
4/19/2017 21:17 – Facebook Post

May 7th… 2013…


5..76…. 13 (Raheem bed 5-013… He also goes by the “official name Micheal… Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. 5-014…David… N.M.D… 1400 Pelham Park Way.. 14=N… N.M.D…5-013… 14… 55 27….
Brenda is here sitting exactly across me on my other side at the Woods Side of the Cafe…
8:57 P.M…She told me she went with her friend 6-30…F.C.. Called Francis to a Dunkin Dough-Nuts.. D D.. 44 S.P.. Goddess’s
they sat besides a woman who began to tell Brenda that she knew her… Brenda did not know her, but she spoke about her and the Church she goes to how she was a broken woman before and now is a Righteous Woman…
Brenda’s friend had pointed out before they sat down that the Woman was sad.
Brenda said she Pooh pahed it saying no she was not…
The woman spoke glowingly of Brenda and then said that she was sad…
Brenda paused and said “You know my friend just said that about you”
Francis means “Free Person” F P.. 6 16.. 22..V..
I turned to Brenda, you see what the line of the Shebas did to me, testing me and my flesh and being that they forgot about my Feelings…
That I exist and Feel..
See sacred Portal 90…
Which is why I turn my back forever from this world and Story when I leave….
She is sitting on the side of the Woods..
Me.. Metropolitan…

Marianne is the name of the persons in the first seat just heard her name…
Now 17 years old Leonardo is sitting across from me sharing a table with Saint Carlos…

M U S C L E….

M.U.S…(I..C) C L E…

From Obiora Kanu… O.K… Son of Charity Kanu… C.K.

He found and shared this image of me in that Beginning when I first came down…

The River is flowing from my Head…My pineal gland.. my crown…

Robert told me yesterday that I had activated him from the ground to his the Crown of his head by our conversation yesterday…

9:07 p.m.

See sacred Portal 97….16…P… 7..G…. 63.. F.C…9..I…79…
Full Circle….

Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka code REF…979…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic’s MTCN.. 700 907…0106….700 16 7…16..7…
907 7 7…90 3-7…90..21…I.O.U..
Yes you do…

Word Origin and History for coy. adj. early 14c., “quiet, modest, demure,” from Old French coi, earlier quei “quiet, still, placid, gentle,” ultimately from Latin quietus “resting, at rest” (see quiet (n.)). Meaning “shy” emerged late 14c. Meaning “unwilling to commit” is 1961.

Why should I commit when it was not my play….

Correct meaning.. Quiet.. Resting at Rest…

As the Image suggests…

I had Completed Everything… Everywhere for Everyone…


My life here this life time was a waste of my Life Time…
You Owe Me…?

That is the Understatement of Eternity…

9:13 p.m.


Not good enough… no where near…
You will make amends for Eternity…
9:14 p.m.
I N….


I Promise…

I am Elizabeth Clarizio.. E.C… Harmony O.E…
And this time I have made sure you never forget it…
To keep your vows and oaths to me until I am Satisfied…

9:16 p.m.

I.P Man..
I Planet and Infinite Plan-E.T..

9.17 P.M.

to the Line of Orien Laplante I address…
Great Spirit… ?

Say M.O.I.

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