consequences.

The E line do not require laws, they do not have consequences.
There is only Equality.

It is in the lower realms who are wild and insane who require Law and Order and without the whip and lash of consequences will forget all they learned and go back in a moments notice when the structure of “Civilization ”
Not to be confused with being naturally Civil…polite considerate of others…valuing others…
The Joy in echamge

See what happens when order is taken away in the cities- see how people respond.

See Purge and Rapture.

I.am tired.of people demanding and having great expectations of others, doing nothing to support that which all should have worked together to Merit and Earn.
Expecting one person’s to shoulder the entire existence and those people expecting to ride home on.the backs of Indivuals they crucified with their Insecurities and Doubt who forget the Hells they pit me through when I was compelled to fight so valiantly for them to see..
But instead rely on me to scream at them to pay attention.

In am tired of The Devils Tests, Satans test ..what right do you have to test me?
What is your Truth Proof?

Are you not Equal
What makes others no longer your Equal is the Choices they made of how to be in this life.

4-11 p.m

I, a grown man who twice, thrice became a millionaire but then in an instance taken away should not be at this stage in my life sitting with 1:31 cents waiting for another much younger to provide me money to live and eat.
No matter the good Intentions after seeing the Truth of who I am.through my Being and Doing..

Nor should he be so easily forgotten that which he (I) have contributed to the World even without the Evolution Awakening Manifest before all.

To make me seem a beggar in front of the World for 18 yrs
7.4 yrs on a public forum, when.I have written 7.4 years everyday of knowledge Source Codes things which Stephen and Mackayla pointed out, as well as so.many others through the years
That they have never heard before and wish that someone had told them when they were younger.

And most of all, I am so tired of translating this Script to the World.

So sick of experiencing the reflection in the Mirror of the echo response of people of this world Hating be so deeply, by their response of my own surrounding that which caused them to.fall from Grace.

I am nothing right now
The one every one so easily forgets that efforts raised from a life of ..to help them see.

But In will not always forgotten, set aside for not on their time, fulfilling their Great Expectations.

4:29 p.m

But I did get to portal 29 and 219 and to what is the End of the most evil set up of Selfishness and Rot, Rotten but not to the Core where I stand, defending the Truth of Man Kind-gracious

The True Nature of Being in Exisrence

And so whatever comes next,
I have no regrets
Because I see this entire script and Mission Journey was set up to destroy forever my Trust my truth and meaning origins of Family still denied me even respect of simple courtesy of communion till this day

I.am still being punished because my Truth has not manifested, despite my Being delayed because I had fight to raise their vibrations and get clean to pass through the Holy of Holies
The Stargate
Arch of the covenant
Golden Arches


One Day …soon could even be Easter Day..
No one will forget me, no one but those I choose will have access to me…

I.know it that One Day has come and along with it my Indepence Day.

4:46 p.m

Despite this Evil Script of being Enslaved by the Truth to write this book for those Left behind when all I codes comes to pass right here and now.

4:48 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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