
4/18/2016 15:54 – Facebook Post

4/18/2016 15:54 – Facebook Post
4/18/2016 15:54 – Facebook Post

From Book memories..

A post a year ago today….

“6:28…Six sense being Harmonious.. code 68…

I keep coming back to the same places”

*This is a long equation and post…

I just had a conversation with Jonn Blackwell, about Pluto, Mars and Mercury (9-4-1.. from the Sun) being in retrograde an astrologically it means, he explained to me that it is going back to full circle, which in my case meant July when I first came here..
Which makes it 7-9-4…

The Code would be 9-4-1- I.D. A…and 7-9-4..G-D-I..

And from face book memories, this post I saw on my news feed ,
18-2015.. walking in the Void, the abyss- being the Universal Simulation Awareness’s play of translating the humanities idea of space as the Void, laced with fear..
The Unknown, and the not knowing when Death will come, which had to be transformed..
To death as Transformation by proving that while in the abyss- the streets of New York, enduring all those conditions which people associate as death, and that which sucks the Human Spirit- a Vacum, that all is known..even in not knowing which is the meaning of sixth sense, which is to me, the combining of the five senses into one..
5-1…1-5 is Red to Blue, which created Violet- 7th Chakra…
1-5-7… Which 15-7 is O 7..( Hence 007 J.B), and linked to Donna, code 1-57…
And most of all to Panegea.. One land Mass, 5 continents and Seven Seas. being also the Full Range of Sound and Sight…(Colors)… 157…13..and 22…M.V…D.D..H..
18 Mountain View.. Donna Diana Haun ( Jonn B)
157..51 which links to Jonn…and code Area 51… Merge them, it becomes 6..
Which aligns to sacred portal 76.. “Awakening of the World”
67 Sacred Portal ‘How far will you go for the Love-Truth?”

3 months after I posted this, I was at 268 East 4th Street, preparing to come to 18 Mountain View…M.V.

18 is the address here at 18 Mountain View…
The Date.. and the Letter R.- Robert, meaning ‘Famous Bright Shinning..Light”

Meaning that I already knew that I was being brought here to experience the Awakening- but despite having the foresight, I had to then prove it, express it in existence for 9 months every day, day and night here at 18 Mountain View…
And only now, as I am about to depart can I look back in Hindsight and know the my Intuition as well as my Harmony, knowing of my I ( Self) and that I had completed and Mapped out the Full Circle of Existence without anyone in this reality really knowing what I have done ( Or they would be clamoring at this Door, to celebrate..)
Thus, foresight, or sixth sense, can not be proven a Fact, without moving through ones Sixth sense, perhaps scrambled up to appear unrecognizable, to everyone but but you…
Because you already know that your sixth sense is a Fact..
But no one else but you does..
Which the required the play which went on here with myself and Jonn and and Donna at 18 Mountain View..

The 9 month play recorded day by day, without the distraction of which had dogged my foots steps for the last 15 years, the not knowing where you will sleep, eat, live, while solving the riddles of your Existence and thus, consequently all of Human Existence.. after all, we are all one..

9 Months, which anyone can go mack full Circle and Jonn read the astrological code, even explaining about why it is always 4 Quadrants… 4..a square which forms a circle within.. and the Circle forms an Orb, a Ball, Round Planet-Plane of Truth. A Rolling Rock, akin to Yeshua Christ story, of Jesus buried in a Tomb and his rich Father “Joseph the Merchant having taken his body…
But it creates a Hollow, when the Orb is removed…
A Circle Hollow in a Square..
and a Da Vinci – Vitruvian Man.. V.M/M.V…
Mountain View…
A Portal a Man to the realm beyond when the Orb, the square this Existence as Creation was born..
Because to remember all this ( and it being confirmed by the Unseen realm of Energy in Motion Intelligent Conscious and aware)- means that you were there..

Thus, the play was 9 months, but only in hindsight, does it make sense as to why it is 9 was 9 months, and that knowing that you are correct, and then the codes the links which anyone can read on my face book page from this moment 1 year ago to this moment, everything was aligned and correct- but through a play so intense, which was for me worse than even Hellish, because I was I was seeing my truth affirmed, and desired to simply go home, not understanding the play was me having to affirm to the public transparently all the Facts..
Linking them with non stop expression.. even right now…

That the Evolution Awakening is a Fact.. by expressing it through R-Reason,
“Robert” Famous Bright Shinning Light..?
It is Called Clarity…
Clarity while in the Dark about what is going on, why such a play when obviously Everything affirms that I am telling the Truth except the Human People,
who affirm it is True until they see it as a Fact..
Which will make it too late…

When some tells you that a Storm is coming and then goes out of their way to point this out step by step, at a great personal disadvantage and Cost…
And you ignore the storm signs and the expression, and the evidence..and all the precautions to take..
Because you keep doubting the evidence, or do not read, it or ignore the proofs..
Well when the Storm comes.. it will be too late…
Because the only reason that person as Hermes, Mercury the 1.. Messenger, of Mars-Ram, Pluto-Hades, is being put through all of this is because it was sent to prepare you.. And why would it send some one to prepare you with so much detail and sacrifice.. It is because of the awareness of the peoples habit of not paying attention or truly reading the natural signs…
Even the Planets..
The Messenger thus is a messenger of Truth and Love.. because the reason he was sent was to spare people from the Consequences of not being prepared for what is Approaching..

And evil play of this is people, deliberately setting up the messenger in such a evil. evil play to prove that he is telling the truth.. and yet at the same time not wanting to hear that Truth. And thus, through lets say 15 years of Torture and Torment see if he can be made to recant that Truth….

2:06 p.m..
That this is the literal End if your world as your knowing and that this is Evolution..
And just as the laws of Nature, and in this world History, species go into extinction if they do not adapt and evolve..

And so in I was guided by Foresight.. My Sixth senses already in One with my Being- which is called the state of being “Au-Eau Natural”
And though I have known the Truth of Evolution Awakening I have spent the last 4 years on Face and the Last 15 years, having to prov it to the world..
By going through everything I had been through before, but set up in an unrecognizable play, when everything affirmed the play right to the peoples Expressions- Higher self speaking to me, with the person aware ( I always point it out), and even to the furnishings, their dates of Both.. Everything…
Just as was done and recorded here…

The question of Sacred Portal 67..”How far would you go to make others prove to you the Truth of Love, for you…when the only one who truly benfefits is you.. How far will you let others go to prove the truth of their messenger sent to prepare you?” and should really link to sacred portal 65…”A Pit being carved out for those who go too far..
Which what this play has meant to me..and exemplified..
How far people would go to make you suffer for telling the Beautiful Truth.. by not saying stop.. I get the message and it is True..
In this case it went so far… that here I am being moved by this Energy moving through me like a wave to once more link and align and equation of expression which once more, uses my daily transparent empirical actuality reality.. and the expression of my Life to prove the Truth, and the beautiful truth of the process in which we are awakening..

So that each of you could try it out yourself and apply it to the template of your lifes..

Six Sense, Sixth Age, Six Planet.. 666.. link it as I have demonstrated for 9 months into reason…”Proton Electron Neutron” then pause after the completion of the Play- such as I am doing now at 18 Mountain View and use Hindsight…
To affirms and confirms that my first expression on my way here, were all a Fact..
That I was going to the realm of the Gods and backwards back into a play through the postal of the Shelter..
And then a battle so intense… on Face Book and in the real of Spirits and Minds of Humanity, consolidated in the two person Jonn and Donna, who had been assigned without being aware, the roles in the play to prove my sixth sense and solid awareness as the beautiful truth…
Being Pulled Back and the Tug of war to move it forward and not be stuck in the past..
And that is Expansion and Contraction of the Universe.. as well as a Mother about to give birth, after 9 Months..
Until the tug of war of past is resolved and the Forward to the Future..
Until Balance is made and we are finally at the Balance of the Past, aligned in one with the Future.. The First Light (Big Bang Orgasm), as First Light linked full circle from Do re mi fa sol! Ti..Do…D.D Full Circle
D.D…H.. 44 8 16..7… 8 7
R.R…I…. 1818.. 3 6 9…
Harmony through a story of Balance…
and expansion of the C of 3 by adding and Expanding.. 3 6 9.. Earth Saturn Pluto
E.S.P… Extraordinary Sensory Perception…

and that is why Foresight and Hindsight are on and the same.. yet different
68-F.H..E…1-5 8…5-1 8..
Thus Do Returns to Doe
Red Returns to Red…
Doe is the Fe male Deer, which represents “Doing” Full Cirlce..
Red is the 4th Planet, Mars. it forms a Square…
.. And a Circle. A Hollow a Portal.. Sound Sight Colors…
But it is not the same as before, it has added and expanded upon the First Light that First Sound and Song of Creation and Existence…
to Fact- Truth Love…t.l..20 12 ..32..5..is the meaning of Existence..

In the basement where I have slept for the last 9 months,
I mentioned is a Sub Way plaque of the same lines on Trains I slept of for over a months-which while I was going through the experience, I posted that I was aware that I was journeying through Sub Space..
April 18 this is where I was to the Physical date Last year..
I was stating that I was passing through the Tunnel of Love..
The Heart, 4 Chakra, 4th Dimension Green.. which I mentioned as the color I saw when I arrived in this venue.. outside a Green mist and the colors in the home,
Violet.. and the Number 7 on Donna’s Table..
I came here with a Poster of the 7 Chakras and a poster of James Deam.. J.D..
104.. Sacred portal crossing the portal of Death and the E.N.D..

Road here has a sign Dead End..D.E 45/54

Both Donna and Jonn linked 54, Donna and Sophia her daughter standing in from of The Bean 3rd and 2nd/ 2nd and 3rd.. 32/ 23…
Jonn working at 54 South Mountain Road.. Meaning 54 54 108.. 18..
Meaning they were aligned to the correct equation.. 5+4=9..
And not its reflection called the World Mirror…45 45.. 90…I.O.

Sacred Portal 9O “Is Spirit E.. Energy Movement of Existence.. and is linked to me..
Which means which is the play and which is real…
108..or 90…
One is a Story and one is the actual Truth…
But since we have proven full circle that they are one and the same…
108..90…198…18 9…
27.. Easter… 9…I


Just as the astrological chart Jonn brought to my addition of my being back in July 19, 9 Months ago is a Full circle of gestation of Conception to Birth…
and that numerically through Face Book Memories, exactly and year ago align to me the truths I expressed even before I entered this 9 months play could only be affirmed through Hindsight… When one is forced to Look back and observe what you already knew as A Fact and bear the anger of why waste my Time..
If one is aware of ones truth as fact from beginning to end, why must be or she be forced to look back when one quarter, inn the process, or even way before, even the first week, one identifies in that space all the affirmations confirmations..

Why must this person be forced to endure when he or she has already proven correct in all scores…
Some people do not have to look back or go back to the very beginning..
This person had not doubt and proved it..

It is those who have doubt, who have no stance in which they are sure, who must go back and back until they get it..
That is when these astrological Blue Prints serve you well.. because you are not yet sure or confident in yourself..

So the only reason beings of True Confidence were set up in these scenarios was the Ultimate Expression of Cruelty and Evil.. Selfishness to an extreme of False Ego..
Because it was nothing to do with the Facts, but Control, through deception and manipulation.. and Too proud to ask, and state that you have lost your way…
And that you Need something from these being who already knows and has pointed the way…

The Ultimate abuse of Power….
An arrogance belief of the play of men and woman believing that they are Gods..
And perhaps within them they have the memory, but not the literally memory of what is it that is Truly a God…
It is to me some one who has reached the Height of Enlightenment as the Crown Chakra as well as the Kundalini, meaning understanding the most Elemental Nature of Being, Primal.. and Linked it t the Highest note of the Ethereal nature of Being.. Ascend and Descend.. Descend and Ascend.. A.D.D..A..”Joseph”
DA Elightens Organization..
Root Chakra- Kundalini to Crown Chakra meaning the B-east nature Instinct..’Orientation’- Attraction- E.M.G..G.P.S.. links to Sixth Sense In clarity of Expression… Intuition Music…
Instinct and Intuition
I and I..
99.. 18…R…Robert Rodriguez…

Rodrigo means “Famous Ruler”… Rod- Phallus- Ruler- the Measure of a Man..
We use a Ruler to Draw and Straight Line.. and to plot a Navigation Route..
Air Water…E Energy…. Grounding.. Land and Cee…

Excellent I have got the Second R,’s Last name which links with my former host and colleague, Albert, E.Rodriguez Santana…

And his sons Royal Reign…5 and 4 Years old…now 6 and 5 years…

Human being created the Idea of God and then gave It their own contaminated definition by the lack of the True Cee of themselves and why they were here…
The Created a God which manifested into a monster…
Because not only had they filled the Idea of God with their Human Needs and Fears, but also with out the understanding of how they are here evolving to became complete..
And yet they would not let go of the nonsensical idea of God..
something to take the fall, some one most deep with continue to Hate so deeply,
who they blame for everything which of course created a non stop dulaity..

And yet it is this God I have found in no other Existence than in the behavior of men and women in this world…
Despite the ultimate Hypocrisy of defining God as Love…?

What else has the arrogance to demand that some one, or others prove that they message they are bringing is Truth and Love, deny it, for all manner of reasons, then create set ups and stories, mind games and test…An arguments and horrible expressions.. And even after all this not come clean and admit what they have caused.. The evil they have done… and continue expecting more.. until they are convinced…
This is what the Play set up literally explored.. and enabled us to see..
The meaning of Pride distorted to worst form of deceit… and Conceit..
And they will never stop…
Until you cut them out of Existence..
Which is why I came with the Sword..

But the play was set up,and so I had to go through it..
and then document it for those who gave into doubt and even would not stop projecting their fears on something that was so obviously a messenger of Love…
When once more, He, or She is forced to prove that From First Sound, First Light, Alpha Omega Alpha- to 1-8,9,O…A-Z.A.B.C.. that there has always been Harmony presents but it was a Choice of what each chose to see.. and ignore..
The obvious writing on the Wall..

P.E.N..D.U.N.E..The Gods, the twin universes, and more, was all posted on Face Book just before I came here, simply by recognizing the numbers ( 19.. 147.. The Bean, 1st and 9th street), the letters, the meaning.. the people..
I had been here before…

And that the very day I came here everything had been set up firming my Truth..
That this is the moment of Evolution Awakening…
Not a Battle for Supremacy…
I have already been..

The only benefit of the 48 Year Experience, is the Data Compiled day by day, of the process and the way the E line see..
The Facts…
The only question is what is that Evil and Cruel…
to force anyone to live and go through such an experience..
I for one already know the answer..

And I have left enough clues so that you in turn can see, for yourselves
who and what allowed Evil to go so far…

The True Source of Evil was the manifested and activated horrible interpretation and representation of Human Beings playing God.. 0 and Death….

That they are they ones in Control…
Instead of remembering that they are here to learn…

Death is the True Meaning of God…
Every one has to Die..
But not everyone will Transform…
Only the True will Be reborn..
Which I am representing that Process
9 Month Tomorrow and
R and R
D and D….
18 9..3 6 9..
I and I =I
IS Born

3:54 p.m

As you might know I am sharing all these posts and memories,
etc… to exemplify how to read and apply these codes and patterns in your own personal template of your life’s…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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