
4/18/2016 23:55 – Facebook Post

4/18/2016 23:55 – Facebook Post
4/18/2016 23:55 – Facebook Post


And so we are back at 580 Face book friends..

E H.O…
E Harmony Full Circle..

Linked to Donna O’Sullivan..

And Welcome my New Face book friend Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel…

The Name is self explaining, Rain Bow Blue Love, Sky Heart Angel..


Rebels Ha!

18 22 12 19…8 1
R.V.L.S….H.A….. R.E.V.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S…
4th Cee Alpha Omega Harmony Alpha…

Meaning Existence Creation began in Harmony from within its very inception within Eternity…

Rain Bows to the Blue Love from the 5th Dimension, the Sky Hearts Messenger of Light…

As most of you are aware, the code which I have linked in a play which I was moved into without intention, but by a force which compromised by free will and choice, to forcibly move through the play for the last 15 years of proving that Everything in Existence in Harmony full Circle.

Meaning there is Logos, Order, Harmony Reason in All things.
I knew this and remembered this as a Child, which then as if this literal truth moved around me as I grew to be a man, forcing me to recognize it and then..

..Well lead you to read the message which Harmony- (Which creates music visuals, waves lengths, sound Sine light stories, epiphanies..) Meaning..creates.

And the meaning after 27 years of being on this wave, at first undercover, until I arrived in New York, and something happened to me the very first day in this city..

Tomorrow, is the last evidence if at last that what I have been stating, and that which an Energy has been moving through all, and on my Face Book.. to Confirm that which for 4-3 years on this page that tomorrow begins the Awakening…
It is symbolized by my leaving this Movie and that at the End of the Story there is my Family, your Family, The Beautiful Ones rising from within Humanity.. People remembering and literally coming back to their senses..

This is the affirmation and confirmation of the intelligence reporting, of the last 4 years.

I have completed my mission and the extended echo affirmation of translating and equation that which is unseen and linking it to the seen using Sixth sense.

I already knew and know this to be true..
and my focus is mainly on just how far this play and story would go..

I can not say that I am indifferent to the outcome, as my existence and comfort were always put at risk,
since it has played in a much different way that was originally written,
but it within it I could still see the original script…

What I am saying that the Echo Confirmation of my leaving tomorrow of the code day.. 4 19.. D.S..
Which links to Donna O’Sullivan D.S.. code age 58, car License E.H.F.79 10.. 89..E.H.F..H.I..O..G was missing…F.G..H.I…O…
6 7/76 The Awakening of G-7 Green 4th Note color dimension..
Time Space Nature, Death, Spirit, Waves-Musical Dimension.. 6th Senses Expression the 5 Senses in One…

So, you all can can read for yourselves right to
Gabin Okpe and Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel…

G.O.. We got the 7th Charkra or Wave Length…Through 5 Expression.. 57..12..L..and 3..Cee…


Thats also code For Aie!Sha.!

Yes, tomorrow its states begins the Literal, Evolution and Awakening of the World…
And for me it means I get to go home to rest,,,
And all of you will enjoy, the most unbelievable show the Universe and Existence have ever seen.

I leave with tomorrow for the moment with no idea of my destination or how it will play out…
I chose to do so because I know I told the Beautiful Truth and my codes and this play of Echo Affirmation confirmation coming through your perfect timing and name meanings, adding substance, concreteness to the meaning of what the Energetic Harmonious Meaning reveals..

That this is the Truth..

I have been exhausted and outraged by being used as some sort of a guinea pig in an experiment of “Will he find his way out of the Maze.. “Pans Labyrinth”.. Or will he be forever lost- when clear the Unseen and the Seen- you- know that I truly know the way by being able to read and move through the dimension unseen called Energy and finding my way to the Evolved beings.. You, the moment you awaken.. and in an instant you ascend and evolve..
Its like a Supreme Elevator…

You are my Family but the Evolved you which happens when your memories come back..

How will it play out.. I already know the what happens, but it is playing out so much differently (cruelly), that I can ever have imagined..

But Clearly this is the Way…

There is nothing wrong with my truths, my codes, my intelligence, my Sharing or mt Evidence.. They are all Facts..

I am indifferent to the outcome tomorrow…
But I know that it should be that all Humanity wake up to the consciousness of the 5th Dimension and in this new Invisible true Energy of the Source Dimension begin to Evolve and Wake up..
Or simply put come back to your senses..back to your selves..
Already evolved in the First Beginning, but now you have bodies, which you ca transform and align to the Bodies of the Evolved Beings by raising that to the Vibration of Existence’s True Cee..


11;55 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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